Back to N Taxa
Papillaria (C. Müll.) C.
P. filipendula (Hook.f. & Wils.) Jaeg. = Papillaria flexicaulis
fide Noguchi 1976.
P. flexicaulis (Wils.) Jaeg.
Robinson 1975 (as Papillaria filipendula , Reimers 1926;
Herzog & Hosseus 1938; Bartram 1957).
Dist. IX. Cautin (Crosby 11962 , Mahu 11441 );
X. Valdivia; Juan Fernandez Is.
Pararhacocarpus Frahm (HEDWIGIACEAE
P. patagonicus (Broth.) Frahm
(as Rhacocarpus patagonicus , Dusén 1905a, Matteri
Dist. X. Valdivia; XI. Aisen (Crosby 16342 ); XII.
Desolacion Is., Str. of Magellan.
Pentastichella C. Müll.
P. aurea Dus., nom. nud. , Dusén 1903b.
P. pentasticha (Mont.) C. Müll.
Dusén 1903b; Thériot 1918(as Macromitrium
poeppigii , Mitten 1869; as Stenomitrium pentastichum ,
Cardot 1908; Herzog 1922; Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Brotherus
1924b; Reimers 1926; Seki 1974; Deguchi 1991b; as Zygodon pentastichus
Mitten 1869; Herzog & Hosseus 1938; Herzog & Schwabe 1939;
Bartram 1952; Herzog 1954; Bartram 1957; Herzog 1960; Robinson
1975; Matteri 1985b; as Zygodon uncinatus , Mitten 1869).
Dist. V. Valparaiso (Looser 6310 ); VII. Talca (Landrum
6341 ); VIII. Arauco (Crosby 13051 ); IX. Cautin
(Crosby 11802 , Mahu 11583 ), Malleco (Crosby 13069 ,
Mahu 6309 ); X. Chiloe, Llanquihue (Mahu & Tapia
24343 ), Osorno (Mahu 7751 , 22805 ), Valdivia
(Crosby 11507 , Mahu 8585 ); XI. Aisen; XII. Magallanes;
Juan Fernandez Is.
P. pentasticha var. strictifolia Thér.
Thériot 1924.
Dist. IX. Cautin.
P. jaffueli Thér. = Zygodon porteri
fide Thériot 1926.
Philibertiella Card. (DITRICHACEAE
Limpr., nom. cons .)
P. ditrichoidea Card.
Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Herzog & Hosseus 1938; Matteri
Dist. X. Chiloe, Valdivia; XII. Magallanes.
P. nitens Herz.
Herzog 1960; Matteri 1985b.
Dist. X. Osorno; XII. Magallanes.
Philonotis Brid. (BARTRAMIACEAE
P. acicularis (C. Müll.)
Matteri 1985a (as Philonotis luteola , Bartram 1946;
as Philonotis bartramii , Matteri 1973a).
Dist. METRO. Santiago (Mahu 11752 ); V. Aconcagua
(Mahu 10224 ); VI. Colchagua (Mahu 9692 ); XII. Magallanes,
Tierra del Fuego.
P. bartramii Matteri = Philonotis acicularis
fide Matteri 1985a.
P. brevifolia Herzog = Philonotis krausei
fide Seki 1974.
P. cygnea (Sull.) Griffin & Buck == Bartramidula cygnea
P. exigua (Sull.) Broth. = Philonotis scabrifolia
fide Van der Wijk et al. 1967.
P. fontanoides (Gill. & Grev.)
(as Bartramia fontanoides , Mitten 1869).
Dist. Without exact locality.
P. glabrata Broth. in Skottsb.
Brotherus 1924b; Bartram 1957; Robinson 1975.
Dist. Juan Fernandez Is.
*P. glaucescens (Hornsch.) Broth.
Dist. VII. Curico (Mahu 6343 ).
P. gourdonii Card.
Deguchi 1991a.
Dist. IV. Choapa (Compte 20231 ); VII. Curico (Elgueta
12911 ); IX. Cautin; X. Osorno.
P. krauseana Broth. in Skotts. == Philonotis krausei
P. krauseana var. longinervis Broth.
Brotherus 1924b.
Dist. Juan Fernandez Is.
P. krausei (C. Müll.) Broth.
Thériot 1934b, 1935; Herzog & Hosseus 1938; Herzog
& Schwabe 1939; Herzog 1954; Bartram 1957; Matteri 1968; Seki
1974; Robinson 1975; Deguchi 1991a (as Philonotis krauseana ,
Brotherus 1924b; as Philonotis brevifolia , Herzog 1954).
Dist. METRO. Chacabuco (Mahu 13109 , 13114 ),
Cordillera (Mahu 20988 , Mahu & Mahu 20347 ),
Santiago (Mahu 22997 , Marticorena 10383 ); V. Petorca
(Mahu 13873 , Mahu & Mahu 13319 ), San
Antonio (Mahu 12722 , 21789 ), Valparaiso (Mahu
4805 , 13634 ); VI. Cachapoal (Mahu 23959 ); VII.
Linares (Mahu & Muehlhauser 20803 ); VIII. Bio-Bio
(Mahu & Mahu 11047 ), Concepcion (Barros 8723 ,
8758 ); IX. Cautin, Malleco (Mahu 6025 , 7691 );
X. Chiloe, Llanquihue (Barros 8756 , Mahu 4828 ),
Osorno (Mahu 7752 , 21338 ), Valdivia (Mahu
12303 , 12326 ); XI. Aisen; Juan Fernandez Is.
P. krausei fo. latifolia Thér.
Thériot 1924.
Dist. V. Valparaiso.
P. luteola Bartr. = Philonotis acicularis
fide Matteri 1985a.
P. nigroflava C. Müll.
Dusén 1903b; Matteri 1985a (as Philonotis parallela ,
Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908; Cardot & Brotherus 1923;
Matteri 1968; Seki 1974).
