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6. DUGUETIA A. St.-Hil., Fl. Bras. Merid. 1: 35, t. 7. 1827 [1824].

by Paul J. M. Maas

Trees or shrubs with subentire, stellate, or lepidote scales or stellate hairs. Inflorescences ± opposite the leaves, or rarely produced from older branches or from the trunk (flagelliform from base of trunk in D. flagellaris), 1--many-flowered. Flowers medium-sized or large, bisexual. Sepals 3, valvate; petals 6, biseriately imbricate. Stamens numerous; anthers not locellate; connective expanded into a truncate or capitate disk over the anther locules, rarely minute or absent; receptacle conical. Carpels numerous, the outer ones sterile and forming a basal collar; ovule solitary, erect, basal. Carpels sessile, separate or rarely partly fused, strongly coherent (making the fruit pseudosyncarpous), fleshy or woody.

Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay; ca. 75 species, 19 species in Venezuela, 18 of these in the flora area.

Key to the Species of Duguetia

1. Inflorescence flagelliform, arising from the base of the trunk and trailing over the forest floor, inflorescence branches to 2 m long; petals pink to red...D. flagellaris

1. Inflorescence not flagelliform; petals creamy to yellowish white...2

2(1). Young stems and leaves covered with stellate hairs...3

2. Young stems and leaves covered with lepidote or stellate scales...7

3(2). Stems and fruits densely covered with a woolly indument of ferrugineous hairs...D. sp. B

3. Stems and fruits with a different indument than above...4

4(3). Leaves 2-colored, the lower surface with a dense indument of white hairs; fruit composed of 150--200 strongly flattened carpels...D. uniflora

4. Leaves 1-colored, the lower surface never with an indument of white hairs...5

5(4). Young stems and lower surface of leaves sparsely hairy to glabrous; leaves 30--40 × 7--15 cm; petals 3--5 cm long; fruits blackish when dry, with ca. 50 carpels, the apical portion of the carpels irregularly wrinkled...D. macrophylla

5. Young stems and lower surface of leaves densely hairy; leaves and petals smaller than above; fruits never blackish when dry, nor the apical portion of the carpels wrinkled...6

6(5). Leaves 10--30 × 5--12.5 cm, symmetrical, long-acuminate; sepals and petals of the same length, 1--1.5 cm long; fruit 1.5--2.5 cm diameter, com-posed of 10--20 carpels...D. pycnastera

6. Leaves 8--20 × 2.5--6 cm, often slightly oblique, acute; petals 1.5--3.5 cm long, much longer than the sepals; fruit ca. 6 cm diameter, composed of ca. 200 carpels...D. sp. C

7(2). Leaves with a distinct marginal vein sunken on the upper surface like the secondary veins; cauliflorous trees (rarely cauliflorous in other species such as D. megalophylla); pedicels to 5 cm long; fruit 5--7 cm diameter, with ca. 100 carpels, the apical portion pyramidal, 6-ribbed, brownish velutinous, pungent...D. cauliflora

7. Leaves without a distinct, marginal vein; trees usually not cauliflorous...8

8(7). Lower surface of leaves sparsely to rather densely covered with scales, never completely covering the surface...9

8. Lower surface of leaves densely covered with scales, completely (or almost so) covering the surface...13

9(8). Sepals 3--5 cm long; pedicels 2.5--4 cm long; fruit 4--6 cm long, with ca. 100 carpels...D. megalophylla

9. Sepals and pedicels much shorter...10

10(9). Fruit with 10--15 carpels, 1.5--2 cm diameter, the apical portion of the carpels broadly rounded, apiculate; leaves shiny above, 15--23 × 6--9 cm...D. pauciflora

10. Fruit with 40--100 carpels...11

11(10). Fruit of shiny brown, narrowly to broadly pyramidal carpels; sepals 1--1.5 cm long; petals 1--2 cm long...D. quitarensis

11. Fruit of nonshiny carpels...12

12(11). Leaves coriaceous, 2-colored; small savanna shrubs 1--2(--5) m tall...D. dimorphopetala12. Leaves chartaceous, 1-colored; forest trees 2--10 m tall...D. calycina

13(8). Upper surface of leaves shiny; fruits red when ripe, 4--6 cm diameter, of ca. 100 carpels, the apical portion of the carpels broadly pyramidal, distinctly whitish ribbed; inflorescence 1--6(--many)-flowered...D. lucida

13. Upper surface of leaves not shiny; fruit never red...14

14(13). Inflorescence 1--9-flowered; fruit of 150--350 carpels, fused over most of their length, 5.5--8 cm diameter, the apical portion of the carpels mushroom-shaped...D. lepidota

14. Inflorescence 1- or 2-flowered; fruit of up to 120 mostly free carpels, the apical portion not as above...15

15(14). Fruit 4--7 cm diameter, with 50--120 carpels, the apical portion of the car-pels pungent, pyramidal, and brownish velutinous...D. sp. A

15. Fruit 1.5--3.5 cm diameter; the apical portion of the carpels not pungent...16

16(15). Lower surface of leaves sparsely covered with stellate scales; leaves 4.5--10 cm wide; montane forests to 2000 m...D. rigida

16. Lower surface of leaves densely to totally covered with stellate scales; leaves 1.5--5 cm wide; lowland forests and savannas...17

17(16). Leaves papery; fruit with 35--60 carpels; seasonally flooded lowland forests...D. argentea

17. Leaves coriaceous; fruit with ca. 100 carpels; savannas and shrublands onwhite sand...D. venezuelana