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Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica

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The Cutting Edge

Volume XIII, Number 3, July 2006

News and Notes | Recent Treatments | Germane Literature | Season's Pick | Annotate your copy

MELIACEAE.  Q. Jiménez (INB) & A. Rodríguez (INB).  This contribution accepts 54 spp. of Meliaceae in Costa Rica, representing seven genera.   Former INBio curator Quírico Jiménez is responsible for six of the genera, current curator Alexánder Rodríguez for Guarea alone.   However, Guarea harbors the majority of spp., with 30, followed by Trichilia (14 spp.) and Cedrela (4 spp.).  The 30 spp. of Guarea distinguished by Rodríguez is about triple the total previously attributed to Costa Rica, with many of the additions accruing from the author’s atomization of Guarea glabra Vahl in the all-encompassing sense of Flora Neotropica monographer Terence D. Pennington (K).  Thirteen Guarea spp. are still undescribed and require provisional names.  A total of 16 spp. of Meliaceae are endemic to Costa Rica, 13 in Guarea (including 10 of the provisionally named entities) and three in Trichilia.  No exotic taxa are treated formally, but cultivated spp. in the genera Azadirachta, Melia, Sandoricum, and Toona are mentioned in the family discussion.

MYRTACEAE.  F. R. Barrie (MO), B. Holst (SEL), M. L. Kawasaki (F) & L. R. Landrum (ASU).  Fourteen genera of Myrtaceae are treated in full by these authors, comprising a total of 87 spp.  By far the most sp.-rich genus in Costa Rica is Eugenia (49 spp.), followed distantly by Myrcia (8 spp.) and Calyptranthes, Plinia, and Psidium (each with 6 spp.).  Eugenia also heads up the list of Costa Rican endemics, with 25 of the 31 spp. total, the remainder being distributed among Calyptranthes (2 spp.), Marlierea (1 sp.), and Plinia (3 spp.).  Two spp. (one each of Eugenia and Myrcia) bear provisional names.  Two exotic genera, Eucalyptus and Syzygium, are treated formally on the basis of spp. cultivated on a commercial scale (one in the former genus, two in the latter).  Psidium guajava L. may also be introduced to Costa Rica.  Cultivated spp. of Acca, Callistemon, Melaleuca, and Myrtus are briefly mentioned in the family discussion.  Authorship attributions are as follows:  Holst and Kawasaki are responsible for Calyptranthes, Marlierea, and Myrcia; Landrum and Barrie for Calycolpus, Pimenta, Psidium, and Ugni; and Barrie alone for all the rest.

PAPAVERACEAE.  A. Soto (INB).  INBio roustabout Armando Soto gets a shot with this small family, and acquits himself very well indeed.  Just two genera are involved, with a total of three spp. (none endemic):  the herbaceous Argemone mexicana L. and the woody Bocconia arborea S. Watson and B. frutescens L.  These are rather weedy plants, quite well known with the exception of Bocconia arborea, a surprise addition to the flora (though it is rather tenuously distinguished from B. frutescens).  The North American Eschscholzia californica Cham., sparingly cultivated in Costa Rica, receives mention in the family discussion.


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