Dist. METRO. Chacabuco (Barros 8747 , Mahu 13131 ),
Santiago (Mahu 12399 , 20723 ), Talagante (Mahu
10228 ); V. Petorca (Moreno 13852 ); VI. Colchagua (Cassasa
20136 , Mahu 9882 ); VII. Curico (Mahu 9341 );
IX. Cautin (Barends 10305 ); X. Llanquihue; XI. Aisen; XII.
P. parallela Dus. = Philonotis nigroflava
fide Matteri 1985a.
P. scabrifolia (Hook.f. &
Wils.) Braithw.
Cardot 1908; Herzog 1922, 1954; Cardot & Brotherus 1923;
Brotherus 1924b; Roivainen 1934; Herzog & Schwabe 1939; Bartram
1952, 1957; Matteri 1968; Seki 1974; Robinson 1975; Matteri 1985a,
1985b; Deguchi 1991a (as Bartramidula exigua , Dusén
1903b; as Philonotis exigua , Brotherus 1904).
Dist. VIII. Bio-Bio, Nuble (Elgueta 12451 , Mahu
11240 ); IX. Cautin (Mahu & Mahu 10741 ),
Malleco; X. Chiloe (Mahu 12439 ), Osorno (Mahu 21213 ),
Valdivia (Torres 21997 ); XI. Aisen; XII. Cape Horn,
Magallanes, Str. of Darwin; Juan Fernandez Is.
P. trichophylla Herzog, Herzog 1954, illegitimate,
later homonym.
P. vagans (Hook.f. & Wils.) Mitt.
var. vagans
Mitten 1869; Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908; Cardot &
Brotherus 1923; Thériot 1924; Roivainen 1934; Bartram 1952,
1957; Seki 1974; Robinson 1975; Matteri 1985a, 1985b; Deguchi
1991a (as Bartramia vagans , Mitten 1869; as Rhizogonium
reticulatum , Mitten 1869).
Dist. METRO. Maipo; VIII. Nuble; IX. Cautin (Mahu
& Mahu 10682 ), Malleco; X. Osorno; XI. Aisen, Coihaique;
XII. Hermite Is., Hoste Is., Magallanes, Str. of Magellan; Juan
Fernandez Is.
P. vagans var. evanidinervis Broth.
Brotherus 1924b.
Dist. Juan Fernandez Is.
Physcomitrium (Brid.) Fuernr.
P. badium Broth.
Herzog 1954.
Dist. X. Llanquihue.
P. lorentzii C. Müll.
Thériot 1934b (as Physcomitrium mahui , Robinson
Dist. METRO. Santiago; V. Aconcagua.
P. mahui Robinson = Physcomitrium lorentzii
fide Fife 1982.
P. roseae Williams
Williams 1915.
Dist. V. Valparaiso.
Pilopogon Brid. (DICRANACEAE Schimp.)
P. leptodus (Mont.) Broth. = Campylopus clavatus
fide Sainsbury 1955.
P. schilleri Herz. & Thér.
Matteri 1985b.
Dist. X. Llanquihue, Osorno; XII. Magallanes.
Pilotrichella cumingii (C. Müll.) Lor. = Weymouthia mollis
fide Mitten 1869.
P. krausei Lor. = Weymouthia billardieri fide
Cardot 1908 == Weymouthia cochlearifolia
Pinnatella callicostelloides (Broth. ex
Thér.) Broth. == Chileobryon callicostelloides
fide Enroth 1992.
P. macrosticta Broth. in Skottsb. = Chileobryon callicostelloides
fide Enroth 1992.
Plagiomnium T. Kop. (MNIACEAE
P. ellipticum (Brid.) T. Kop.
Matteri 1985b; Deguchi 1991b (as Mnium lepto-limbatum ,
Dusén 1903b; as Plagiomnium rugicum , Koponen 1968).
Dist. X. Valdivia; XI. Coihaique; XII. Magallanes, Tierra
del Fuego.
P. rostratum (Schrad.) T. Kop.
(as Mnium rostratum Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908).
Dist. Patagonia australis.
P. rugicum (Laur.) Kop. = Plagiomnium ellipticum
fide Koponen 1974.
Plagiothecium Bruch & Schimp.
in B.S.G. (PLAGIOTHECIACEAE (Broth.) Fleisch.
P. conostegium Herz.
Buck & Ireland 1989.
Dist. XII. Magallanes, Hermite Is., Cape Horn.
P. denticulatum (Hedw.) Schimp. in B.S.G. var.
Cardot 1908; Roivainen 1934.
Dist. VIII. Nuble; XII. Hermite Is., Hoste Is.
P. denticulatum var. obtusifolium
(Sm.) Moore
(as Plagiothecium donnianum , Mitten 1869).
Dist. XII. Hermite Is.
P. donnianum (Sm.) Mitt. = Plagiothecium denticulatum var. obtusifolium
fide Van der Wijk et al. 1967.
P. lucidulum (Hook.f. & Wils.) Mitt. = Plagiothecium lucidum
fide Buck & Ireland 1989.
P. lucidum (Hood.f. & Wils.)
Cardot 1908; Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Matteri 1985b (as
Plagiothecium lucidulum , Mitten 1869; Dusén 1903b).
Dist. XII. Hermite Is., Magallanes, Tierra del Fuego.
P. magellanicum (C. Müll.) Dus. nom. illeg .
P. orthocarpum Mitt.
Mitten 1869.
Dist. VIII. Concepcion.
P. ovalifolium Card.
Cardot 1908; Seki 1974; Buck & Ireland 1989; Deguchi 1991b.
Dist. IX. Malleco; XI. Aisen; XII. Magallanes.
Platyneurum (Brid.) Broth. (DICRANACEAE
P. laticostatum (Card.) Broth.
Roivainen 1937; Herzog & Hosseus 1938; Bartram 1952; Herzog
1954; Seki 1974; Matteri 1985b; Deguchi 1991a (as Dicranum
cirrhifolium , Dusén 1903b; as Dicranum laticostatum ,
Dusén 1905b; Cardot 1900, 1901, 1908).
