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Neckera Hedw., nom. cons.
N. berteroana Schimp. ex Mitt. = Neckera scabridens
fide Sastre-de Jesus 1987.
N. chilensis Schimp.
Mitten 1869; Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908; Thériot
1915, 1917; Herzog 1922, 1954; Brotherus 1924a; Reimers 1926;
Herzog & Hosseus 1938; Matteri 1985b; Deguchi 1991b (as Neckera
jamesoni , Mitten 1869).
Dist. METRO. Cordillera; IV. Choapa (Mahu 12557 ,
24052 ), Limari (Mahu 21089 , 21108 ); V. Aconcagua
(Mahu 10487 ), Petorca (Moreno 23417 ), Valparaiso;
VIII. Bio-Bio (Mahu 5999 , 22300 ), Nuble (Mahu
23476 ); IX. Cautin; X. Llanquihue, Osorno (Mahu 21155 ,
22220 ), Valdivia (Mahu 23393 , 23729 ); XI.
Aisen; XII. Magallanes.
N. jamesoni Tayl. = Neckera chilensis
fide Sastre-de Jesus 1987.
N. rotundata Broth. in Skottsb.
Brotherus 1924b; Bartram 1957; Robinson 1975.
Dist. Juan Fernandez Is.
N. scabridens C. Müll. var.
Mitten 1869; Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908; Herzog 1922,
1954, 1960; Reimers 1926; Bartram 1952; Seki 1974; Deguchi 1991b
(as Neckera berteroana , Mitten 1869; Thériot 1915).
Dist. METRO. Santiago; IV. Choapa (Mahu 13819 , Moreno
13446 ); V. Petorca (Mahu 13569 , Mahu
& Mahu 13160 ), Valparaiso; VIII. Nuble; IX. Cautin
(Mahu 11286 , 11323 ), Malleco (Mahu 23455 );
X. Llanquihue (Mahu 22803 ), Osorno (Mahu 7748 , 21708 ),
Valdivia (Elgueta 11183 , Mahu 23396 ); XI. Aisen.
N. scabridens var. porteri Thér.
Thériot 1915, 1917.
Dist. V. Valparaiso; X. Valdivia.
Neoloma fuegianum Card. == Andreaea fuegiana
fide Greene 1972.
Neuroloma fuegianum Card. == Andreaea fuegiana
fide Greene 1972.
Neomeesia Deguchi (MEESIACEAE Schimp.)
N. paludella (Besch.) Deguchi
Deguchi 1983, Deguchi 1991b (as Dicranella paludella ,
Dusén 1905b; Cardot 1908; Cardot & Brotherus 1923;
as Anisothecium paludellum , Roivainen 1937; Herzog 1954;
Matteri 1985b).
Dist. XII. Magallanes, Tierra de Fuego; Cerro-Tesoro-Massiv.
Notoligotrichum G. L. Smith
N. angulatum (Card. & Broth.)
G. L. Smith
Seki 1974; Deguchi 1991b (as Psilopilum angulatum ,
Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Matteri 1985b).
Dist. IX. Malleco; X. Osorno; XI. Aisen; XII. Magallanes;
Tierra del Fuego.
N. australe (Hook.f. & Wils.) G. L. Smith
Dist. IX. Malleco (Mahu 6107 ).
N. minimum (Card.) G. L. Smith
Robinson 1975 (as Polytrichadelphus minimus , Cardot
1908; as Psilopilum minimum , Matteri 1985b).
Dist. XII. Hoste Is., Magallanes, Tierra del Fuego; Juan
Fernandez Is.
N. tapes (C. Müll.) G. L. Smith
var. tapes
(as Psilopilum cuspidatum , Dusén 1905a).
Dist. XII. Tierra del Fuego.
N. tapes var. apiculatum (Card.)
G. L. Smith
(as Psilopilum tapes var. apiculatum , Cardot
& Brotherus 1923).
Dist. Tierra del Fuego
N. trichodon (Hook.f. & Wils.)
Deguchi 1991b (as Psilopilum trichodon , Matteri 1985b;
Psilopilum antarcticum , Cardot 1908; Brotherus 1924b; as
Psilopilum antarcticum var. densifolium , Cardot
& Brotherus 1923; as Psilopilum magellanicum , Dusén
Dist. XII. Magallanes, Tierra del Fuego; Juan Fernandez
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