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7. EPHEDRANTHUS S. Moore, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 4: 296, pl. 21. 1895.

by Paul E. Berry

Shrubs or trees with indument of simple hairs. Leaves shortly petiolate, the midvein prominent on the lower surface. Flowers solitary and axillary, staminate, pistillate(?), or bisexual (plants dioecious or androdioecious); receptacle hemispheric; pedicels short, articulated, with 4--6 bracts, these mostly below the (sub)basal articulation but at least one above. Sepals 3, free, imbricate; petals 6, free, subequal, oblong to orbicular, membranous, imbricate. Stamens numerous; anthers not locellate, the connective dilated and disciform at the apex. Carpels numerous, free, each carpel with a single, basal, erect ovule; stigmas capitate, sessile. Monocarps various, free, stipitate.

Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay; 5 species, 1 in Venezuela.

Ephedranthus guianensis R.E. Fr., Acta Horti Berg. 10(2): 176. 1931.

Tree ca. 8 m tall; secondary veins of leaves arcuate, 6--8 per side, prominent on lower surface. Riparian forests, 300--400 m; Amazonas (upper Río Orinoco above confluence with Río Ugueto). Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Peru. Fig. 369.

8. FUSAEA (Baill.) Saff., Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 18(1): 64. 1914. ---Duguetia sect. Fusaea Baill., Adansonia 8: 326. 1868.

by Paul E. Berry

Shrubs or trees with an indument of simple hairs. Flowers extra-axillary, solitary or in pairs, bisexual; peduncles with 1 or 2 bracteoles. Calyx relatively large, 3-parted, the lobes joined for most of their length and opening irregularly, then caducous, the base of the calyx thicker and persistent as a collar-like structure around the pedicel; petals 6, large, sericeous, imbricate, ovate-spathulate, the inner ones somewhat larger than the outer ones. Outermost stamens sterile, converted into small, obovate, imbricate, petaloid staminodes; inner stamens fertile, with the connectives dilated at the apex; anthers not locellate. Fruit syncarpous, globose, smooth, areolate. Seeds small, surrounded by edible pulp.

Amazonian Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia; 3 species, 1 in Venezuela.

Fusaea longifolia (Aubl.) Saff., Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 18(1): 65, figs. 73, 74. 1914. ---Annona longifolia Aubl., Hist. Pl. Guiane 615, t. 248. 1775. ---Duguetia longifolia (Aubl.) Baill., Adansonia 8: 327. 1868. ---Aberemoa longifolia (Aubl.) Baill., Hist. Pl. 1: 205, figs. 233--235. 1868. ---Majagua de tierra firme.

Tree 5--10 m; young stems ferrugineous-puberulent; leaves narrowly elliptic-oblong, 20--30 × 4--7 cm, acuminate; petals ca. 3 × 2 cm at anthesis, sericeous; fruits ca. 6--10 cm diameter, edible. Slope forests, 100--400 m; Bolívar (near Santa María de Erebato), Amazonas (Río Guayapo basin). Additional countries as for the genus. Fig. 370.