R. cuspidigerum var. demissum (Bosch & Sande
Lac.) Fleisch.
Illustrations. Dozy & Molkenboer (1855-70, Tab. 146, as
Racopilum demissum).
Habitat. Alt. 1000-1525 m.
Distribution in Thailand. (MAP)
PAYAP. Chiang Mai: Richards 5472 (BO), Giesy & Richards
1959: 580. UDAWN. Loei: Kerr103 (BM), Dixon 1932:
Range in Asia: Borneo, Celebes, India, Java, Kampuchea, Philippines,
and Vietnam.
R. orthocarpum Mitt.
[Tan & Iwatsuki (1991) synonymized Racopilum orthocarpum
with R. cuspidigerum. Tan & Iwatsuki (1993) reported
this species from Thailand by citing a reference of Touw (1968).
The latter author, however, clearly indicated otherwise: "the
differences between the present species and R. cuspidigerum
(Schwaegr.) Aongstr. are small, and presumedly the Thai records
of the last mentioned species have to be transferred to R.
orthocarpus. On the other hand, sterile specimens cannot be
named safely, and have been placed here with some hesitation"]. Illustrations. Gangulee (1969-80, Fig. 582).
Habitat. Alt. 600-2100 m.
Distribution in Thailand. (MAP)
NAKHON SAWAN. Tak: Touw 8200 (L, MO), Touw 1968: 237. NAKHON
SI THAMMARAT. Nakhon Si Thammarat: Touw 11449 (L, MO),
Touw 1968: 237. PAYAP. Chiang Mai: Touw 8476, 8512,
9365, 9422, 9485, 9855, 9879
(all in L, MO), Touw 1968: 237. PRACHINBURI. Nakhon Nayok: Touw
12231 (L, MO), Touw 1968: 237.UDAWN. Loei: Touw
10403, 10821, 11121 (all in L, MO), Touw 1968:
Range in Asia: Mainland China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Sikkim,
Sri Lanka, and Vietnam.
R. schmidii (C. Müll.) Jaeg. = R. cuspidigerum
fide Noguchi 1972a: 173.
R. siamense Dix.*
Illustrations. Unknown.
Habitat. Alt. 1500-1650 m.
Distribution in Thailand. (MAP)
PAYAP. Chiang Mai: Rock 151a (type, BM), 194a (paratype,
BM), Dixon 1932: 35.
Range in Asia: Endemic to Thailand.
R. spectabile Reinw. & Hornsch.
Illustrations. Koponen & Norris (1986, Fig. 4).
Habitat. Alt. 200 m.
Distribution in Thailand. (MAP)
PATTANI. Narathiwat: CLW4053a (MO). PHUKET. Trang:
Tagawa & Kitagawa 6774 p.p. (NICH), Noguchi 1973: 240;
CLW3725 (AAU, MO).
Range in Asia: Borneo, Mainland China, New Guinea, Philippines,
Sri Lanka, and Sumatra.
Illustrations. Gangulee (1969-80, Fig. 782).
Habitat. Alt. 1300-1500 m.
Distribution in Thailand. (MAP)
PAYAP. Chiang Rai: Kitagawa 3593 p.p. (NICH), Noguchi 1973:
248. PHITSANULOK. Phetchabun: Tixier s.n. (PC), Tixier
1971: 141.
Range in Asia: Mainland China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Taiwan,
and Vietnam.
R. orthostegiusMont.
[Eakin (1976: 28) considered this species a synonym of Regmatodon
polycarpus (Griff.) Mitt., while Wijk et al. (1959-1969,
Vol. 4: 281) treated them vice versa. Although the new synonym
has not been formally published by Eakin, R. polycarpus
has been used by many authors in the west. In Asia, Regmatodon
orthostegius has often be recognized. Clearly, the two species
are considered identical by nearly all studies. The confusion
is centered around which of these two species is an older name.
Eakin (1976) interpreted that Anhymenium polycarpon Griff.,
the basionym for Regmatodon polycarpus, was published in
1838 when the paper was read at a meeting before the Linnean Society
of London. However, the proceedings of this meeting were only
formally published in 1843. If this date is accepted, Regmatodon
orthostegius Mont. was published earlier (1842) than R.
Illustrations. Gangulee (1969-80, Fig. 783).
Habitat. Alt. 1000-1750 m.
Distribution in Thailand. (MAP)
PAYAP. Chiang Mai: Touw 8903, 9063 (both in L, MO),
9845 (L), Touw 1968: 227; Kitagawa 3354 p.p. (NICH),
Noguchi 1973: 248.
Range in Asia: Bhutan, Mainland China, India, Nepal, Sikkim, Sri
Lanka, and Vietnam.
Reimersia Chen (Pottiaceae)
R. inconspicua (Griff.) Chen
Illustrations. Eddy (1990, Fig. 273, A-F); Zander (1993, Pl.
