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The Cutting Edge
Volume XVIII, Number 2, April 2011
News and Notes |
Leaps and Bounds | Germane Literature |
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EUPHORBIACEAE. According to a strict and very logical interpretation of the Code by several informed parties at MO, the name Croton lanjouwensis Jabl. is not acceptable (according to Art. 60.11 and Rec. 60C.1) and must be corrected to C. lanjouwianus. This point may now be largely moot in this particular case (see "Germane Literature," under Guimarães & Secco), but not in the analogous case of Faramea zamorensis Al. Rodr. [see The Cutting Edge 10(2): 12, Apr. 2003], which must finally be corrected to F. zamorana.
GESNERIACEAE. Annotations of MO specimens by Fred R. Barrie (MO) and Laurence E. Skog (US) suggest that the taxon called Columnea tulae Urb. var. tomentulosa (C. V. Morton) B. D. Morley in Ricardo Kriebel’s (NY) Manual treatment of Gesneriaceae will be restored to sp. rank, as C. tomentulosa C. V. Morton, in the upcoming Flora mesoamericana account of the family. Furthermore, Nautilocalyx purpurascens Kriebel, accepted as a distinct sp. by Ricardo, will evidently be relegated to synonymy under N. speciosus Wiehler in Flora mesoamericana, judging from other identifications by the aforementioned authors. Although one of the specimens so determined is the Manual voucher for N. purpurascens, we cannot be certain that synonymy is involved, because the type of the last-mentioned name is not represented among the material at hand (which was recently returned from loan to US). Nautilocalyx speciosus, based on a specimen from Prov. Bocas del Toro, Panama, was described too late to have been included in Skog’s (1978) Flora of Panama fascicle, though it was mentioned there in a footnote. See "Leaps and Bounds," under Gesneriaceae, for an additional revelation.