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7. EPHEDRANTHUS S. Moore, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 4: 296, pl. 21. 1895.
Shrubs or trees with indument of simple hairs. Leaves shortly petiolate, the midvein prominent on the lower surface. Flowers solitary and axillary, staminate, pistillate(?), or bisexual (plants dioecious or androdioecious); receptacle hemispheric; pedicels short, articulated, with 4--6 bracts, these mostly below the (sub)basal articulation but at least one above. Sepals 3, free, imbricate; petals 6, free, subequal, oblong to orbicular, membranous, imbricate. Stamens numerous; anthers not locellate, the connective dilated and disciform at the apex. Carpels numerous, free, each carpel with a single, basal, erect ovule; stigmas capitate, sessile. Monocarps various, free, stipitate.
Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay; 5 species, 1 in Venezuela.
Ephedranthus guianensis R.E. Fr., Acta Horti Berg. 10(2): 176. 1931.
Tree ca. 8 m tall; secondary veins of leaves arcuate, 6--8 per side, prominent on lower surface. Riparian forests, 300--400 m; Amazonas (upper Río Orinoco above confluence with Río Ugueto). Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Peru. Fig. 369.
8. FUSAEA (Baill.) Saff., Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 18(1): 64. 1914. ---Duguetia sect. Fusaea Baill., Adansonia 8: 326. 1868.
by Paul E. Berry
Shrubs or trees with an indument of simple hairs. Flowers extra-axillary, solitary or in pairs, bisexual; peduncles with 1 or 2 bracteoles. Calyx relatively large, 3-parted, the lobes joined for most of their length and opening irregularly, then caducous, the base of the calyx thicker and persistent as a collar-like structure around the pedicel; petals 6, large, sericeous, imbricate, ovate-spathulate, the inner ones somewhat larger than the outer ones. Outermost stamens sterile, converted into small, obovate, imbricate, petaloid staminodes; inner stamens fertile, with the connectives dilated at the apex; anthers not locellate. Fruit syncarpous, globose, smooth, areolate. Seeds small, surrounded by edible pulp.
Amazonian Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia; 3 species, 1 in Venezuela.
Fusaea longifolia (Aubl.) Saff., Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 18(1): 65, figs. 73, 74. 1914. ---Annona longifolia Aubl., Hist. Pl. Guiane 615, t. 248. 1775. ---Duguetia longifolia (Aubl.) Baill., Adansonia 8: 327. 1868. ---Aberemoa longifolia (Aubl.) Baill., Hist. Pl. 1: 205, figs. 233--235. 1868. ---Majagua de tierra firme.
Tree 5--10 m; young stems ferrugineous-puberulent; leaves narrowly elliptic-oblong, 20--30 × 4--7 cm, acuminate; petals ca. 3 × 2 cm at anthesis, sericeous; fruits ca. 6--10 cm diameter, edible. Slope forests, 100--400 m; Bolívar (near Santa María de Erebato), Amazonas (Río Guayapo basin). Additional countries as for the genus. Fig. 370.