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    GIS Bibliography

General GIS Journal Articles Spatial Modeling
Bojorquez-Tapia, L.A., Balvanera, P., and A.D. Cuaron. 1994. Environmental auditing: Biological inventories and computer databases: their role in environmental assessments. Environmental Management 18(5): 775-785.

Predicting Species Occurrences: Issues of Scale and Accuracy, (ed. J. M. Scott, P. J. Heglund & M. Morrison) Island Press, Covelo, CA.

Fearnside, P.M. and J. Ferraz. 1994. A conservation gap analysis of Brazil's Amazonian vegetation. Conservation Biology 9(5): 1134-1147.

Austin, M. P. & Meyers, J. A. (1996) Current approaches to modelling the environmental niche of eucalypts: implications for management of forest biodiversity. Forest Ecology and Management 85, 95-106.

Funk, V.A., Fernanda, Z., and N. Nasir. 1999. Testing the use of specimen data and GIS in biodiversity exploration and conservation decision making in Guyana. Biological Conservation 8: 727-759.

Bio, A. M. F. (2000) Does Vegetation Suit Our Models? Data and Model Assumptions and the Assessment of Species Distribution in Space, PhD thesis, published., Utrecht University, Netherlands.

Jones, P., Beebe, S., Tohme, J ., and N. Galwey. 1997. The use of geographical information systems in biodiversity exploration and conservation. Biodiversity and Conservation 6: 947-958.

Bio, A. M. F., Alkemande, R. & Barendregt, A. (1998) Determining alternative models for vegetation response analysis - a non-parametric approach. Journal of Vegetation Science 9, 5-16.

Kiester, A.R., Scott, J.M., Csuti, B., Noss, R.F., Butterfield, B. Sahr, K., and D. White. 1996. Conservation Prioritization Using Gap Data. Conservation Biology 10(5): 1332-1342.

Buckland, S. T., Burnham, K. P. & Augustin, N. H. (1997) Model selection: an integral part of inference. Biometrics 53, 603-618.

Kress, W.J., Heyer, P., Acevedo, P., Coddington, J., Cole, D., Erwin, T.L., Meggers, B.J., Pogue, M., Thorington, R.W., Vari, R.P., Weitzman, M.J., and S.H. Weitzman. 1998. Amazonian biodiversity: assessing conservation priorities with taxonomic data. Biodiversity and Conservation 7: 1577-1587.

Burgman, M. A., Breininger, D. R., Duncan, B. W. & Ferson, S. (2001) Setting reliability bounds on Habitat Suitability Indices. Ecological Applications 11, 70-78.

Lechmere-Oertel, R.G., and R.M. Cowling. 1999. Predicting the distribution of fynbos and succulent karoo biome boundaries and plant communities using generalised linerar models and geographic information systems. South African Journal of Botany 65(1): 89-96.

Byrt, E., Bishop, J. & Carlin, J. B. (1993) Bias, prevalence and kappa. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 46, 423-429.

Prasad, S.N., Vijayan, L., Balachandran, S., Ramachandran, V.S., and C.P.A. Verghese. 1998. Conservation planning for the Western Ghats of Kerala: A GIS approach for location of biodiversity hot spots. Current Science 75(3): 211-219.

Carpenter, G., Gillison, A. N. & Winter, J. (1993) DOMAIN: a flexible modelling procedure for mapping potential distributions of plants and animals. Biodiversity and Conservation 2, 667-680.

Rhoads, A.F., and L. Thompson. 1992. Integrating herbarium data into a geographic information system: requirements for spatial analysis. Taxon 41: 43-49.

Ferrier, S. 2002. Mapping spatial pattern in biodiversity for regional conservation planning: where to from here? Syst. Biol. 51:331-363.

Sanchez-Cordero, V. and E. Martinez-Meyer. 2000. Museum specimen data predict crop damage by tropical rodents. PNAS 97 (13): 7074-7077.

Ferrier, S. & Pearce, J. (1996) An Evaluation of the Accuracy of Habitat Models for Vertebrates and Vascular Plants. Project No. FBU NP6, Consultancy report prepared by New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service for the Australian Nature Conservation Agency; Canberra.

Shultz, L.M. 2000. Using geographical information systems in floristic studies. SIDA, Bot. Misc. 18: 73-81.

Ferrier, S., Watson, G., Pearce, J. & Drielsma, M. (2002) Extended statistical approaches to modelling spatial pattern in biodiversity: the north-east New South Wales experience. I. Species-level modelling. Biodiversity and Conservation 11: 2275-230.

Soveron, J., Llorente, J., and H. Benitez. 1996. An international view of national biological surveys. 0. 83: 562-573.

Ferrier, S., Drielsma, M, Manion, G., & Watson, G. (2002) Extended statistical approaches to modelling spatial pattern in biodiversity: the north-east New South Wales experience. II. Community-level modelling. Biodiversity and Conservation 11: 2309-2338.

Skov, F. & F. Borchsenius. 1997. Predicting plant species distribution patterns using simple climatic parameters: a case study of Ecuadorian palms. Ecography 20:347-355.