Dist. VIII. Bio-Bio; IX. Cautin (Crosby 11853 , Mahu
23394 ), Malleco (Mahu 6051 , 23304 ); X. Llanquihue,
Osorno (Crosby 12090 , Solomon 4579 ), Valdivia (Crosby
11741 , 11764 ); XI. Aisen, Coihaique; XII. Magallanes
(Mahu 12922 ), Str. of Magellan, Tierra del Fuego; Cerro-Tesoro-Massiv.
Pleuridium Brid. (DITRICHACEAE
Limpr., nom. cons. )
P. costesii Thér.
Thériot 1921.
Dist. V. Valparaiso.
P. macrothecium Dus.
Dusén 1905b; Thériot 1921.
Dist. VIII. Concepcion; IX. Malleco.
P. robinsonii (Mont.) Mitt.
Mitten 1869; Dusén 1905b; Thériot 1921; Brotherus
1924b; Herzog & Hosseus 1938; Bartram 1952; Herzog 1954; Robinson
Dist. METRO. Chacabuco, Cordillera (Mahu 22200 ),
Melipilla (Mahu 23583 ), Talagante (Mahu 22403 );
V. Petorca (Mahu & Mahu 13261 ), San Antonio
(Mahu 11413 , 23445 ), Valparaiso (Mahu
5079 , 10703 ); VI. Cachapoal (Mahu 10560 , Vila
24000 ); VIII. Concepcion; Juan Fernandez Is.
Pleurorthotrichum Broth.
P. chilense Broth.
Brotherus 1905, 1924a; Herzog 1954.
Dist. IV. Choapa (Mahu 12193 , 23591 ), Limari
(Mahu 10119 , Villagran 11802 ); V. Aconcagua (Mahu
4838 ), Petorca (Moreno 23416 ).
Pogonatum P. Beauv. (POLYTRICHACEAE
P. alpinum (Hedw.) Roehl. == Polytrichastrum alpinum
P. cirratum (Swartz.) Brid. ssp.
fuscatum (Mitt.) Hyvnen
Hyvnen 1989 (as Pogonatum spurio-cirratum , Thériot
Dist. X. Chiloe.
P. liliputanum Thér. = Oligotrichum canaliculatum
fide Robinson 1975.
P. oligodus (Kunze ex C. Müll.) Mitt. ==
Pogonatum perichaetiale ssp. oligodus
fide Hyvnen 1989.
P. perichaetiale (Mont.) Jaeg.
ssp. oligodus (Kunze ex C. Müll.) Hyvnen
Hyvnen 1989 (as Pogonatum oligodus , Mitten 1869; Thériot
1915, 1917; Bartram 1952).
Dist. METRO. Santiago (Mahu 13626 ); V. San Antonio
(Mahu 20384 ), Valparaiso (Mahu 13735 , 13751 );
X. Valdivia (Mahu 10512 ).
P. spurio-cirratum Broth. = Pogonatum cirratum ssp. fuscatum
fide Hyvnen 1989.
Pohlia Hedw. (BRYACEAE Schwaegr.)
P. chilensis (Mont.) Shaw
Shaw 1987 (as Webera costesii , Thériot 1917,
1924; as Mielichhoferia chilensis , Mitten 1869; as Pohlia
pluriseta , Robinson 1964).
Dist. METRO. Chacabuco (Mahu 20520 ), Santiago (Mahu
10649 ), Talagante (Mahu 5104 , 12251); V. Los Andes
(Mahu 7526 ), Valparaiso; Prope S. Jago.
P. cruda (Hedw.) Lindb.
Mitten 1869; Herzog 1922; Seki 1974; Matteri 1985b; Ochi 1990;
Deguchi 1991a (as Webera cruda , Cardot 1900, 1901, 1908;
Dusén 1903b; Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Roivainen 1934;
Herzog 1954).
Dist. METRO. Chacabuco (Mahu 21116 , 23128 ),
Santiago (Mahu 10532 ); VIII. Bio-Bio; Nuble; X. Llanquihue,
Osorno; XI. Aisen; XII. Str. of Magellan; Cerro-Tesoro-Massiv.
P. humilis (Mont.) Broth.
(as Orthodontium humile , Mitten 1869).
Dist. Chile australia.
P. inflexa (C. Müll.) Wijk & Marg.
Matteri 1985b.
Dist. XII. Magallanes.
P. lonchochaete (Dus.) Broth.
(as Webera lonchochaete Dus., Dusén 1903b).
Dist. X. Llanquihue.
P. looseri (Thér.) S. He,
comb. nov.
[Basionym Webera looseri Thér., Rev. Bryol.
Lichenol. 7: 174 (1935)].
Dist. METRO. Santiago.
P. magnifica (Herz.) S. He, comb.
[Basionym Webera magnifica Herz., Rev. Bryol. Lichenol.
23: 76 (1954); as Pohlia magnifica (Herz.) Wilk & Marg.
ex Matteri (Matteri 1985b), invalid, basionym not cited].
Dist. XI. Aisen; XII. Magallanes.
P. nutans (Hedw.) Lindb.
Mitten 1869; Seki 1974; Matteri 1985b; Ochi 1990; Deguchi
1991a (as Webera nutans , Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908;
Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Thériot 1924; Herzog 1954;
as Webera sphagnadelphus , Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908;
Cardot & Brotherus 1923).
Dist. METRO. Chacabuco (Mahu 20499 , 20513 ),
Cordillera (Mahu 22629 ), Maipo; X. Valdivia (Mahu 23903 ,
Mahu & Mahu 12045 ); XI. Aisen; XII. Cape Horn,
Hermite Is., Str. of Magellan.
