(as Leucobryum perichaetiale, Dixon 1932: 11, Tixier
1971: 112; as Leucobryum scalare, Dixon 1935: 4, Giesy
& Richards 1959: 577, Horikawa & Ando 1964: 7, Tixier
& Smitinand 1966: 169, Touw 1968: 228, Tixier 1971: 112, Noguchi
1972a: 172; as Leucobryum scalare var. tjibodense,
Giesy & Richards 1959: 577).
Illustrations. Eddy (1990, Fig. 170, A-E); Yamaguchi (1993, Pls.
XIX, 1-28; XX, 1-11; XXI, 1-15; XXII, 1-26).
Habitat. Alt. 50-1680 m.
Distribution in Thailand. (MAP)
CHANTHABURI. Chanthaburi: 7850 (C), Noguchi 1972a: 172; LNS
32052, LSmW1695, 1810 (all in AAU, MO);
Trat: Bunnak 375 (BKF, US), Reed & Robinson 1967: 64;
Sorensen et al. 6728, 6777, 6793 (all in
C), Noguchi 1972a: 172. NAKHON SAWAN. Tak: Touw 8301, 9453
(both in MO). NAKHON SI THAMMARAT. Nakhon Si Thammarat: Touw
11476, 11483 (both in MO). PAYAP. Chiang Mai: Kerr
8 (type of Leucobryum perichaetiale, BM), Dixon 1932:
11; Smith 584 (BM), Dixon 1935: 4; Richards 5476,
5500 (both in BO), Giesy & Richards 1959: 577; Ogawa
67961, 68006, 68007, 68046a (all in HIRO),
Yoda 67968, 67992, 68004, 68025, 68035
(all in HIRO), Yoda & Ogawa 67204, 67205 (both
in HIRO), Horikawa & Ando 1964: 7; Robbins 3564, 3648
(both in BKF, PC), Tixier & Smitinand 1966: 169; Tixier
s.n. (PC), 1971: 112; Sorensen et al. 5762, 6758,
Hansen et al. 11410, 11449 (all in C), Noguchi 1972a:
172; LSaW2826 (MO), Touw 8801, 10291,
10293 (all in MO). PHITSANULOK. Phetchabun: Hansen et
al. 11543b (C), Noguchi 1972a: 172; LSmW1041
(AAU, MO); Phitsanulok: LSmW696, 905 (AAU,
MO). PRACHINBURI. Nakhon Nayok: Hansen et al. 11677 (C),
Noguchi 1972a: 172; LSmW351 (MO).RACHASIMA.
Nakhon Ratchasima: Robbins 3686 (BKF, PC), Tixier &
Smitinand 1966: 169. SURAT. Surat Thani: Tixier s.n. (PC),
Tixier 1971: 112. UDAWN. Loei: Kerr 84, 102 (both
in BM), Dixon 1932: 11; Kerr567 (BM), Dixon 1935:
4; Smitinand 1112 (BKF, PC), Tixier & Smitinand 1966:
169; Smitinand 1112, 2001 (both in BKF, US), Reed
Robinson 1967: 64; Sorensen 6418, Floto 7532 (both
in C), Noguchi 1972a: 172; Touw 10375, 10404, 10416,
10546, 10577, 10733, 10883, 10901
(all in MO).
Range in Asia: Borneo, Mainland China, India, Java, Kampuchea,
Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sumatra, and Vietnam.
L. bowringii Mitt.
Illustrations. Eddy (1990, Figs. 174, A-G; 175, A-H); Yamaguchi
(1993, Pls. XLV, 1-18; XLVI, 1-15; XLVII, 1-19; XLVIII, 1-25).
Habitat. Alt. 40-1450 m.
Distribution in Thailand. (MAP)
CHANTHABURI. Trat: Schmidt s.n. (H), Brotherus 1901: 115.
