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Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica

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The Cutting Edge

Volume XIX, Number 3, July 2012

News and Notes | Leaps and Bounds | Germane Literature | Season's Pick | Annotate your copy

CONVOLVULACEAE. Ipomoea diriadactylina Hammel, born a mere few months ago [see under “Hammel” in “Germane Literature” in our last issue] to supplant “Ipomoea sp. A” of the Manual, has already been laid to rest. The grim reaper was none other than MO Curator Doug Stevens, who recently discovered two Nicaraguan specimens of an Ipomoea sp. not previously known from that country that he (and Hammel, via scanned images) felt compared quite well with the new sp. from Costa Rica. Case closed? Not quite. While doing routine filing the next day, Doug hit upon a Honduran specimen of Ipomoea riparum Standl. & L. O. Williams (the type of which is also from Honduras) and made the connection with his Nicaraguan specimens already annotated as I. diriadactylina. Although the highly distinctive fruiting calyces are known only from Costa Rica, the contrite author of the last-mentioned name accepts the Costa Rican and more northern populations as belonging to just one sp. So make the indicated substitution in Manual Vol. 5 (p. 113) and, while you’re at it, amend the geographic range to “Hond.–CR” (yes, we lose another putative Costa Rican endemic in this transaction).

EUPHORBIACEAE. In the genus discussion of Phyllanthus in the Manual treatment of this family by José González (LSCR), the combination P. androgynus (L.) J. A. González was validated (somewhat furtively) as a consequence of José’s inclusion within that genus of the economically important sp. (occasionally cultivated in Costa Rica) generally known as Sauropus androgynus (L.) Merr. At the time, we confirmed the unavailability of said combination using all the usual resources. Since the publication of Manual Vol. 5 in 2010, we have checked IPNI on several occasions without finding José’s combination included there. But upon our most recent check, we got a surprise: the combination in question was already validated in an Indian journal a year before José got to it! Although the MO library does subscribe to that journal (J. Econ. Taxon. Bot.), it has not received this particular issue (so we are off the hook!). We thought it was pretty cool to have José’s name associated with that of Linnaeus, but the thrill is gone: Phyllanthus androgynus (L.) Chakrab. & N. P. Balakr. will henceforth prevail (for those in agreement with the implied taxonomy). Although the point is now moot, IPNI still does not list José’s isonym.

JUNCACEAE. The Manual treatment of this family (2003) by co-PI Barry Hammel (MO) specified an altitudinal range of 800–1500 m for Juncus marginatus Rostk. That can now be prefaced by a parenthetical “50–,” on the basis of a recent collection from the vicinity of Las Juntas de Abangares by Carlos O. Morales (USJ). Carlos’s specimen (#2269) was prepared from a large clump growing in a sunlit site, in a pool near a quebrada. A new life zone (“bosque húmedo”) should also be penciled in, and the geographic range slightly extended (the sp. having been previously known in Costa Rica only from the Cordillera de Guanacaste).



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