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Interlibrary Loan Services
Only libraries may request interlibrary loans.
OCLC requests are preferred; ALA forms, fax, email, phone, and U.S.
mail requests are accepted.
Photocopies of articles are provided rather than the journal.
Books are loaned, condition permitting.
Books are restricted to in-library use.
Only post-1900 items are loaned.
Photocopies of pre-1900 items may be provided, condition permitting.
$15.00 per loan request. This includes books or digital copies up to 20 pages.
$.25 per page after the first 20 pages.
Send fax requests to 314-577-0840.
Send email requests to molibill@mobot.org.
Journal Exchange
The library exchange program was begun by William Trelease with the first Missouri Botanical Garden Annual Report, 1890. Since then, the Garden publication program has grown to include the Annals; Monographs in Systematic Botany; Bulletin; Novon; and specialist newsletters. These publications are exchanged for approximately 900 publications from institutions worldwide.
Duplicate Book and Journal Distribution Program
All duplicates are available free or as priced on the following lists on
a first come first served basis. We require reimbursement for the cost
of shipping the materials. Invoices are mailed separately and will
include the cost of the duplicate literature (if any) and the cost for
postage. Payment can be made by check, Mastercard, or Visa. Make
checks payable to the Missouri Botanical Garden Library. Include the
following information for charge card purchases: your name as it appears
on the card; account number; expiration date; and daytime phone or fax
here to go
to see available Duplicates.
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