P. pluriseta Herz. = Pohlia chilensis
fide Shaw 1987.
P. wahlenbergii (Web. &
Mohr.) Andrews var. wahlenbergii
Seki 1974; Ochi 1990; Deguchi 1991a (as Webera albicans ,
Dusén 1903b; Thériot 1925; as Mniobryum albicans ,
Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Reimers 1926; Roivainen 1934; Herzog
& Hosseus 1938; Herzog & Schwabe 1939; Herzog 1954).
Dist. METRO. Chacabuco (Moreno 20400 ), Cordillera
(Contresas 20637 ), Santiago (Mahu 8621 , 12688 );
V. Petorca (Mahu 12807 , Mahu & Mahu 13241 ),
San Antonio (Mahu 12725 , 13509 ), Valparaiso (Mahu
5041 , 13747 ); VI. Colchagua; VII. Curico (Mahu
9339 ); VIII. Bio-Bio (Mahu 5991 , 8575 ), Nuble
(Jimenez 8505 , Mahu 11236 ); IX. Cautin (Mahu
& Mahu 10760 , 10876 ); X. Chiloe, Llanquihue,
Osorno (Mahu 21366 , 21502 ), Valdivia (Mahu 23913 ,
Mahu & Mahu 24073 ); XI. Aisen; XII. Magallanes.
P. wahlenbergii var. glacialis
(Brid.) E.F. Warburg
(as Mniobryum alticaule , Herzog 1954; as Webera
alticaulis , Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908; as Mniobryum
amplirete , Herzog 1922).
Dist. XI. Aisen; XII. Str. of Magellan.
Polytrichadelphus (C. Müll.)
Mitt. (POLYTRICHACEAE Schwaegr.)
P. dendroides (Brid. ex Hedw.) Mitt. == Dendroligotrichum dendroides
fide Brotherus 1905.
P. horridus Mitt. = Polytrichadelphus magellanicus
fide Robinson 1975.
P. magellanicus (Hedw.) Mitt.
Mitten 1869; Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908; Herzog 1922;
Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Brotherus 1924b; Reimers 1926; Herzog
& Schwabe 1939; Bartram 1957; Seki 1974; Robinson 1975; Matteri
1985b; Deguchi 1991b; Schiavone 1993 (as Polytrichadelphus
horridus , Mitten 1869; Cardot 1908; Herzog & Schwabe 1939;
Herzog 1954; as Polytrichadelphus robustus , Cardot 1908;
Cardot & Brotherus 1923).
Dist. IX. Cautin (Landrum 5122 , Mahu &
Mahu 10771 ); X. Llanquihue, Osorno, Valdivia (Crosby
12780 , Mahu 2820 ); XI. Aisen; XII. Hermite Is., Hoste
Is., Magallanes, Str. of Magellan, Tierra del Fuego; Juan Fernandez
P. minimus Card. Psilopilum minimum fide G.
L. Smith 1969 == Notologitrichum minimum
fide G. L. Smith 1971.
P. robustus (Lindb.) Broth. = Polytrichadelphus magellanicus
fide Schiavone 1993.
P. squamosa (Hook.f & Wils.) Mitt. == Dendroligotrichum squamosa
fide Cardot 1908.
P. stricticaulis Dus., nom. nud. , Dusén
P. umbrosus Mitt.
Mitten 1869.
Dist. San Gavan.
Polytrichastrum G. L. Smith
P. alpinum (Hedw.) Smith
(as Pogonatum alpinum , Cardot 1908; as Polytrichum
alpinum , Thériot 1935; Matteri 1985b; Polytrichum
alpinum var. integrifolium , Cardot & Brotherus
Dist. X. Osorno, Valdivia; XII. Magallanes, Tierra del
P. formosum (Hedw.) G. L. Smith
(as Polytrichum formosum , Matteri 1985b).
Dist. XII. Magallanes.
P. longisetum (Sw. ex Brid.)
Deguchi 1991b (as Polytrichum gracile , Herzog &
Schwabe 1939; as Polytrichum longisetum , Matteri 1985b).
Dist. X. Chiloe, Llanquihue, Osorno, Valdivia (Mahu
23475 , Mahu & Mahu 23122 ); XI. Aisen; XII.
Polytrichum (L.) Hedw. (POLYTRICHACEAE
P. alpinum Hedw. == Polytrichastrum alpinum
fide Smith 1971.
P. alpinum var. integrifolium Card. & Broth.
= Polytrichastrum alpinum fide Schiavone
P. elongatum P. Beauv.
Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908.
Dist. XII. Str. of Magellan.
P. gracile Dicks. = Polytrichum longisetum fide
Beever et al.1992 == Polytrichastrum longisetum
fide Smith 1971.
P. juniperiforme Schimp. ex Mitt. == Polytrichum juniperinum
P. juniperinum Hedw. var. juniperinum
Mitten 1869; Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908; Reimers 1926;
Roivainen 1934; Thériot 1935; Bartram 1952; Seki 1974;
Matteri 1985b; Deguchi 1991b (as Polytrichum juniperiforme ,
Mitten 1869; Polytrichum juniperinum var. alpinum ,
Cardot & Brotherus 1923).
Dist. METRO. Cordillera (Mahu 22606 ), Maipo (Mahu
22111 ), Santiago (Mahu 20721 , 23587 ); V. San
Antonio (Mahu 13492 ); VI. Colchagua (Mahu &
Cassasa 20138 ); VII. Curico (Mahu 9356 ), Talca (Mancilla
10510 ); VIII. Bio-Bio, Nuble; IX. Cautin (Crosby 11960 ,
Mahu 23787 ), Malleco (Mahu 6091 ); X. Chiloe (Crosby
12630 , 12674 ), Llanquihue, Osorno, Valdivia (Crosby
12953 , Mahu 12276 ); XI. Aisen, Coihaique; XII. Magallanes,
Str. of Magellan; Hermite Is.
