Representative specimen
Section of Caucasus
Aetheopappus pulcherrimus (Willd.) Cass.
Northern Caucasus, Karachai-Cherkess Autonomous Region, upper course of the Kuban River, Karachai district, vicinity of village Khuzruk, below the inflow of the Ulu-Khuzruk River, right side, screes, h ~ 3 km, 04.VIII.1989, coll. Yu.Menitsky, T.Popova, V.Byalt, S.Kuzmenkova, No 106a
Byalt V.V.
Kuzmenkova S.
Menitsky Yu.L.
Popova T.N.
Russia (Caucasus) [Asia]
Raenko L.M., Cherneva O.V., 2005