NAKHON SI THAMMARAT. Nakhon Si Thammarat: Touw 11557, 11664
(both in MO). PAYAP. Chiang Mai: Tixier s.n. (PC), Tixier
1971: 111; Touw 10298 (MO). PHITSANULOK. Phetchabun: Hansen
et al. 11549b (C),Noguchi 1972a: 172; Phitsanulok:
Tixier s.n. (PC), Tixier 1971: 111. PRACHINBURI. Nakhon
Nayok: CLW4262, 4321 (both in AAU, MO),
Touw 12102, 12146 (both in MO). PHUKET. Ranong:
Tixier 3905 (PC), Tixier 1970b: 542. SURAT. Surat Thani:
Tixier s.n. (PC), Tixier 1971: 111. UDAWN. Loei: Smitinand
2001 (BKF, PC), Tixier & Smitinand 1966: 168; Floto
7399b (C), Noguchi 1972a: 172; Touw 10447, 10473,
10506, 10556, 10636, 10693, 10736,
10876, 11074 (all in MO).
Range in Asia: Borneo, Celebes, Mainland China, Hong Kong, India,
Japan, Java, Kampuchea, Laos, Malay Peninsula, New Guinea, Philippines,
Sri Lanka, Sumatra, Taiwan, and Vietnam.
L. bowringii var. sericeum (Broth.) Dix. == L. sericeum
[Enroth (1989: 532) synonymized this variety with Leucobryum
bowringii, but Yamaguchi (1993) considered L. sericeum
a distinct species].
L. brachyphyllum Hampe ex C. Müll., nom. illeg.,
earlier name included = L. aduncum fide Fleischer
(1904: 141).
[Enroth (1990) followed Fleischer's (1904) treatment in placing
Leucobryum brachyphyllum under synonymy of L. aduncum,
while Tan & Iwatsuki (1993) considered the former a synonym
of L. candium. Yamaguchi (1993) did not treat L. brachyphyllum
in his study of Asian Leucobryum species].
L. cf. candidum (P. Beauv.) Wils. in Hook. f.
[Tan & Iwatsuki (1993) reported this species from Thailand
based on two references published by Brotherus (1901) and Tixier
(1970b) on Leucobryum brachyphyllum. Yamaguchi (1993) excluded
Leucobryum candidum from Asia, while Enroth (1990) reduced
it to a synonym of L. javense].
L. candidum var. pentastichum (Dozy & Molk.)
Dix. = L. aduncum fide Yamaguchi 1993: 31.
[Enroth (1990) treated this variety as a synonym of Leucobryum
javense, while Yamaguchi (1993) reduced it to a synonym of
L. aduncum].
L. chlorophyllosum C. Müll.
Illustrations. Yamaguchi (1993, Pls. XXIII, 1-22; XXIV, 1-14).
Habitat. Alt. 900-1600 m.
Distribution in Thailand. (MAP)
PAYAP. Chiang Mai: Touw 8421 (L, MO), 8795 (L),
Touw 1968: 227. NAKHON SI THAMMARAT. Nakhon Si Thammarat: Touw
11569 (L, MO), 11972 (L), Touw 1968: 227.
Range in Asia: Borneo, Celebes, Mainland China, Java, Malaysia,
Sri Lanka, and Vietnam.
L. gracillimum Broth., nom. nud., no description,
Jovet-Ast & Tixier 1959: 303.
L. javense (Brid.) Mitt.
Illustrations. Eddy (1990, Figs. 167, A-F; 168, A-E); Yamaguchi
(1993, Pls. I, 1-7; II, 1-11; III, 1-19).
Habitat. Alt.780-1700 m.
Distribution in Thailand. (MAP)
PAYAP. Chiang Mai: Hosseus s.n. (H), Brotherus 1911: 362;
Robbins 3567 (BKF, PC), Tixier & Smitinand 1966: 168;
Touw 10297 (L, MO), Touw 1968: 228. PRACHINBURI. Chon Buri:
Smitinand 3228 (BKF, PC), Tixier & Smitinand 1966:
168; Nakhon Nayok: Touw 12051 (L, MO), Touw 1968: 228;
CLW4326, 4338 (both in AAU, MO). RACHASIMA.
