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The Alwyn H. Gentry Forest Transect Data Set

Temperate North America | Mexico, Central America, West Indies | South America | Europe | Africa | Tropical Asia and Australasia

Note: Browseable versions of the data set are in ASCII text format (.txt) and should be viewable within your web browser. Downloadable versions of the data are in Excel format (.xls). These will only open inside your browser if you have Internet Explorer Version 4 or higher.

Download the entire 225 transect data sets: All Text Files (625 KB) | All Excel Files (2.4 MB)

Download a file containing the geographical coordinates of the site of each transect: Gentry Transect Coordinates

Conditions for use of The Gentry Forest Transect Data:

Researchers who make use of the data in publications are requested to acknowledge Alwyn H. Gentry, the Missouri Botanical Garden, and collectors who assisted Gentry or contributed data for specific sites.

Location Text Files (.txt) Excel Files(.xls)
Temperate North America (28 sites) All All
1. Kitlope 1, British Columbia, Canada KITLOPE1 KITLOPE1
2. Kitlope 2, British Columbia, Canada KITLOPE2 KITLOPE2
3. Mt. St. Hilaire, Montreal, Canada MTSTHILA MTSTHILA
4. Metthieson Hammock County Park, U.S.A., Florida MATTHIES MATTHIES
5. San Feasco Hammock, U.S.A., Florida SANFELAS SANFELAS
6. University of Florida Horticulture Woods, U.S.A., Florida UFHORTIC UFHORTIC
7. Cedar Bluffs, U.S.A., Indiana CEDARBLU CEDARBLU
8. Northwest Branch, U.S.A., Maryland NWBRANCH NWBRANCH
9. Babler State Park, U.S.A., Missouri BABLERSP BABLERSP
10. Cuivre River State Park, U.S.A., Missouri CUIVRE CUIVRE
11. Rock Creek, U.S.A., Missouri ROCKCREE ROCKCREE
12. Tyson Reserve (chert glade), U.S.A., Missouri TYSONGLA TYSONGLA
13. Tyson Reserve (woods), U.S.A., Missouri TYSONWOO TYSONWOO
14. Valley View Glades, U.S.A., Missouri VALLEYVI VALLEYVI
15. Indian Cave State Park, U.S.A., Nebraska INDIANCA INDIANCA
16. Cary Arboretum, U.S.A., New York CARY CARY
17. Montgomery Place, U.S.A., New York MONTGOME MONTGOME
18. Bankamp State Park, U.S.A., Ohio BANKAMP BANKAMP
19. Heuston Woods (Beech/Maple), U.S.A., Ohio HEUSTOBM HEUSTOBM
20. Heuston Woods (mixed forest), U.S.A., Ohio HEUSTOMF HEUSTOMF
21. Timberline, U.S.A., Oregon TIMBERLI TIMBERLI
22. Jones Mill, U.S.A, Pennsylvania JONESMIL JONESMIL
23. Laurel Ridge, U.S.A., Pennsylvania LAURELRI LAURELRI
24. Kane, Alleghany National Forest, U.S.A., Pennsylvania KANEALLE KANEALLE
25. Tidroute, Alleghany National Forest, U.S.A., Pennsylvania TIDROUTE TIDROUTE
26. Wild Basin, U.S.A., Texas WILDBASI WILDBASI
27. Burling Tract, U.S.A., Virginia BURLING BURLING
28. Potomac, U.S.A., Virginia POTOMAC POTOMAC
Location Text Files(.txt) Excel Files(.xls)
Mexico, Central America, West Indies (29 sites) All All
1. Providencia Island, Colombia PROVIDEN PROVIDEN
2. Guanacaste upland, Costa Rica GUANUP GUANUP
3. Guanacaste gallery forest, Costa Rica GUANGF GUANGF