30, figs. 1-8).
Habitat. Alt. 1812 m.
Distribution in Thailand. (MAP)
PAYAP. Chiang Mai: Robbins 3681 (L), Touw 1968: 235.
Range in Asia: Mainland China, India, Japan, Java, Malaysia, and
Illustrations. Brotherus (1924-25, Fig. 739).
Habitat. Alt. 350 m.
Distribution in Thailand. (MAP)
PHUKET. Trang: CLW 3670, 3672 (both in AAU, MO).
RACHASIMA. Nakhon Ratchasima: CLW 4501 (AAU, MO).
Range in Asia: Indonesia.
Illustrations. Gangulee (1969-80, Fig. 494); Mohamed (1984,
Fig. 1); Noguchi (1987-94, Fig. 215, B).
Habitat. Alt. 1100-1200 m.
Distribution in Thailand. (MAP)
PAYAP.Chiang Mai: LSaW2180, 2576
(both in AAU, MO). UDAWN. Loei: Kerr82 (BM), Dixon
1932: 23; Smitinand 302 (BKF, PC), 1256, (BKF, PC,
US), Tixier & Smitinand 1966: 173, Reed & Robinson 1967:
65; CLW4892 (AAU, MO).
Range in Asia: Mainland China, India, Japan, Nepal, Siberia, Sri
Lanka, Taiwan, and Vietnam.
Rhynchostegiella (Bruch & Schimp. in B.S.G. )Limpr.
R. menadensis (Sande Lac.) Bartr.
Illustrations. Bartram (1939, Pl. 22, fig. 385); Gangulee
(1969-80, Fig. 870).
Habitat. Alt. 40-370 m.
Distribution in Thailand. (MAP)
SURAT. Surat Thani: Tixier s.n. (BM), Tixier 1971: 144.UDAWN. Loei: Touw 10366 (L, MO), Touw 1968: 218.
Range in Asia: Celebes, India, Java, Myanmar, Malaysia, Philippines,
and Vietnam.
R. ovalifolia Dix.*
Illustrations. Unknown.
Habitat. Alt. 50 m.
Distribution in Thailand. (MAP)
NAKHON SI THAMMARAT. Nakhon Si Thammarat: Kerr 314 (type,
BM), Dixon 1932: 37. SURAT. Surat Thani: Kerr s.n. (BM),
Dixon 1935: 18.
Range in Asia: Endemic to Thailand.
R. scabriseta (Schwaegr.) Broth.
Illustrations. Gangulee (1969-80, Fig. 867).
Habitat. Alt. 2250 m.
Distribution in Thailand. (MAP)
PAYAP. Chiang Mai: Touw 10167 (L), Touw 1968: 218.
Range in Asia: India, Nepal, and Sikkim.
Rhynchostegium Schimp. in B.S.G. (Brachytheciaceae)
R. celebicum (Sande Lac.) Jaeg.
Illustrations. Bartram (1939, Pl. 22, fig. 384, as Eurhynchium
celebicum); Gangulee (1969-80, Fig. 883).
Habitat. Alt. 550-2300 m.
Distribution in Thailand. (MAP)
NAKHON SAWAN. Tak: Touw 8137 (MO). PAYAP. Chiang Mai: Yoda
67551, 67553 (both in HIRO), Horikawa & Ando 1964:
30; Hansen et al. 11395 (C), Noguchi 1972a: 181. PHITSANULOK.
Phitsanulok: LSmW 609 (MO). PRACHINBURI. Nakhon Nayok:
Touw 12224 (MO). RACHASIMA. Nakhon Ratchasima: Tixier
s.n. (PC), Tixier 1971: 144. UDAWN. Loei: Smitinand 1253
(BKF, US), Reed & Robinson 1967: 67; Touw10428,
10452, 11122 (all in MO).
Range in Asia: Celebes, India, Java, Myanmar, New Guinea, Philippines,
Sumatra, Taiwan, and Vietnam.
R. herbaceum (Mitt.) Jaeg.
Illustrations. Gangulee (1969-80, Fig. 882).
Habitat. Alt. 1000 m.
Distribution in Thailand. (MAP)
PAYAP. Chiang Mai: Tixier s.n. (PC), Tixier 1971: 144.
Range in Asia: Bhutan, Mainland China, India, Sikkim, and Sri
R. javanicum (Bel.) Besch.
Illustrations. Dozy & Molkenboer (1855-70, Tab. 257, as
Hypnum javanicum).
Habitat. Alt. 600-800 m.
Distribution in Thailand. (MAP)
NAKHON SI THAMMARAT. Nakhon Nayok: Kerr 307 (BM), Dixon
1932: 37. NAKHON SAWAN. Tak: Touw 8103 (L, MO), Touw 1968:
Range in Asia: Borneo, Java, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and Sumatra.