P. juniperinum var. affine
(Funck) Brid.
Matteri 1985b (as Polytrichum strictum var. alpestre ,
Cardot & Brotherus 1923).
Dist. XII. Str. of Magellan.
P. juniperinum var. alpinum Schimp. = Polytrichum juniperinum
fide Schiavone 1993.
P. juniperinum var. australe
Walth., hom. illeg ., Herzog & Schwabe 1939 (as Polytrichum
spegazzinii ,
Dusén 1903b).
P. patagonicum C. Müll. = Polytrichum piliferum
fide Walther 1940.
P. piliferum Schreb. ex
Mitten 1869; Cardot 1900, 1901, 1908; Dusén 1903b;
Reimers 1926; Herzog & Hosseus 1938; Herzog & Schwabe
1939; Bartram 1952; Seki 1974; Matteri 1985b; Deguchi 1991b (as
Polytrichum patagonicum , Dusén 1903b; as Polytrichum
subpiliferum , Cardot 1900, 1901, 1908; as Polytrichum trachynotum ,
Dusén 1903b).
Dist. VIII. Bio-Bio; IX. Cautin (Crosby 11972 , Mahu
10802 ), Malleco (Mahu 6104 ); X. Llanquihue, Osorno
(Crosby 12099 ), Valdivia; XI. Aisen, Coihaique; XII. Magallanes,
Str. of Magellan.
P. spegazzinii C. Müll. = Polytrichum juniperinum var. australe
fide Walther 1940.
P. strictum Menz. ex Brid.
Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908.
Dist. XII. Hoste Is., Str. of Darwin, Str. of Magellan.
P. strictum var. alpestre Rab. = Polytrichum juniperinum var. affine
fide Schiavone 1993.
P. subpiliferum Card. = Polytrichum piliferum
fide Brotherus 1905.
P. trachynotum C. Müll. = Polytrichum piliferum
fide Walther 1940.
Porothamnium Fleisch. (NECKERACEAE
P. arbusculans (C. Müll.)
Herzog 1922, 1954, 1960; Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Brotherus
1924b; Herzog & Hosseus 1938; Herzog & Schwabe 1939; Seki
1974; Robinson 1975; Matteri 1985b; Deguchi 1991b (as Hypnodendron
naumanni , Cardot 1908; as Porothamnium arbusculans
var. complanatum , Cardot & Brotherus 1923; as Porothamnium
arbusculans fo. complanata , Reimers 1926; Porothamnium
arbusculans fo. typica , Reimers 1926; as Thamnium
arbusculans , Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908; as Thamnium
decumbens , Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908).
Dist. IV. Choapa (Moreno 13843 ); V. Petorca (Mahu
13572 ); VIII. Concepcion (Pantoya 11230 ); IX. Malleco
(Mahu 6072 ); X. Chiloe (Mahu 7556 , Moreno 20624 ),
Guaitecas Is., Llanquihue, Osorno (Mahu 21154 , 22705 ),
Valdivia (Crosby 12031 , Mahu 8568 ); XI. Aisen
(Anliot 6303 ); XII. Str. of Magellan; Juan Fernandez Is.
P. arbusculans var. complanatum (C. Müll.)
Card. = Porothamnium arbusculans
P. arbusculans fo. complanata (Dus.) Reim. =
Porothamnium arbusculans
P. arbusculans fo. typica Reim. = Porothamnium arbusculans
P. fasciculatum (Sw. ex Hedw.) Fleisch. == Porotrichum fasciculatum
P. leucocaulon (C. Müll.)
Mitten 1869; Herzog 1922; Roivainen 1934; Herzog & Hosseus
1938; Bartram 1952 (as Thamnium leucocaulon , Cardot 1908).
Dist. VIII. Nuble; IX. Cautin; X. Llanquihue, Osorno, Valdivia;
XII. Str. of Magellan (Dusén s.n .).
P. panduraefolium (C. Müll.)
Mitten 1869; Thériot 1918; Herzog 1922, 1954, 1960;
Herzog & Hosseus 1938; Deguchi 1991b (as Porothamnium panduraefolium
fo. elongata , Reimers 1926; as Porothamnium panduraefolium
fo. typica , Reimers 1926; as Thamnium panduraefolium ,
Cardot & Brotherus 1923).
Dist. VIII. Nuble (Mahu 23067 ); IX. Cautin (Mahu
10734 , 11320 ), Malleco (Mahu 6312 ); X.
Chiloe (Moreno 20581 , 23527 ), Llanquihue, Osorno
(Mahu 21218 , 22695 ), Valdivia (Mahu 2854 ,
23467 ); XI. Aisen; XII. Magallanes.
P. panduraefolium fo. elongata Reim. = Porothamnium panduraefolium
P. panduraefolium fo. typica Reim. = Porothamnium panduraefolium
P. valdiviae (C. Müll.) Fleisch.
Mitten 1869; Thériot 1918; Cardot & Brotherus 1923;
Roivainen 1934; Herzog & Hosseus 1938; Herzog 1954, 1960;
Robinson 1975; Deguchi 1991b (as Porotrichum valdiviae ,
Bartram 1952; as Porothamnium valdiviae fo. typuca ,
Reimers 1926; as Porothamnium valdiviae fo. elongata ,
Reimers 1926; as Thamnium valdiviae , Cardot 1908).
Dist. IV. Choapa (Moreno 13572 ); VIII. Bio-Bio (Mahu
& Mahu 11043 ); IX. Cautin (Mahu 11167 , Miller
20783 ), Malleco (Pincheira 2124 , 7820 ); X. Chiloe
(Moreno 23774 ), Llanquihue (Mahu 22595 ),
Osorno (Mahu 21248 , 23846 ), Valdivia (Mahu 2825 ,
Mahu & Mahu 12049 ); XI. Aisen, Coihaique; Juan
Fernandez Is.
