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Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica

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The Cutting Edge

Volume VII, Number 4, October 2000

News and Notes | Leaps and Bounds | Germane Literature

ANOTHER NEW BEGINNING. Everyone who's been along for the ride from the start knows that continual change (usually for the better) is the norm at INBio. In 1989, the entire CR herbarium was moved to INBio, ostensibly on a permanent basis. But just two years later, the Museo Nacional reclaimed it. So, in 1993, INBio established its own herbarium (INB), in a gleaming new building with ample new cabinets and plenty of working space. But this space was shared with other departments, and Botany needed its own quarters. On Tuesday, 24 October, the new Departamento de Botánica building was officially inaugurated with characteristic pomp and ceremony. In attendance, among other celebrities, was the ambassador to Costa Rica from the Netherlands, partly responsible for financing the construction. The new edifice (actually in use for about two months) is across the street from the original INBio compound, on what was, until quite recently, a coffee plantation. The digs are quite nice: windowed offices for curators and support staff, a drying room for incoming field collections, a prep room for mounting and labeling, and the herbarium, in a capacious hall separate from all the rest. For uninitiated visitors: access is easiest via the same street as usual, but you shuld clarify to the taxi driver "INBio viejo, no INBio nuevo" ("new INBio" is the INBioParque complex, one street north of the original inroad).

SPECIAL DELIVERY. An estimated 1200 numbers collected in Costa Rica. ca. 1928 by Harvey E. Stork are now being accessioned at MO. This mostly unmounted material, including many duplicates and at least eight types, was received as a gift from the herbarium at Carleton College (CARL), Northfield, MN, where Stork was based. The list of localities reveals that Stork collected mainly about the Valle Central, especially in the vicinty of Cartago and Orosi, with limited excursions as far as Guanacaste, San Isidro de El General, and Puerto Limón. With the help of Ron Liesner and Mary Merello, these important specimens will be expedited into the general collection (and duplicates will be distributed appropriately).

AUTUMN IN ST. LOUIS.....Manual collaborators in attendance at MO's annual Fall symposium included one of the featured speakers, George Schatz (MO, Annonaceae). Visiting were John Atwood (SEL, Orchidaceae), Harvey Ballard (BHO, Violaceae), Fred Barrie (F/MO, Myrtaceae, Valerianaceae), Lynn Bohs (UT, Solanaceae), Bob Dressler (FLAS/MO, Orchidaceae), and John Kress (US, Heliconiaceae). Making the rounds was Manual co-PI Barry Hammel, in residence at MO from 4 October–2 November.

.....AND IN THE CARIBBEAN. INBio colleague Quírico Jiménez spent eight days during mid-October in Puerto Rico, at the V Reunión Sobre Herbarios de Mesoamérica y El Caribe, also attended by MO's Charlotte Taylor (Rubiaceae).

MORE DRAFT TREATMENTS. Amaryllidaceae, Burmanniaceae, Convallariaceae, Dracaenaceae, Hydrocharitaceae, Hypoxidaceae, Mayacaceae, Melanthiaceae, Potamogetonaceae, Triuridaceae, and Typhaceae are newly on the web at: http://www.mobot.org/MOBOT/research/treat/draft.shtml.

Remember, these are mostly for your eyes only, to generate feedback for us, and for you to see examples and know that we are progressing. We resist announcing this site widely before paper publication, and require that any published usage give full credit and citation of the Manual [see our web page on how to cite the Manual].



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