4. La Selva, Costa Rica LASELVA LASELVA
5. Magsaysay, Costa Rica MAGSASAY MAGSASAY
6. Carara National Park, Costa Rica CARARA CARARA
7. Rancho Quemado, Costa Rica RANCHOQU RANCHOQU
8. Osa-Sirena, Costa Rica OSASIREN OSASIREN
9. Sierra Rosario, Cuba SIERRARO SIERRARO
10. Los Haitaises National Park, Dominican Republic LOSHAITI LOSHAITI
11. Round Hill (Slope), Jamaica ROUNDSLO ROUNDSLO
12. Round Hill (Top), Jamaica ROUNDTOP ROUNDTOP
13. Benito Juarez, Mexico BENITO BENITO
14. Bosque de Guadeloupe, Mexico BOSQUEDE BOSQUEDE
15. Chamela Upland 1, Mexico CHAMELA1 CHAMELA1
16. Chamela Upland 2, Mexico CHAMELA2 CHAMELA2
17. Chamela Arroyos, Mexico CHAMELA3 CHAMELA3
18. Chamela 4, Mexico CHAMELA4 CHAMELA4
19. Los Tuxtlas, Mexico TUXTLAS TUXTLAS
20. Las Joyas, Mexico LASJOYAS LASJOYAS
21. Quince Ocotes, Mexico QUINCEOC QUINCEOC
22. Motozintla, Mexico MOTOZINT MOTOZINT
23. Cerro Olumo, Nicaragua CERROOLU CERROOLU
24. Cerro El Picacho, Nicaragua CERROELP CERROELP
25. Curundu, Panama CURUNDU CURUNDU
26. Madden Forest, Panama MADDEN MADDEN
27. Pipeline Road, Panama PIPELINE PIPELINE
28. Luquillo, Puerto Rico LUQUILLO LUQUILLO
29. Mogotes de Nev´rez, Puerto Rico MOGOTE MOGOTE
Location Text Files(.txt) Excel Files(.xls)
South America (144 sites) All All
1. Parque El Rey, Argentina PARQUEER PARQUEER
2. Arroyo Riachuelo, Argentina RIACHUEL RIACHUEL
3. Salta, Argentina SALTA SALTA
4. Calabatea, Bolivia CALABATE CALABATE
5. Chaquimayo, Bolivia CHAQUIMA CHAQUIMA
6. Curuyuqui, Bolivia CURUYUQU CURUYUQU
7. Curuyuqui Riverine, Bolivia CURUYUQR CURUYUQR
8. El Encanto, Bolivia ENCANTO ENCANTO
9. Incahuara, Bolivia INCAHUAR INCAHUAR
10. Alto Madidi, Bolivia MADIDI MADIDI
11. Alto Madidi, ridge top, Bolivia MADIDIRI MADIDIRI
12. Nuevo Mundo, Bolivia NUEVOMUN NUEVOMUN
13. Perseverancia, Bolivia PERSEVER PERSEVERf
14. Quiapaca, Bolivia QUIAPACA QUIAPACA
15. Río Negro, Bolivia RIONEGRO RIONEGRO
16. Sacramento, Bolivia SACRAM SACRAM
17. Santa Cruz, Bolivia SANTACRU SANTACRU
18. Santiago, Bolivia SANTIAGO SANTIAGO
19. Yanaígua, Bolivia YANAIGUA YANAIGUA
20. Alter de Chao, Brazil ALTERDOC ALTERDOC
21. Boraceia, Brazil BORACEIA BORACEIA
22. Campinas, Brazil CAMPINAS CAMPINAS
23. Carajas, Brazil CARAJAS CARAJAS
24. Carlos Botelho State Park, Brazil CARLOSBO CARLOSBO
25. Ducke Reserve, Brazil DUCKE DUCKE
26. Camorin-Jacarepaguá, Brazil CAMORIN CAMORIN
27. Linhares, Brazil LINHARES LINHARES
28. Manaus, Brazil MANAUS MANAUS
29. Belém-Mocambo, Brazil BELEM BELEM
30. Alto de Mirador, Chile MIRADOR MIRADOR
31. Bosque de San Martín, Chile MARTIN MARTIN
32. Puyehue, Chile PUYEHUE PUYEHUE
33. Alto de Cuevas, Colombia CUEVAS CUEVAS
34. Alto de Sapa, Colombia ALTOSAPA ALTOSAPA
35. Alto de Mirador, Colombia ALTODEMI ALTODEMI
36. Anchicayá, Colombia ANCHICAY ANCHICAY
37. Antado, Colombia ANTADO ANTADO
38. Araracuara, high campina, Colombia ARCATING ARCATING
39. Araracuara, Colombia ARARACUA ARARACUA
40. Bajo Calima, Colombia CALIMA CALIMA