Nakhon Ratchasima: Smitinand 8409 (BKF, US), Reed &
Robinson 1967: 64. UDAWN. Loei: Smitinand 1109, 3107,
4947 (all in BKF, PC), Tixier & Smitinand 1966: 168;
Smitinand 1104 (BKF, US), Reed & Robinson 1967: 64;
Sorensen etal 6415 (C), Noguchi 1972a: 172; Touw10617, 10691, 10877, 10897, 11000,
11007 (all in L, MO), Touw 1968: 228; CLW4770
(AAU, MO).
Range in Asia: Borneo, Celebes, Mainland China, Hong Kong, India,
Japan, Java, Kampuchea, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Guinea,
Philippines, Sri Lanka, Sumatra, Taiwan, and Vietnam.
Illustrations. Unknown.
Habitat. Altitude unknown.
Distribution in Thailand. No specific locality was given. Beaute
s.n., 1889 (type, PC), Renauld & Cardot 1902-03: 15.
Range in Asia: Endemic to Thailand.
L. birmense C. Müll. ex P. Tx., nom.
[Dixon (1932) reported Leucoloma birmense C. Müll.,
a nomen nudum, from Thailand. Tixier (1971-72) intended to publish
this name by giving a latin description for it, but he failed
to designate a holotype for this taxon because of citing two specimens
in the protologue. According to Article (37.3) of the Berlin Code,
this name is invalid because a single element (the holotype) was
not cited].
Illustrations. Tixier (1971-72, Pl. 1, figs. 1-6).
Habitat. Alt. 1300 m.
Distribution in Thailand. CHANTHABURI. Chanthaburi: Kerr452 (BM), Dixon 1932: 7. RACHASIMA. Nakhon Ratchasima:
Tixier 404, 408 (both in PC), Tixier 1971-72: 149.
Range in Asia: Myanmar.
L. molle var. longipilum Fleisch. = L. molle
fide Norris & Koponen 1990: 48.
[Tan & Iwatsuki (1993) continued to recognize this variety,
while Norris & Koponen (1990) reduced it to a synonym of Leucoloma
L. phumiengsis P. Tixier*
Illustrations. Tixier (1971-72, Pl. 2, figs. 1-6).
Habitat. Alt. 1300 m.
Distribution in Thailand. (MAP)
PHITSANULOK. Phetchabun: Tixier 1134 (type, PC), Tixier
1971-72: 152.
Range in Asia: Endemic to Thailand.
L. siamense Broth.*
Illustrations. Unknown.
Habitat. Altitude unknown.
Distribution in Thailand. (MAP)
CHANTHABURI. Trat: Klong Munsé, Schmidt s.n. (type,
H), Brotherus 1901: 115.
Range in Asia: Endemic to Thailand.
L. taylori (Schwaegr.) Mitt. = L. mittenii fide
Eddy 1988: 179.
L. walkeri Broth. var. walkeri **
Illustrations. Unknown.
Habitat. Alt. 450-2500 m.
Distribution in Thailand. (MAP)
CHANTHABURI. Chanthaburi: LSmW1649, 1869
(both in AAU, MO). PAYAP. Chiang Mai: LSaW3072
(AAU, MO). PHITSANULOK. Phitsanulok: LSmW759 (AAU,
MO). PHUKET. Trang: CLW3537, 3538, 3674
(AAU, MO). RACHINBURI. Nakhon Nayok: CLW4456, LSmW182,1158 (all in AAU, MO). RACHASIMA. Nakhon Ratchasima:
LSaW3224 (AAU, MO).
Range in Asia: Mainland China, India, Malay Peninsula, and Myanmar.
L. walkeri var. stenocarpum Card. & Dix.
in Dix.
