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Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica

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The Cutting Edge

Volume IX, Number 2, April 2002

News and Notes | Leaps and Bounds | Germane Literature | Season's Pick

PROGRESS ON THE MANUAL. Everything is on course for the publication of our first two (monocot) volumes late this year or early in 2003. We have a deadline of 1 October, 2002, for turning the edited text and images over to the page-layout processors. NOTICE TO MONOCOT CONTRIBUTORS: we have imposed a deadline of 1 June, 2002, for major modifications of manuscripts (such as the addition of new taxa or the reconfiguration of genera). Less significant changes, such as the substitution of published for provisional names, can probably be accommodated for some indefinite time period after 1 June. Don't delay! We had previously planned for the Manual to comprise four volumes, one for monocots and three for dicots [see The Cutting Edge 7(1): 2, Jan. 2000]; however, space considerations required that we allot two full volumes for monocots, with the division coming immediately before Orchidaceae. The two monocot volumes (with the first also containing introductory material of a general nature) will be published simultaneously.

QUÍRICO STEPS UP TO THE PLATE. INBio botanist Quírico Jiménez has distinguished himself, in recent years, by his audacious environmental activism [see The Cutting Edge 8(2): 1, Apr. 2001]. From now on he will be in a much better position to promote his worthy initiatives, having been elected to a four-year term (beginning 1 May) in the Costa Rican Asamblea Legislativa as Diputado from the Provincia de Heredia. We all wish him luck and success. Quírico will be missed at INBio, but we expect to be hearing a lot from him in the years to come!

ORLANDO VARGAS MOVES ON. One-time Manual collector, long-time La Selva Biological Station Naturalist, and continued friend and collaborator in all things botanical, Orlando Vargas has taken a new job in the Sarapiquí region. This time it's a one-man show; he will be Station Manager at a new, private enterprise, dedicated primarily to natural history studies for Costa Rican students.

SITE VISIT. Manual co-PI Barry Hammel spent all of March in St. Louis, mostly for meetings with bosses and Manual contributors at MO to establish a time-line for upcoming volumes.

VISITORS TO COSTA RICA. Harvey Ballard (Violaceae, BHO) visited INB during 2–4 April to identify collections and update his records. Lucinda McDade (Acanthaceae, PH), after spending time with an OTS course, was at INB on 27 February for the same reasons. Don Stone (Juglandaceae, DUKE), former OTS godfather, is examining specimens at INB at this writing (9 April) for his work on Flora mesoamericana.

MISCELLANEOUS VISITS TO THIRD COUNTRIES. Francisco Morales (INB) spent two more weeks (2–17 March) in Colombia, collaborating with Colombian colleagues on Manual treatments of Polygalaceae and Polygonaceae. And as we write this (10 April), Manual co-PI Nelson Zamora (INB) is back in Honduras, apparently on a consulting job.

ORDERING FROM INBIO. We sometimes receive inquiries on how to purchase some of the INBio publications featured in our “Germane Literature“ section. All INBio publications currently in press can be ordered on-line with a credit card at:


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