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Publications about Russian wild plants in cultivation, taxonomy of cultivated plants), mostly available from United States libraries.

English Russian

    In English:

  1. Almond, J. B. 1999. Travels in the Caucasus. In: The Alpine Gardener, vol. 67. P: 215-225. The author has visited the Caucasus Mountains on several occasions and gives readers a taste of the rich flora.
  2. Anonymous. 1996. Russian plants make trek to the Midwest. In: "American Nurseryman", February issue. P: 17. A consortium of five institutions was found in 1992 to provide the resources necessary to increase the germplasm held in perpetuity at public institutions.
  3. Anonymous. 1998. Collaborative effort produces Siberian seed for evaluation. In: "American Nurseryman", February issue. P: 14. Chicago Botanic Garden manages a program that is a continuum of plant exploration, plant evaluation and plant introduction.
  4. Austin, Jeffrey. 1993. From Siberia with seeds. In: "Garden Talk - Chicago Botanic Garden." P: 1-2. The result of the Midwest field trip in the southern Siberia.
  5. Barrett, G. E. 1980. Dombai revisited. In: "The Journal of the Scottish Rock Garden Club". v. 17, part 4, n. 69.: 284-295. The description of Northern Caucasian vegetation is given.
  6. Bailey, L. H., & E. L. Bailey. 1976. Hortus Third. McMillan Publishing Co., Inc., New York, Collier McMillan Publishers, London.
  7. Carr, B. W. 2000. The global garden. In: "The Garden Talk - Chicago Botanic Garden." January/February. P: 3. Germplasm and intellectual resources are shared with professionals from South Africa to Siberia to foster the health of worldwide plant communities, and to advance knowledge of horticulture, botany and conservation.
  8. Creech, John L. 1998. From Russia with plants. In: "American Nurseryman." July issue. P.: 84-90. The benefits for the American gardeners in working botanical garden’s colleagues around the world.
  9. Cunnington, Peter. 1999. Journey through Tadjikistan. In: "The Alpine Gardener" September. P: 208-214. Descriptions of many spring-flowered plants.
  10. Donchenko, Marina. 1993. Horticulture in Russia. In: "American Horticulturist." V. 72, n. 5. Horticulture is discussed. The most popular trees in private gardens are fruit trees: apples, pears, cherries, apricots and plums.
  11. Flangan, M. & T. Kirkham. 1995. Ussuri adventure. In: "The Garden." V. 120, p. 7: 412-415. The explorations in the Russian Far East.
  12. Gates, Galen. 2000. New plants come from Republic of Georgia. "The Garden Talk - Chicago Botanic Garden." September/October issue. P.: 12.
  13. Grimshaw, John. 1999. Three weeks in The Russian Altai. The Alpine Gardener. Vol. 67. P: 307-314. The author descripes an adventure and the plant seen.
  14. Halda, Josef. 1991. Ten gems of the Tien Shan. In: "Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society". V. 49, n. 3: 174-183.
  15. Halda, Josef. 1992. Ten Primulaceae of the Pamir. In: "The Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society." V. 50, n. 3:171-176.
  16. Haxley, Anthony. 1992. The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. The Macmillan Press Ltd., London.
  17. Hillier’s manual of trees and shrubs. 1981. Redwood Burn Ltd., Trowbridge, Wilts
  18. Jelitto, Leo & Wilhelm Schacht. 1990. Hardy herbaceous perennials. V. v. 1-2. Timber Press, Inc. One of the best garden book, that includes descriptions of many Russian plants poorly known in the world horticulture.
  19. Jonasson, Ingemar. 1999. Tulip spring. In: "The Alpine Gardener". V. 67. P: 265-274. The author traveled to Kazakhstan (Naturetrek tour) in spring of 1998.
  20. Le Lievre, Audrey. 1987. Fedtschenkoana. In: "The Garden". V. 112, p. 2: 65-68. This is an interesting account of the prominent team of father, wife and son, who were instrumental in building the largest plant collections in Russia (The Komarov Botanical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia).
  21. Matthews, Victoria. 1980. The Caucasus in June. In: "The Journal of the Scottish Rock Garden Club". V. 17, p. 2, n. 67: 124-141. The field trip in the Caucasus is described.
  22. McClure, Susan. 1998. Siberian garden plants are at home here. In: "Chicago Sun Times" (Gardening). July. Specific information for the gardeners on plants found on a collaborative expedition which focused on perennials.
  23. Mullen, William. 1997. Siberia may be root of trees in our future. In: "Chicago Tribune." December. An interesting article for the value of foreign plant exploration, the relevance of these efforts to the Midwest climate and potential opportunities for the future.
  24. Rolfe, Robert. 1999. Allow me to introduce you... In: "The Alpine Gardener". Vol. 67. P: 275-299. The author selects from the multitude of non-bulbous plants introduced from western and central Asia over the past two decades.
  25. Rodkin, Dennis. 1997. It’s not just a winter exclamation: Botanically speaking, it’s just Siberia here. In "Chicago Tribune." June. An article about Russian plants which are grown in the Chicago Botanic Garden.
  26. Shulkina, T. V. 1972. New plants for rock gardening from natural flora of the USSR. In: "The Journal of the Scottish Rock Garden Club". 13, p. 2, # 51. Descriptions for some unknown species (including Iris winogradowii, Scilla rosenii) are given.
  27. Shulkina, T. V. 1976. Campanulas native to the USSR. In: "The Journal of the Scottish Rock Garden Club." 15, p 2, # 59. More than 100 bellflowers are native to the former Soviet Union. Some of them are described in the article.
  28. Vasak, Vladimir. 1972. Plant hunting in Kuril Islands. In: "The Journal of the Scottish Rock Garden Club". V. 13, p. 1, # 50. An article about long field trip in the Far East, including Sakhalin and Kuril Islands (Kunashir, Shikotan etc.).
  29. Walsh, Martin & Maria Bennet. 2003. Tien Shan Journey. In: "The Alpine Gardener". Part I. Vol. 70. P: 216-234. Part II. Vol. 71. P: 22-38. The authors recall their adventures in this little explored region of the world.
  30. Zschummel, Dieter. 2001. Some Caucasian Memories. In: "The Alpine Gardener". Vol. 69. P: 231-236. The author recall the visit made in a time when Iron Curtains existed.