P. valdiviae fo. typuca Reim. = Porothamnium valdiviae
P. valdiviae fo. elongata Reim. = Porothamnium valdiviae
Porotrichodendron Fleisch.
P. porteri (Card. & Thér.)
(as Porotrichum porteri , Thériot 1917).
Dist. VII. Linares.
Porotrichum (Brid.) Hampe (NECKERACEAE
P. callicostelloides Broth. ex Thér.
== Chileobryon callicostelloides
fide Enroth 1992.
P. callicostelloides var. distichum Thér.
= Chileobryon callicostelloides
fide Enroth 1992.
P. chilense Thér.
Thériot 1924.
Dist. V. Valparaiso; VIII. Nuble (Queirolo 9303a );
X. Chiloe (Mahu & Moreno 20672 ), Osorno (Mahu
22752 ), Valdivia (Elgueta 11201 , Mahu 23880 ).
P. fasciculatum (Hedw.) Mitt.
(as Porothamnium fasciculatum , Brotherus 1924b).
Dist. X. Valdivia (Mahu & Mahu 11948 );
Juan Fernandez Is.
*P. korthalsianum (Dozy & Molk.) Mitt.
Dist. V. Petorca (Mahu & Moreno 13574 );
VIII. Bio-Bio (Mahu 5983 , 12428 ); IX. Cautin (Mahu
11477 , 11504 ); X. Valdivia (Mahu 13923 ).
*P. lancifrons (Hampe) Mitt.
Dist. IX. Cautin (Mahu & Elgueta 24031 );
X. Valdivia (Mahu & Mahu 11945 ); XI. Aisen (Mahu
23484 ).
P. porteri Card. & Thér. = Porotrichodendron porteri
fide Brotherus 1925.
P. valdiviae (C. Müll.) Mitt. == Porothamnium valdiviae
Pottia (Reichenb.) Fuernr. (POTTIACEAE
Schimp., nom. cons. )
P. antarctica (Aongstr.) C. Müll.
Dusén 1903b; Dusén 1906a (as Pottia magellanica ,
Cardot 1908).
Dist. XII. Hermite Is., Str. of Magellan.
P. flavipes Mont., Bartram 1943
(as Tortula flaviseta , Mitten 1869).
Dist. III. Copiapo.
P. heimii (Hedw.) Hampe == Hennediella heimii
fide Zander 1993.
P. heimii var. magellanica Schimp. in
Herzog == Hennediella heimii var. magellanica
fide Zander 1993.
P. heimii var. thaxteri Card. & Thér.
== Hennediella heimii var. thaxteri
fide Zander 1993.
P. magellanica Schimp. ex Par., nom. illeg.
incl. spec. prior . == Pottia antarctica
fide Van der Wijk et al. 1967.
P. megapoda C. Müll. = Pottia heimii var.
magellanica fide Warnstorf 1916 == Hennediella heimii var. magellanica
fide Zander 1993.
P. spegazzinii C. Müll. == Hennediella heimii var. spegazzini
fide Zander 1993.
Pseudocrossidium Williams
(POTTIACEAE Schimp., nom. cons. )
P. apiculatum Williams
Thériot 1923.
Dist. METRO. Chacabuco (Mahu 25572 ), Cordillera
(Mahu 22201 ), Santiago (Mahu 6391 ); III.
Copiapo; IV. Choapa (Mahu 22970 , 23824 ), Elqui (Mahu
20846 , 23753 ), Limari (Mahu 21958 ); VI. Cardenal
Caro (Mahu 13424 ).
P. chilense Williams
Williams 1915.
Dist. METRO. Chacabuco (Mahu 8638 ), Santiago (Mahu
11757 ); V. Valparaiso; VI. Cardenal Caro (Mahu 13409 ).
P. crinitum (Schultz) Zand.
(as Barbula arenicola , Dusén 1906a; as Barbula
depressa , Thériot 1918, 1921; Cardot & Brotherus
1923; as Barbula depressa var. denticulata , Thériot
1918; as Barbula flagellaris var. denticulata , Dusén
1906a; Cardot 1908; as Barbula flagellaris var. gracilis ,
Dusén 1906a; as Tortula pilifera , Hezog 1960; Seki
1974; Matteri 1985b; as Tortula pilifer var. denticulata ,
Matteri 1985b; as Barbula pilifera , Thériot 1928;
Herzog & Hosseus 1938; Bartram 1952; Herzog 1954; Deguchi
1991b; as Tortula purpureo-velutina , Herzog 1954; as Tortula
subglacialis , Thériot 1917, 1921).
Dist. METRO. Cordillera, Santiago (Mahu 5103 , 10953 ),
Talagante (Mahu 20125 ); IV. Elqui (Mahu 20843 ),
Limari (Mahu 21934 , Mahu & Tapia 23565 );
V. Aconcagua, Petorca (Mahu 13597 ), San Antonio (Mahu
11891 ), Valparaiso; VI. Colchagua (Mahu 9879 ,
9880 ); VII. Linares; VIII. Bio-Bio; IX. Cautin (Mahu
11610 ), Malleco; X. Llanquihue, Osorno, Valdivia; XI. Aisen,
Coihaique; XII. Magallanes.
P. leucocalyx (Mont.) Thér.
Thériot 1923; Brotherus 1924a (as Tortula leucocalyx ,
Mitten 1869; as Barbula pachyneura , Dusén 1906a;
Thériot 1917).
Dist. METRO. Santiago (Mahu 6372 ); IV. Limari; V.
Petorca (Mahu & Mahu 13326 ), Quillota, Valparaiso
(Mahu 13759 ).
P. mendozense (Mitt.) Zand.
(as Tortula mendozensis , Mitten 1869).
Dist. Without exact locality.