41. Bosque de la Cueva, Colombia CUEVA CUEVA
42. Campano, Colombia CAMPANO CAMPANO
43. Carpanta Siete Cuerales, Colombia SIETECUE SIETECUE
44. Carpanta, Colombia CARPANTA CARPANTA
45. Cedral, Colombia CEDRAL CEDRAL
46. Cerro Kennedy, Colombia KENNEDY KENNEDY
47. Cerro Espejo, Colombia CERROESP CERROESP
48. Colosó, Colombia COLOSOI COLOSOI
49. Farallones de Cali, Colombia FARALL FARALL
50. Finca Mehrenberg, Colombia FINCAM FINCAM
51. Finca Zíngara, Colombia FINCAZ FINCAZ
52. Galerazamba, Colombia GALERAZ GALERAZ
53. Hacienda Himalaya, Colombia HACHIMAL HACHIMAL
54. La Planada, Colombia LAPLANAD LAPLANAD
55. La Raya, Colombia LARAYA LARAYA
56. Loma de los Colorados, Colombia COLORADO COLORADO
57. Manaure, Colombia MANAURE MANAURE
58. Mariquita, Colombia MARIQUIT MARIQUIT
59. Murrí, Colombia MURRI MURRI
60. Neusa, Colombia NEUSA NEUSA
61. Río Manso, Colombia RIOMANSO RIOMANSO
62. Sabana Rubia, Colombia SABANARU SABANARU
63. Lomas de Santo Tomás, Colombia SANTOTOM SANTOTOM
64. Tayrona National Park, Colombia TAYRONA TAYRONA
65. Tutunendo, Colombia TUTUNEND TUTUNEND
66. Ucumarí, Colombia UCUMARI UCUMARI
67. Campamento Achupalla, Ecuador ACHUPALL ACHUPALL
68. Fila de Bilsa, Ecuador BILSA BILSA
69. Capeira, Ecuador CAPEIRA CAPEIRA
70. Centinela, Ecuador CENTINEL CENTINEL
71. Cuangos, Ecuador CUANGOS CUANGOS
72. Dureno, Ecuador DURENO DURENO
73. El Corazón, Ecuador ELCORAZO ELCORAZO
74. ESMERALD - Esmeraldas Tropical Garden, Ecuador ESMERALD ESMERALD
75. Huamaní, Ecuador HUAMANI HUAMANI
76. Jatun Sacha, Ecuador JATUNSAC JATUNSAC
77. Jauneche, Ecuador JAUNECHE JAUNECHE
78. Maquipucuna, Ecuador MAQUIPUC MAQUIPUC
79. Miazi, Ecuador MIAZI MIAZI
80. Pasochoa, Ecuador PASOCHOA PASOCHOA
81. Perro Muerto, Ecuador PERROMUE PERROMUE
82. Río Nangaritza, Ecuador NANGARIT NANGARIT
83. Río Palenque 1, Ecuador RIOPAL1 RIOPAL1
84. Río Palenque 2, Ecuador RIOPAL2 RIOPAL2
85. San Sebastían, Ecuador SANSEBAS SANSEBAS
86. Saul, French Guiana SAUL SAUL
87. Berbice River, Guyana BERBICER BERBICER
88. Río Jejuimi, Paraguay JEJUIMI JEJUIMI
89. Allpahuayo, Perú ALLPAHUA ALLPAHUA
90. Bosque Nacional von Humboldt, Perú HUMBOLDT HUMBOLDT
91. Cabeza de Mono, Perú CABEZADE CABEZADE
92. Cerro Aypate, Perú CERROAYP CERROAYP
93. Cerros de Amotape, Perú AMOTAPE AMOTAPE
94. Chirinos, Perú CHIRINOS CHIRINOS
95. Chorro Blanco, Perú CHORROBL CHORROBL
96. Cochacashu, Perú COCHACAS COCHACAS
97. Constancia, Perú CONSTANC CONSTANC
98. Cuterva Nacional Park, Perú CUTERVO CUTERVO
99. Cuzco Amazónico, Perú CUZCOAMA CUZCOAMA
100. El Pargo, Perú ELPARGO ELPARGO
101. Indiana, Perú INDIANA INDIANA
102. Jenaro Herrera, Perú JENAROHE JENAROHE
103. La Genoa, Perú LAGENOA LAGENOA
104. Mishana, Tahuampa, Perú TAHUAMPA TAHUAMPA
105. Mishana Old Floodplain, Perú MISHNFL MISHNFL
106. Mishana White Sand, Perú MISHWS MISHWS
107. Montaña de Cuyas - Perú CUYAS CUYAS
108. Candamo, Perú CANDAMO CANDAMO
109. Pampas del Heath, Perú RIOHEATH RIOHEATH
110. Río Távara, Perú RIOTAVAR RIOTAVAR