    In Russian:

    Given below: 1. Transliterations of the author’s name and title, as it is done in the library catalogs. 2. Author’s and title name’s English translations. 3. Notes.

  31. Aksenov, E. & N. Aksenova. 1997. Dekorativnye rasteniia. Entsiklopedia prirody Rossii. T. t 1-2. ABF, Moskva. [Aksenov, E. & N. Aksenova. Ornamental plants. Enciclopedia of the Russian nature. The authors deal with Russian native plants and provide concise accounts of species, which used in horticulture].
  32. Andreev, V. N. (Red.) . 1981. Dikorastushchie travy IAkutii v kul’ture. Nauka, Novosibirsk. [Andreev, V. N. (Ed.). Jakutian herbaceous plants in cultivation. The book presents descriptions and dotted maps of 143 East Siberian native plants, which can grow in an extremely cold area with permafrost].
  33. Artiushenko, Z. T. 1970. Amaryllidaceae Jaume St.-Hilaire SSSR. Nauka, Leningrad. [Artushenko, Z. T. Amaryllidaceae Jaume St.-Hilaire of the USSR. The book provides a useful overview of 6 genera that occur in the FSU, including Galanthus, genus is receiving an enormous amount of attention].
  34. Artiushenko, Z. T. 1963. Lukovichnye i klubnelukovichnye rasteniia dla otkrytogo grunta. AN SSSR, Moskva-Leningrad. [Artushenko, Z. T. Bulb and corm plants for open air. This book serves as a good back-up reference for practicing botanists and gardeners].
  35. Avrorin, N. A. (Red.). 1977. Dekorativnye travianistye rasteniia dlia otkrytogo grunta SSSR. T. t. 1-2. Nauka, Leningrad. [Avrorin, N. A. (Ed.). Ornamental herbaceous plants for the open air in the USSR. The volumes devoted to monocot plants, which are native, or grown, or can be grown in cultivation in the FSU. Scholarly work packed with family, generic and species keys, detailed descriptions of plants. The strength of the publication is that many descriptions based on author’s personal experience].
  36. Baitulin, I. O. i dr. 1986. Introduktsiia i morfogenez lukov prirodnoi flory Kazakhstana. Ilym, Alma-Ata. [Baitulin, I. O. et al. Introduction and morphogenesis of the onions native to Kazakstan. Onion species were the subject of study in many Central Asian gardens. Promising ones are described].
  37. Baranova, M. V. Lilii. Leningrad, Agropromizdat. [Baranova, M. V. Lilies. Russian native and introduced species and varieties of lilies described. The strong point of the book that it provides information based on author’s experience].
  38. Baranova, M. V. 1999. Lukovichnye rasteniia semeystva lileinykx. Nauka, St. Peterburg. [Baranova, M. V. Bulb plants of the lily family. The book deals with three subjects: geograhic distribution, vegetative organ structure and cultivation. Of special interest are descriptions of the Russian species of Erythronium, Fritillaria, and Lilium poorly known in the West].
  39. Bazilevskaya, N. A. 1965. Mnogoletnie tsvety otkrytogo grunta. Izd. Kommun. Khoz., Moskva. [Bazilevskaya, N. A. Perennials for open air. The book concentrates on ornamental perennials of different origin, including native ones. It provides practically important tool in growing plants].
  40. Gaevskaya, I. S. (Red.). 1986. Dekorativnye rasteniia dla ozeleneniia Turkmenistana. Ilym, Ashkhabad. [Gaevskaya, I. S. (Ed.). Ornamental plants for the Turkmenistan greenery. The book summarizes the results of cultivation of different ornamental plants, including some local genera such as genus Rosa].
  41. Gan, P. A. i dr. 1959-1961. Derev’ia i kustarniki Kirgizii. V. v. 1-2. Izd-vo AN KSSR, Frunze. [Gan, P. A. et al. Trees and shrubs in Kirgizstan. Descriptions of native and introduced woody cultivated plants are given].
  42. Ganenko, I. G. 1960. Tsvetovodstvo na Dal’nem Vostoke. Izd. Kniga, Khabarovsk. [Ganenko, I. G. Horticulture in the Far East. Practical guide for gardeners. Book includes common garden varieties and native plants mostly unknown in cultivation].