P. replicatum (Tayl.) Zand.
Deguchi 1991b (as Barbula replicata , Bartram 1943,
Dist. METRO. Cordillera (Mahu 22196 ), Santiago (Mahu
12627 , 20124 ); II. Antofagasta; IV. Elqui (Mahu
23751 , 23752 ).
Pseudodistichium Card. (DITRICHACEAE
Limpr., nom. cons .)
P. atlanticum Dix. = Ditrichum conicum
fide Robinson 1972.
P. austrogeorgicum Card. == Ditrichum austrogeorgicum
fide Seppelt 1982.
P. austrogeorgicum var. longifolium Broth.
Roivainen 1937.
Dist. XII. Tierra del Fuego.
P. fuegianum Roiv. = Ditrichum brotherusii
fide Seppelt 1982.
P. taitaoense Froehl. = Ditrichum conicum
fide Robinson 1972.
Pseudoleskea Bruch & Schimp.
in B.S.G. (LESKEACEAE Schimp.)
P. filum (C. Müll.) Paris == Hygroamblystegium filum
P. fuegiana (Besch.) Broth. in Card. == Hygroamblystegium fuegianum
P. fuegiana var. gracilis Card. & Broth.
== Hygroamblystegium fuegianum var. gracilis
fide Bartram 1946.
P. lurida Card. == Hygroamblystegium luridum
P. chilensis (Lor.) Ochyra
Deguchi 1991b (as Amblystegium chilensis , Lorentz 1866;
as Hygroamblystegium chilensis , Reimers 1926; Herzog &
Hosseus 1938; Herzog & Schwabe 1939; Herzog 1954; Seki 1974;
as Sciaromium gracile , Dusén 1903b).
Dist. METRO. Cordillera (Mahu 12464 , 20086 ),
Melipilla (Mahu 13940 ), Santiago (Mahu 10574 , 23227 ),
Talagante (Mahu 10227 ); II. Antofagasta (Belmonte 20475 );
IV. Choapa (Mahu & Moreno 13847 , Moreno 13818 ),
Elqui (Moreno 12892 ); V. Petorca (Mahu 10329 , Mahu
& Mahu 13358 ), Quillota (Mahu 23813 ), San Antonio
(Mahu 13945 ), Valparaiso (Mahu 5402 , 7518 );
VI. Colchagua (Mahu 22415 ), San Vicente; VII. Curico (Elgueta
12910 ); VIII. Bio-Bio; X. Llanquihue, Osorno (Mahu 21503 ,
22858 ), Valdivia (Elgueta 11207 ); XI. Aisen.
Psilopilum angulatum Card. & Broth. == Notoligotrichum angulatum
fide G. L. Smith 1971, Cardot & Brotherus
1923; Matteri 1985b.
P. antarcticum C. Müll. = Notoligotrichum trichodon
fide G. L. Smith 1971.
P. antarcticum var. densifolium Card. & Broth.
= Notoligotrichum trichodon
fide Schiavone 1993.
P. compressum (Hook.f. & Wils.) Mitt. == Atrichopsis compressa
fide G. L. Smith 1969.
P. cuspidatum Dus. = Psilopilum tapes fide Cardot
1908 == Notoligotrichum tapes
fide G. L. Smith 1971.
P. magellanicum Dus. = Psilopilum antarcticum
fide Cardot 1908 = Notoligotrichum trichodon
G. L. Smith 1971.
P. minimum (Card.) G. L. Smith == Notoligotrichum minimum
fide G. L. Smith 1971.
P. tapes (C. Müll.) Par. var. apiculatum
Card. == Notoligotrichum tapes var. apiculatum
fide G. L. Smith 1971.
P. trichodon (Hook.f. & Wils.) Mitt. == Notoligotrichum trichodon
fide G. L. Smith 1971.
Pterygoneurum Jur., nom.
cons . (POTTIACEAE Schimp., nom. cons .)
P. subsessilis (Brid.) Jur.
(as Tortula subsessilis , Mitten 1869).
Dist. Without exact locality.
Pterygophyllum anomalum (Schwaegr.) Mitt. ==
Achrophyllum anomalum
fide Robinson 1975.
P. anomalum var. pallidum Card. & Broth.
== Achrophyllum anomalum var. pallidum
fide by this study.
P. crassirete Matteri = Achrophyllum anomalum
fide Robinson 1975 == Achrophyllum crassirete
fide Matteri 1979.
P. denticulatum (Hook.f. & Wils.) Mitt. = Achrophyllum dentatum
fide Thériot 1917.
P. haesselianum Matteri == Achrophyllum haesselianum
fide Matteri 1979.
P. lamellatum Dus., nom. nud. , Dusén
P. magellanicum Besch. var. magellanicum ==
Achrophyllum magellanicum var. magellanicum
fide Matteri 1979.
P. magellanicum var. oligodontum Matteri ==
Achrophyllum magellanicum var. oligodontum
fide Matteri 1979.
P. obscurum (Mont.) Mitt., illegitimate, later homonym
= Achrophyllum anomalum
fide Robinson 1975.
P. obscurum fo. thermalis Herz. = Achrophyllum anomalum
fide by this study.
Ptychomitrium Fuernr., nom.
P. chimborazense (Spr.) var.
obtusifolium (Thér.) Broth.
Brotherus 1925 (as Brachysteleum chimborazense var.
obtusifolium , Thériot 1923).
Dist. METRO. Santiago; V. Aconcagua.
P. cumingii Duby = Ptychomitrium fernandesianum
fide Greene 1986.
P. deltori (Thér.) Broth.
Thériot 1921 (as Brachysteleum deltori , Thériot
Dist. VIII. Concepcion; IX. Malleco (Mahu 9186 ).
P. fernandesianum (Mitt.)
Jaeg. var. fernandesianum
Brotherus 1924b; Robinson 1975 (as Brachysteleum fernandesianum ,
Thériot 1921; as Glyphomitrium fernandesianum , Mitten
1869; as Ptychomitrium cumingii , Thériot 1935).
