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An Annotated Checklist and Atlas of the Mosses of Thailand

Welcome | Abstract | Introduction | Acknowledgments
Systematic Arrangement of Genera | Recognized Species
Checklist | Literature Cited

Explanations of the Format

The present checklist brings together more than 1000 specific and subspecific names, including synonyms, illegitimate names, and nomina nuda reported for Thailand in literature up to the end of 1996. It accepts 620 species and 31 subspecific taxa distributed in 190 genera and 52 families. Species reported in recent papers in a generalized way, implying their occurrences in Thailand, but without mentioning voucher specimens, are listed as provisional records (16 species). These records are cited in the checklist because they represents the first reports for Thailand. All literature on the study of the mosses of Thailand was evaluated; however, only primary literature that has cited specimen information is used. Secondary literature without citing specimens is excluded. A large number of Thai moss collections deposited at MO are also evaluated.

Each "accepted" species entry includes the author citation, synonyms pertinent to Thailand and their cross references, page citation of primary publications, main references of taxonomically useful illustrations published from Asia or revisionary works, plant habitats (elevations), locality information in Thailand, and species' distribution range in Asia. The information on voucher specimens cited in primary publications and from my own study is given in the distribution section in an order of collectors' names and collection numbers followed by herbarium acronyms indicating where the specimens are currently deposited. Where appropriate, special notes and nomenclatural comments are included inside brackets [ ] following the species. All recognized species are mapped except for five such species as Leucoloma beautei Besch. ex Ren. & Card., Pterobryopsis scabriuscula (Mitt.) Fleisch., Pyrrhobryum latifolium (Bosch & Sande Lac.) Mitt., Schistomitrium apiculatum (Dozy & Molk.) Dozy & Molk., and Thuidium kuripanum (Dozy & molk.) Watanabe since there are not specific locality information about them within Thailand.

The systematic arrangement of the families and genera of Thai mosses follows the system of Brotherus (1924-1925) with a minor modification. Behind each genus in the systematic hierarchy the number of species recorded for Thailand are indicated. In the species list, all taxonomic entries are arranged alphabetically by generic name first, then followed by species and subspecific names. The accepted species are marked in boldface with synonyms placed in parentheses ( ). Heterotypic synonyms or taxonomic synonyms, which are given only whey they are in connection with a Thai collection, are indicated by an equal sign (=) followed by authentic references. The authors provided here are generally the first to propose the synonymy. The specimen data of a synonym are placed under the accepted names. For homotypic synonyms or nomenclatural synonyms, an extended equal sign (==) is employed. The new records and the newly updated binomials for Thailand are marked with double asterisk (**). There are104 species names that have been described from Thailand. These are indicated by a single asterisk sign (*). The localities of each accepted species are listed under 18 natural regions (old provinces) alphabetically followed by districts (new provinces). The collectors' names from the specimens I have studied are abbreviated as follows: CLW = Ch. Charoenphol, K. Larsen & E. Warncke; LSaW = K. Larsen, T. Santisuk & E. Warncke; LSmW = K. Larsen, T. Smitinand & E. Warncke; and LNS = K. Larsen, I. Nielsen & T. Santisuk. These voucher specimens are deposited at MO. Duplicates of these are deposited at University of Aarhus (AAU), Denmark.

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