Illustrations. Dixon (1914b, Pl. 1, fig. 2).
Habitat. Alt. 400 m.
Distribution in Thailand. (MAP)
UDAWN. Khon Kaen: Kerr 582 (BM), Dixon 1935:4.
Range in Asia: India and Myanmar.
Leucomium Mitt. (Leucomiaceae)
L. aneurodictyon (C. Müll.) Jaeg. = L. strumosum
fide Allen 1987: 670.
L. albescens C. Müll. = L. glaucum
fide Enroth 1990: 104.
[Tan & Iwatsuki (1993) considered Leucophanesalbescens
a distinct species].
L. angustifolium Ren. & Card.
[This species was reported by Enroth (1990) from Thailand,
but no Thai specimen was cited. It is treated as a provisional
Range in Asia: Mainland China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malay
Peninsula, Papua New Guinea, Taiwan, and Vietnam.
L. glaucescens C. Müll. ex Fleisch. = L. glaucum
fide Enroth 1990: 104.
[Tan & Iwatsuki (1993) continued to accept Leucophanes
glaucescens as a distinct species and did not report L.
glaucum from Indo-China].
L. octoblepharoides Brid.
Illustrations. Eddy (1990, Fig. 196, A-F); Enroth (1990b,
Fig. 19, a-g).
Habitat. Alt. 50-1300 m.
Distribution in Thailand. (MAP)
CHANTHABURI. Chanthaburi: LNS 31973 (AAU, MO); Trat: CLW5052 (AAU, MO). NAKHON SI THAMMARAT. Nakhon Si Thammarat:
Suvarnakoses 263 (BKF, PC), Tixier & Smitinand 1966:
169. PHUKET. Phuket: Touw 11196 (L, MO); Ranong: Kerr373 (BM), Dixon 1935: 5; Trang: CLW3617
(AAU, MO).PRACHINBURI. Nakhon Nayok: Touw 12239,
12334 (both in L, MO), 12396 (L), Touw 1968: 228;
LSaW3389 (AAU, MO). UDAWN. Loei: Floto 7438
(C), Noguchi 1972a: 172.
Range in Asia: Borneo, Mainland China, India, Japan, Java, Kampuchea,
Myanmar, Nepal, New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Sumatra, Taiwan,
and Vietnam.
Lopidium Hook.f. & Wils. (Hypopterygiaceae)
L. struthiopteris (Brid.) Fleisch.
[Mohamed & Robinson (1991: 40) reported this species from
Thailand without citing any Thai specimen].
Illustrations. Mohamed & Robinson (1991, Figs. 151-158); Noguchi
(1987-94, Fig. 334B).
Habitat. Alt. 1000 m.
Distribution in Thailand. (MAP)
UDAWN. Loei: CLW 4764 (AAU, MO).
Range in Asia: Borneo, Mainland China, Inddia, Japan, Java, Malaysia,
New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Sumatra, Taiwan, and Vietnam.
L. trichocladon(Bosch & Sande Lac.) Fleisch.
Illustrations. Mohamed & Robinson (1991, Figs. 159-168).
Habitat. Alt. 250-1530 m.
Distribution in Thailand. (MAP)
NAKHON SI THAMMARAT. Nakhon Si Thammarat: Touw 11415, 11461,
11546, 11572, 11994 (all in L, MO), 11905
(L), Touw 1968: 227; Tagawa & Kitagawa 4577, 5206,
5365 (all in NICH), Noguchi 1973: 248. PHITSANULOK. Phetchabun:
LSmW 1068 (AAU, MO). UDAWN. Loei: Touw 10450, 10462,
10949, 11052 (all in L, MO), 11103 (L), Touw
1968: 227; Tagawa & Kitagawa 979 (NICH), Noguchi 1973:
Range in Asia: Borneo, Mainland China, Japan, Java, Kampuchea,
Laos, Myanmar, Philippines, Sumatra, Taiwan, and Vietnam.