Dist. X. Osorno, Valdivia; Juan Fernandez Is.
P. fernandesianum var. majus Broth.
Brotherus 1924b.
Dist. Juan Fernandez Is.
P. ligulatum (Mitt.) Jaeg.
(as Glyphomitrium ligulatum , Mitten 1869; Cardot 1908).
Dist. XII. Hermite Is.
P. subcylindricum Thér.
Thériot 1937.
Dist. Easter I. (Rano-Kao).
Ptychomnion (Hook.f. & Wils.)
P. aciculare (Brid.) Mitt.
Mitten 1869; Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908; Bartram 1952
[According to Hattaway (1984), most of the Chilean collections
under this name are Ptychomnion cygnisetum ].
P. cygnisetum (C. Müll.) Kindb.
Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908; Thériot 1915; Herzog
1922, 1954, 1960; Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Brotherus 1924a;
Reimers 1926; Herzog & Hosseus 1938; Herzog & Schwabe
1939; Seki 1974; Robinson 1970, 1975; Hattaway 1984; Matteri 1985b;
Deguchi 1991b.
Dist. IV. Limari (Mahu 10503 , 21082 ); V.
Aconcagua; VII. Linares; VIII. Arauco; IX. Cautin (Crosby 11822 ,
Mahu 11170 ), Malleco (Crosby 12996 , Pincheira
7837 ); X. Chiloe (Elgueta 12434 , Moreno 20657 ),
Guaitecas Is., Llanquihue (Mahu 21666 , 22592 ), Osorno
(Mahu 21337 , 25576 ), Valdivia (Crosby 12791 ,
Mahu 8562 ); XI. Aisen; XII. Hermite Is., Hoste Is., Magallanes,
Str. Darwin, Str. of Magellan; Juan Fernandez Is.
P. densifolium (Brid.) Jaeg.
Cardot 1908; Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Roivainen 1934;
Robinson 1970; Seki 1974; Matteri 1985b (as Ptychomnion densifolium
var. gracile , Brotherus & Cardot 1923).
Dist. X. Chiloe, Osorno, Valdivia; XI. Aisen; XII. Magallanes,
Tierra del Fuego.
P. densifolium var. gracile Card. & Broth.
= Ptychomnion densifolium fide
Hattaway 1984.
P. falcatulum Broth. in
Brotherus 1924b; Robinson 1975 (as Ptychomnion falcatulum
var. gracilescens , Brotherus 1924b).
Dist. X. Valdivia; Juan Fernandez Is.
P. falcatulum var. gracilescens Broth. = Ptychomnion falcatulum
fide Hattaway 1984.
P. fruticetorum C. Müll.
[This species does not occur in Chile. It is known only from
Brazil (Robinson 1970). However, Hattaway (1984) considered it
to be a form of Ptychomnion cygnisetum and placed P.
horridum and P. subaciculare in its synonyms].
P. horridum Card. & Broth.= Ptychomnion subaciculare
fide Robinson 1970.
P. ptychocarpon (Schwaegr.) Mitt.
Mitten 1869; Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908; Thériot
1918, 1935; Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Brotherus 1924b; Reimers
1926; Roivainen 1934; Herzog 1922, 1954, 1960; Herzog & Hosseus
1938; Herzog & Schwabe 1939; Bartram 1952, 1957; Seki 1974;
Robinson 1970, 1975; Deguchi 1991b.
Dist. V. Valparaiso; VI. O'Higgins; IX. Cautin, Malleco
(Mahu 6050 ); X. Chiloe (Elgueta 12441 ), Guaitecas
Is., Llanquihue (Mahu 23081 ), Osorno (Crosby 12058 ,
Mahu 21339 ), Valdivia (Crosby 12032 , Mahu
2828 ); XI. Aisen (Mahu 6574 ), General Carrera; XII.
Magallanes; Juan Fernandez Is.
P. subaciculare Besch.
Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908; Cardot & Brotherus 1923;
Brotherus 1924b; Bartram 1957; Robinson 1970; Seki 1974; Deguchi
1991b (as Ptychomnion horridum , Cardot & Brotherus
Dist. IV. Coquimbo; IX. Cautin, X. Chiloe, Llanquihue,
Osorno, Valdivia; XI. Aisen; XII. Magallanes, Wellington Is.;
Juan Fernandez Is.
Pulvinella albicans Broth. & Herzog = Sauloma tenella
fide Buck 1987.
Pyrrhobryum Mitt. (RHIZOGONIACEAE
P. medium (Besch.) Manuel
(as Rhizogonium brevifolium , Thériot 1935).
Dist. X. Osorno, Valdivia.
P. mnioides (Hook.f) Manuel
(as Rhizogonium mnioides , Mitten 1869; Dusén
1903b; Cardot 1908; Thériot 1915, 1918, 1934b; Herzog 1922,
1954, 1960; Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Brotherus 1924b; Reimers
1926; Roivainen 1934; Herzog & Hosseus 1938; Herzog &
Schwabe 1939; Bartram 1952; Seki 1974; Robinson 1975; Matteri
1985b; Deguchi 1991b; as Aulacomnium chilense , C. Müller
Dist. METRO. Santiago; V. Aconcagua; VII. Linares (Landrum
1513a ), Talca (Torres 20861 ); VIII. Bio-Bio,
Nuble (Mahu 23105 , Queirolo 9313 ); IX. Cautin (Crosby
11908 , Mahu 23142 ), Malleco (Mahu 6012 , 23308 );
X. Chiloe (Crosby 12323 , Mahu 10435 ), Guaitecas
Is., Llanquihue (Mahu 10443 , 21532 ), Osorno (Crosby
12288 , Mahu 22259 ), Valdivia (Crosby 11687 ,
Mahu 2838 ); XI. Aisen (Mahu 10437 ); XII. Hermite
Is., Magallanes, Str. of Magellan; Juan Fernandez Is.
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