111. Shiringamazú, Perú SHIRINGA SHIRINGA
112. Quebrada Sucusari, Perú SUCUSARI SUCUSARI
113. Tambopata Upland Sandy, Perú TAMBUPL TAMBUPL
114. Tambopata Alluvial, Perú TAMBOALL TAMBOALL
115. Tambopata Swamp Trail, Perú TAMBLAT2 TAMBLAT2
116. Tambopata Lateritic, Perú TAMBO TAMBO
117. Tarapoto, Perú TARAPOTO TARAPOTO
118. Venceremos, Perú VENCER VENCER
119. Yanamono Tahuampo, Perú YANAMTAH YANAMTAH
120. Yanamono 1, Perú YANAM1 YANAM1
121. Yanamono 2, Perú YANAM2 YANAM2
122. Blohm Ranch, Venezuela BLOHMR BLOHMR
123. Boca de Uchire, Venezuela UCHIRE UCHIRE
124. Cerro de la Neblina 1, Venezuela CERONEB1 CERONEB1
125. Cerro de la Neblina 2, Venezuela CERONEB2 CERONEB2
126. Estación Biológica de los Llanos, Venezuela LLANO LLANO
Location Text Files(.txt) Excel Files(.xls)
Europe (5 sites) All All
1. Suderhackstedt, Germany SUDERHAC SUDERHAC
2. Allacher Löaut;he, Germany ALLACHER ALLACHER
3. Ruissala, Finland RUISSALO RUISSALO
4. Liesjvari National Park, Finland LIESJVAR LIESJVAR
5. Uppsala, Sweden UPPSALA UPPSALA
Location Text Files(.txt) Excel Files(.xls)
Africa (16 sites) All All
1. Banyong, Cameroon BANYONG BANYONG
2. Korup National Park, Cameroon KORUP KORUP
3. Mount Cameroun, Cameroon MTCAM MTCAM
4. Ndakan, Central African Republic NDAKANI NDAKANI
5. Ndakan upland, Central African Republic NDAKANNI NDAKANNI
6. Belinga, Gabon BELINGA BELINGA
7. Makokou 1, Gabon MAKOKOU1 MAKOKOU1
8. Makokou 2, Gabon MAKOKOU2 MAKOKOU2
9. Beza Mahafaly 1, Madagascar BEZA1 BEZA1
10. Beza Mahafaly 2, Madagascar BEZA2 BEZA2
11. Beza Mahafaly 3, Madagascar BEZA3 BEZA3
12. Ankarafantsika, Madagascar ANKARIF ANKARIF
13. Nosy Mangabe, Madagascar NOSYMANG NOSYMANG
14. Perinet Forestry Station, Madagascar PERINET PERINET
15. Brise Fer, Mauritius BRISEFER BRISEFER
16. Omo Forest Reserve, Nigeria OMOFOR OMOFOR
17. Pande Forest Reserve, Tanzania PANDE PANDE
18. Pugu Forest Reserve, Tanzania PUGU PUGU
Location Text Files(.txt) Excel Files(.xls)
Tropical Asia and Australasia (20 sites) All All
1. Davies River State Forest, Australia DAVIES DAVIES
2. Avalanche, India AVALANCH AVALANCH
3. Mudumalai 1, India MUDUMAL1 MUDUMAL1
4. Madumalai 2, India MUDUMAL2 MUDUMAL2
5. Nadugani, India NADUGANI NADUGANI
6. Chiba, Japan CHIBA CHIBA
7. Bako National Park, Malaysia (Sarawak) BAKOSAR BAKOSAR
8. Genting Highlands, Malaysia (Malaya) GENTING GENTING
9. Pasoh 30, Malaysia (Malaya) PASOH30 PASOH30
10. Pasoh 40, Malaysia (Malaya) PASOH40 PASOH40
11. Semengoh Forest Preserve, Malaysia (Sarawak) SEMENGOH SEMENGOH
12. Rivière de Pirogues, New Caledonia NEWCALDO NEWCALDO
13. Baitete, New Guinea BAITETE BAITETE
14. Varirata National Park, New Guinea VARIRATA VARIRATA
15. Palanan, Philippines PALANAN PALANAN
16. Kenting National Park, Taiwan KENTING KENTING
17. Nanjen Shan Ecological Protected Area, Taiwan NANJENSH NANJENSH
18. Khao Yai National Park, Thailand KHAOYAI KHAOYAI
19. Sakaerat 1, Thailand SAKAERAT SAKAERAT
20. Sakaerat 2, Thailand SAKAERA2 SAKAERA2


