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14. ROLLINIA A. St.-Hil., Fl. Bras. Merid. 1: 28, t. 5. 1827 [1824].
Trees or shrubs with simple or rarely stellate to furcate hairs. Inflorescence supra-axillary to leaf-opposed, few-flowered or rarely solitary, shortly pedunculate; pedicels articulate, bracteate at the base and usually above the articulation. Flowers bisexual; receptacle convex. Sepals 3, valvate, free or rarely connate into a cup-shaped base; petals 6, connate, biseriately valvate, the outer 3 prolonged into a wing or spur, the inner 3 small, green to yellow, inner base red. Stamens numerous, anthers not locellate, the connective expanded and truncate above the anther. Carpels several to numerous, ovule 1, basal. Monocarps coalesced into a globose or ovoid fruit.
Central America, West Indies, Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, northern Argentina; ca. 45 species, 5 in Venezuela, 2 of these in the flora area.
1. Leaves glaucous on the lower surface and covered with papillae, coriaceous; sepals gibbous; fruit 1--2.5 cm diameter, with 30--50 scarcely el-evated carpels; seeds 5--6 mm long...R. exsucca
1. Leaves without glaucous cover and papillae on the lower surface, chartaceous; sepals not gibbous; fruit 2--20 cm diameter, with 30--150 carpels each with a distinct spine to 1 cm high; seeds 7--18 mm long...R. mucosa
Rollinia exsucca (DC. ex Dunal) A. DC., Mém. Soc. Phys. Genève 5: 199, t. 2, fig. a. 1832. ---Annona exsucca DC. ex Dunal, Monogr. Anonac. 77. 1817. ---Anoncillo, Tuwae yó (Panare).
Rollinia multiflora Splitg., Tijdschr. Natuurl. Gesch. Physiol. 9: 97. 1842.
Tree 5--20 m; leaves (narrowly) oblong-elliptic, 8--20 × 3--8 cm; fruit globose, 1--2.5 cm diameter. Evergreen, semideciduous, and riparian forests, 100--900 m; Delta Amacuro (Santa Catalina, Serranía de Imataca), Bolívar (common in the eastern and northern portions), Amazonas (upper Río Orinoco, Río Ventuari). Trinidad, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Brazil. Fig. 385.
Rollinia mucosa (Jacq.) Baill., Adansonia 8: 268. 1868. ---Annona mucosa Jacq., Observ. Bot. 1: 16. 1764.
Tree to 25 m; leaves narrowly elliptic, 10--25 × 4--9 cm; fruit subglobose, 2--12(--20) cm diameter. Cultivated and locally escaped in open places around villages, 300--400 m; Bolívar (Suruvay at base of Serranía Marutaní). Aragua, Barinas, Cojedes, Distrito Federal, Falcón, Lara, Mérida, Miranda, Táchira, Yaracuy; Central America, West Indies, Colombia, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia.
This species is cultivated throughout tropical America for its delicious fruit.
15. TETRAMERANTHUS R.E. Fr., Acta Horti Berg. 12: 554, fig. 41. 1939.
Shrubs or trees, stems pubescent to glabrous. Leaves spirally arranged, often crowded at the end of the branchlets. Indument of both vegetative and inflorescence parts of stellate tufts of hairs. Inflorescence axillary, 1-flowered or umbellately several-flowered; pedicels articulate in the lower half at or above the base with usually 4 (or fewer) narrow bracts just below the articulation. Flowers medium-sized, bisexual; receptacle convex. Sepals (3)4, imbricate; petals (6)8, imbricate, the inner petals usually somewhat smaller and narrower. Stamens numerous; anther with a conical prolongation of the connective, not locellate. Carpels numerous or few, free, the ovaries pilose with a depressed, sessile stigma; ovules 2, lateral. Monocarps free, subelliptic to suboblong, stipitate or sessile, 1- or 2-seeded, thick-walled, indehiscent.
Amazon basin in Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, and Brazil; 6 species, 1 in Venezuela.
Tetrameranthus duckei R.E. Fr., Acta Horti Berg. 12: 557, fig. 41. 1939. ---Majagua.
Tree 3--8 m; flowers greenish; fruiting carpels yellow-green with constricted areas, 4.5--7 cm long, 1- or 2-seeded. Low forests on white sand, ca. 100 m; Amazonas (Río Pasimoni, near San Carlos de Río Negro). Amazonian Colombia and Brazil. Fig. 386.