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Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica

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The Cutting Edge

Volume XVII, Number 2, April 2010

News and Notes | Leaps and Bounds | Germane Literature | Season's Pick | Annotate your copy

LAURACEAE. Manual co-PI Nelson Zamora has made the first collection of the opposite-leaved genus Caryodaphnopsis from the Atlantic slope of Costa Rica. This he found during a recent sojourn to the Selva Bananito Lodge (see under "News and Notes"). Although the new material is sterile, it is clearly not conspecific with Caryodaphnopsis burgeri N. Zamora & Poveda, the only congener represented in Costa Rica, where it is known only from the Pacific slope (as well as eastern Panama). Among the South American spp., it most closely resembles C. fosteri van der Werff (Colombia to Bolivia), but may prove to be undescribed.

MYRTACEAE. Manual contributor and correspondent José González (LSCR) reports the following first records for the Estación Biológica La Selva (see also under Theaceae): Eugenia sarapiquensis P. E. Sánchez, collected by Enrique Salicetti (no doubt a relative of late La Selva caretaker Rafael Chavarría Salicetti); and Myrciaria vexator McVaugh, collected by Ademar Hurtado, son of the legendary Santos Hurtado. This marks only the third collection of the latter sp. from Costa Rica, while E. sarapiquensis, though described from the immediate region, had, rather shockingly, never been found within the boundaries of the La Selva reserve. The identification of M. vexator (at least) was courtesy of family specialist Pablo Sánchez-Vindas (JVR).

ORCHIDACEAE. Orlando Vargas, Head of Scientific Operations at the Estación Biológica La Selva, reports the discovery (by a guide) of Mormodes horichii Fowlie (O. Vargas 2124) in the "La Flamine" portion of the reserve. This find necessitates the following reformulation of the elevational range given in the Manual for this sp.: 0–800 m. While this is officially the first La Selva record for the sp., there does exist an old flowering collection identified only as "Mormodes"—presumably by collector and orchid specialist James Folsom (HNT)—that we have never been able to examine.

THEACEAE. A specimen of Freziera grisebachii Krug & Urb. collected by Ademar Hurtado (see under Myrtaceae) from along the Camino Central at the Estación Biológica La Selva adds not only a new sp., but a new family (whether Theaceae or Pentaphylacaceae, as APG III would have it), to the florula of the reserve. This would have been a stunning discovery a few decades back, but in recent years F. grisebachii has been collected several times on the Atlantic slope of Volcán Barva, down to as low as La Tirimbina (190 m). Many thanks to José González (CR) for this report.


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