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Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica

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The Cutting Edge

Volume XIV, Number 1, January 2007

News and Notes | Recent Treatments | Leaps and Bounds | Germane Literature | Season's Pick | Annotate your copy

BORAGINACEAE.  James S. Miller (MO).  We tote 54 Costa Rican spp. of Boraginaceae in 10 genera (including Rochefortia, accounted for only in the genus key).  The most sp.-rich genera are Cordia (15), Tournefortia (13), Varronia (9), and Bourreria (7).  Four spp. are endemic to the country (mostly in the Golfo Dulce region):   Bourreria grandicalyx J. S. Mill. & Sirot, B. rinconensis J. S. Mill., Cordia liesneri J. S. Mill., and Tournefortia isabellina J. S. Mill.  No spp. are treated hypothetically, and none that is exclusively cultivated, although the Chinese native Cynoglossum amabile Stapf & J. R. Drumm. is naturalized.  Borago officinalis L., sometimes planted in Costa Rican gardens, is mentioned in the family discussion.  Varronia is resegregated from Cordia on the authority of a publication by the author currently “in press,” in which two new combinations for spp. occurring in Costa Rica will be validated.  The family is here treated in the traditional sense (Boraginaceae s. l., exclusive of Hydrophyllaceae and Lennoaceae), as are the evidently unnatural genera Heliotropium and Tournefortia; the unsettled classification of these taxa is discussed concisely under the appropriate headings.  Incidentally, we wanted to take this opportunity to congratulate Jim on his new position at NY, and to wish him well; he will be moving on in February, but will continue to collaborate with us on his Manual treatment.

MALPIGHIACEAE. W. R. Anderson (MICH). This account formally treats 75 spp. in 19 genera, including four recently segregated by the author from Mascagnia [see The Cutting Edge 13(4): 2, Oct. 2006]. Bunchosia has the highest sp. total (14), followed by Heteropterys, Stigmaphyllon, and Tetrapterys (9 each) and Hiraea (8). We count 16 spp. of Malpighiaceae as endemic to Costa Rica: five in Bunchosia, two each in Heteropterys, Hiraea, Stigmaphyllon, and Tetrapterys, and one apiece in Dicella, Lophanthera, and Mascagnia. Four spp. are undescribed and provided with provisional names (“sp. 1”), one each in Bunchosia, Hiraea, Mascagnia, and Tetrapterys. Two spp. of hypothetical occurrence in Costa Rica are accorded full treatment, as both are known from within a few km of the border: Bunchosia stipulacea W. R. Anderson, from the Panamanian side of the Península de Burica, and Stigmaphyllon bannisterioides (L.) C. E. Anderson, from San Juan del Norte, Nicaragua. No Malpighiaceae spp. known exclusively in cultivation met the Manual criteria for formal inclusion, however several such spp. receive brief mention in the family discussion (Galphimia gracilis Bartl.) or under the individual genus headings [e.g., Banisteriopsis caapi (Griseb.) C. V. Morton, Malpighia emarginata DC.]. The key to genera functions for either flowering or fruiting material.


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