Fielding, A. H. & Bell, J. F. (1997) A review of methods for the assessment of prediction errors in conservation presence/absence models. Environmental Conservation 24, 38-49. Note: Seminal paper.

Skov, F. & F. Borchsenius. 1999. Conservation status of palms (Arecaceae) in ecuador. Acta Bot. Venez. 22(1): 221-236.

Funk, V.A. and K.S. Richardson. 2002. Systematic data in biodiversity studies: use it or lose it. Syst. Biol. 51:303-316. Note: Great for systematics perspective.

Skov, F. 2000. Potential plant distribution mapping based on climate similarity. Taxon 49:503-515.

Guisan, A. & Zimmerman, N. E. (2000) Predictive habitat distribution models in ecology. Ecological Modelling 135, 147-186.Note: Model Review Paper!

Ved, D.K., Barve, V., Noorunnisa Begum, S., and R. Latha. 1998. Eco-distribution mapping of the priority medicinal plants of southern India. Current Science 75(3): 205-208.
Hastie, T. & Tibshirani, R. (1990) Generalized Additive Models, edn. Chapman and Hall, London.

Fotheringham, S. and Rogerson, P. 1995. Spatial Analysis and GIS. Taylor & Francis.

Hirzel, A. H. & Guisan, A. (in press) Which is the optimal strategy for habitat suitability modelling? Ecological Modelling.

Goodchiled, M.F., et al. 1996. GIS and Environmental Modelling: Progress and Research Issues. GIS World Books.

Hirzel, A. H., Helfer, V. & Metral, F. (2001) Assessing habitat-suitability models with a virtual species. Ecological Modelling 145, 111-121.

Mitchell, A. 1999. The ESRI Guide to GIS Analysis: Vol. 1: Geographic Patterns & Relationships. Environmental Systems Research Institute. (Available in GIS lab).

Hugall, A., Moritz, C., Moussalli, A., and J. Stanisic. 2002. Reconciling paleodistribution models and comparative phylogeography in the Wet Tropics rainforest land snail Gnarosophia bellendenkerensis (Brazier 1875). PNAS.

ESRI Virtual Campus - Library  
ESRI's website has a great bibliography section that allows the user to search for papers that deal with GIS projects. Most of these papers have been presented at the User Conferences or at other Conferences and not always published in scientific journals. Searches are done using keywords, authors, journals, etc. Examples of subjects tested are: conservation, climate, herbarium, biodiversity, biogeography.

Leathwick, J. R. (1995) Climatic relationships of some New Zealand forest tree species. Journal of Vegetation Science 6, 237-248.

Science, 29 September 2000. Vol. 289(5488). Special Issue: Bioinformatics for Biodiversity The above link contains all of the links discussed in the articles.

Manel, S., Ceri Williams, H. & Ormerod, S. J. (2001) Evaluating presence-absence models in ecology: the need to account for prevalence. Journal of Applied Ecology 38, 921-931.

This issue takes a look at the emerging science of "biodiversity informatics" -- the efforts under way to make the vast, decentralized resources of global biodiversity information available in digital form, and the enormous challenge of imposing consistency and compatibility among the scores of searchable databases on the world's biota.

Moisen, G. G. & Frescino, T. S. (2002) Comparing five modeling techniques for predicting forest characteristics. Ecological Modelling 157(2).

Included articles are: "Diversity Digitized," "Taxonomic Revival," "The Quiet Revolution: Biodiversity Informatics and the Internet," and "Interoperability of Biodiversity Databases: Biodiversity Information on Every Desktop."

Pearce, J. & Ferrier, S. (2000) Evaluating the predictive performance of habitat models developed using logistic regression. Ecological Modelling 133, 225-245. Note: Another good model evaluation paper.


Pearce, J. L., Cherry, K., Drielsma, M., Ferrier, S. & Whish, G. (2001) Incorporating expert knowledge and fine-scale vegetation mapping into statistical modelling of faunal distribution. Journal of Applied Ecology 38, 412-424.


Peterson, A.T. 2001. Predicting species' geographic distributions based on ecological niche modeling. Condor 103:599-605.


Peterson, A.T.& Vieglais, D.A. 2001. Predicting species invasions using ecological niche modeling: new approaches from bioinformatics attack a pressing problem. BioScience 51:363-.


*Peterson, A.T., Ortega-Muerta, M.A., Bartley, J., Sanchez-Cordero, V., Soberon, J., Buddemeier, R.H. & Stockwell, D.R.B. (2002) Future projections for Mexican faunas under global climate change scenarios. Nature 416:626- Note: Shows powerful application of modeling for multiple scecies.


Rykiel, E. J. J. (1996) Testing ecological models: the meaning of validation. Ecological Modelling 90, 229-244.


Stockwell, D.R.B. & Peterson, A.T. 2002. Effects of sample size on accuracy of species distribution models. Ecological Modelling 148:1-13.


Yee, T. W. & Mitchell, N. D. (1991) Generalized additive models in plant ecology. Journal of Vegetation Science 2, 587-602.


Zaniewski, A. E., Lehmann, A. & Overton, J. M. (2002) Predicting species distribution using presence-only data: a case study of native New Zealand ferns. Ecological Modelling 157(2).

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