The Alwyn H. Gentry Bignoniaceae Specimen Data Set

Global Patterns of Plant Diversity NOW AVAILABLE FROM MBG PRESS!

During the later years of his scientific career, A. H. Gentry recorded his specimen determinations in a computerized database. This was done with a series of computers and database software with the assistance of a series of volunteers, students and staff of the Missouri Botanical Garden. While Gentry was careful of the determinations he made, he was often absent for lengthy periods, so much data was entered without supervision. Following his death, the computer database was examined, corrected, and added to TROPICOS, the Missouri Botanical Garden taxonomic database.

Files of specimens in the Gentry Bignoniaceae database can be downloaded in .DBF format via ZIP files.

Click on the Genus name to download its associated zip file. The records are stored in Excel (.xls) format. Information about the structure of the files can be obtained here.

Genus Records Size of .xls file zip file Size of zip file
All 79 zip files     ALL.zip 4935KB
Amphilophium1119 428KBAMPHILO.zip131KB
Anemopaegma 1862 677KBANEMOPA.zip204KB
Arrabidaea 6931 2420KBARRABID.zip712KB
Bignonia51 37KBBIGNONI.zip11KB
Callichlamys423 173KBCALLICH.zip55KB
Campsis716KBCAMPSIS.zip 4KB
Ceratophytum 226 99KBCERATOP.zip31KB
Chilopsis 71 40KBCHILOPS.zip12KB
Clytostoma 834 318KBCLYTOST.zip 99KB
Crescentia 357 145KBCRESCEN.zip46KB
Cuspidaria 506 197KBCUSPIDA.zip60KB
Cybistax 141 66KBCYBISTA.zip20KB
Delostoma 269117KBDELOSTO.zip35KB
Digomphia183 84KBDIGOMPH.zip24KB
Distictella 369157KBDISTICTE.zip49KB
Distictis 242105KBDISTICTI.zip33KB
Dolichandra/on 9749KBDOLICHA.zip15KB
Ekmanianthe 3728KBEKMANIA.zip8KB
Fridericia 12959KBFRIDERI.zip18KB
Gardnerodoxa1820KBGARDNER.zip 1,903
Glaziovia 1519KBGLAZIOV.zip5KB
Godmania 331138KBGODMANI.zip43KB
Incarvillea 5635KBINCARVI.zip10KB
Jacaranda 2305851KBJACARAN.zip 253KB
Leucocalanthe 3827KBLEUCOCA.zip7KB
Macfadyena 1150424KBMACFADY.zip 129KB
Macranthisiphon 6137KBMACRANT.zip10KB
Martinella 444178KBMARTINE.zip55KB
Mussatia 20393KBMUSSATI.zip29KB
Neojobertia 3827KBNEOJOBE.zip7KB
Parabignonia 9350KBPARABIG.zip15KB
Paragonia 1241489KBPARAGON.zip 148KB
Paratecoma 1519KBPARATEC.zip5KB
Parmentiera 18182KBPARMENT.zip25KB
Perianthomeg 2423KBPERIANT.zip6KB
Periarrabida 3126KBPERIARR.zip7KB
Piriadacus 7742KBPIRIADA.zip12KB
Pithecoctenium 895334KBPITHECO.zip103KB
Pleonotoma 625245KBPLEONOT.zip75KB
Podranea 516KBPODRANE.zip4KB
Potamoganos1620KBPOTAMOG.zip 5KB
Saritaea4029KBSARITAE.zip 8KB
Synapsis17 20KBSYNAPSI.zip 5KB
Tanaecium280 119KBTANAECI.zip37KB

Additionally, the database can queried through TROPICOS.

The original Gentry database included just over 42,500 items, representing specimens he had examined from 122 herbaria around the world. All specimens are from the New World. His Old World material was not entered.

The Bignoniaceae database material provided here comprises the items from Gentry's database with the addition of specimens that were in TROPICOS up to the last update, or just over 43,200 items in all.

Correction of this database material and other efforts to make Gentry's data available to the scientific community is supported by NSF Grant DEB-9509270.



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(314) 577-5100

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