List of Genera in LECYTHIDACEAE

B = Barringtonioideae, F = Foetidioideae, L = Lecythidoideae, N = Napoleonaeoideae, S = Scytopetaloideae.

Bold, accepted name; italics, synonym.

Abdulmajidia Whitmore - B
Allantoma Miers - L
Amphoricarpus Miers = Cariniana Casaretto - L
Asteranthos Desfontaines - S
Asteranthus Sprengel = Asteranthos Desfontaines - S
Barringtonia J. R. Forster & G. Forster - B
Barthollesia Silva Manso = Bertholletia Humboldt & Bonpland - L
Belvisia Desvaux = Napoleonaea P. Beauvois - N
Bergena Adanson = Lecythis Loefling - L
Bertholletia Humboldt & Bonpland - L
Brazzeia Baillon - S
Careya Roxburgh - B
Cariniana Casaretto - L
Cercophora Miers = Lecythis Loefling - L
Chydenanthus Miers - B
Chytroma Miers = Lecythis Loefling - L
Combretodendron A. Chevalier = Petersianthus Merrill - B
Corythophora R. Knuth - L
Couratari Aublet - L
Couroupita Aublet - L
Crateranthus Baker f. - S
Curatari J. F. Gmelin = Couratari Aublet - L
Curataria Sprengel = Couratari Aublet - L
Erythropyxis Engler = Erytropyxis Pierre = Brazzeia Baillon - S
Eschweilera de Candolle - L
Foetidia Lamarck - F
Goeldinia Huber = Allantoma Miers - L
Grias L. - L
Gustavia L. - L
Holopyxidium Ducke = Lecythis Loefling - L
Japarandiba Adanson = Gustavia L. - L
Jugastrum Miers = Eschweilera de Candolle - L
Lecythis Loefling - L
Lecythopsis Schrank = Couratari Aublet - L
Napoleona P. Beauvois = Napoleonaea P. Beauvois - N
Napoleonaea P. Beauvois - N
Neohuberia Ledoux = Eschweilera de Candolle - L
Oubanguia Baillon - S
Pachylecythis Ledoux = Lecythis Loefling - L
Perigaria Span. = Gustavia L. - L
Petersia Bentham & J. D. Hooker = Petersianthus Merrill - L
Petersianthus Merrill - L
Pierrina Engler - ?S
Pirigara Aublet = Gustavia L. - L
Planchonia Blume - B
Pontopidana Scopoli = Couroupita Aublet - L
Pseudobrazzeia Engler = Brazzeia Baillon - S
Rhaptopetalum Oliver - S
Sapucaya R. Knuth = Lecythis Loefling - L
Scytopetalum Engler - S
Strailia T.Durand = Lecythis Loefling - L
Teichmeyeria Scopoli = Gustavia L. - L

Information compiled from Prance and Mori (2004), Appel (2004), and Prance (2004).