  43. Golovach, A. G. 1973. Liany, ix biologia i ispol’zovanie. Nauka, Leningrad. [Golovach, A. G. Lianas and vines, their biology and usage. The lianas from all over the world were tested in St. Petersburg at the Komarov Botanical Garden. The hardy ones are described in the book].
  44. Gulisashvili, V. Z. & Makhatadze, L. B. (Red.). 1959-1986. Dendroflora Kavkaza. T. t. 1-6. Metzniereba, Tbilisi. [Gulisashvili, V. Z. & Makhatadze, L. B. (Ed.). V.v. 1-6. Dendrology of the Caucasus. All woody species native to the Caucasus are described. The authors give recommendations on their cultivation].
  45. Egorova, E. M. 1977. Dikorastushchie dekorativnye rasteniia Sakhalina i Kuril’skikh ostrovov. Nauka, Moskva). [Egorova, E. M. 1977. Wild ornamentals from Sakhalin and Kuril Islands. The author has spent many years collecting and growing wild plants in that areas, it is her own experience. Descriptions of plants are arranged according to plant communities].
  46. Evtukhova, M. A. 1959. Mnogoletnie rasteniia prirodnoi flory, rekomenduemye dlia ozeleneniia v srednei poloce Rossii. Nauka, Moskva. [Yevtjukhova, M. A. Wild perennials for gardens in the Central Russia. The book is devoted to Russian ornamental perennials, which are grown in Moscow].
  47. Ishchenko, L. Y. 1991. Letnie i osennie tsvety Turkmenistana. Ilym, Ashkhabad. [Ishchenko, L. Y. Summer and autumn flowers of Turkmenistan. The author describes native perennials, which are extremely hot and dry resistant].
  48. Kalutskii, K. K. i dr. 1986. Drevesnye ekzoty i ikh nasazhdeniia: spravochnoe izdanie. Agroprom, Moskva. [Kalutzky, K. K., et al. Woody exotic plants in gardens. Reference book describes many woody plants of different origin. The strength of the book is a climatic zone map which made according to major woody species hardy in the appropriate regions. The map is clear and helpful].
  49. Karpisonova, R. A. 1985. Travianistye rasteniia shirokolistvennykh lesov SSSR. Nauka, Moskva. [Karpisonova, R. A. Herbaceous plants of broad-leaved forests in the USSR. The book deals with environmental analysis of broad-leaved forests throughout the FSU. The author does an excellent job explaining what plants can be taken in cultivation].
  50. Khokhriakov, A. P. Eremurusy i ikx kul’tura. Nauka, Moskva. [Khokhriakov, A. P. Eremurus and its cultivation. The author describes species of foxtail mostly the Central Asian ones, their structure and cultivation. Taxonomic suggestions presented in the book were not accepted by other Russian botanists.].
  51. Kitaeva, A. A. 1999. Kalendar’ tzvetovoda. Niva Rossii, Moskva. [Kitaeva, A. A. Calendar for gardeners. The book is of value for amateurs].
  52. Kos, Y. I. 1959. Rastitel’nost’ Kabardino-Balkarii i ye kxoziaystvennoe ispol’zovanie. Kniga, Nal’chik. [Kos, Y. I. Vegetation of the Kabardino-Balkarya and its economical usage. The book describes the most interesting plant communities and native plants on the northern slopes of the Great Caucasus. The author based all descriptions on his own personal experience].
  53. Lapin, P. I. (Red.). 1973. Uspekhi introduktsii rastenii. Nauka. Moskva. [Lapin, P. I. (Ed.). Advances in plant introduction. It is a set of published conference papers, which make an analysis of native plants under cultivation in different regions of the FSU].
  54. Lapin, P. I. (Red.). 1983. Redkie i ischezaushchie vidy prirodnoi flory SSSR v botanicheskikx sadakh i drugikx introdukzionnikx tsentrakx strany. Nauka, Moskva. [Lapin, P. I. (Ed.). Rare and threatened plant species of the flora of the USSR in the botanical gardens and other introduction centers of the country. The book contains data on 1117 native threatened plant species cultivated in the USSR. Data are given in table form].
  55. Lozina-Lozinskaya, A. S. 1953. Pervotsvety v dekorativnom sadovodstve. Trudy Botan. Instiut. AN SSSR, ser. 6, t. 3: 147-163. [Losina-Losinskaya, A. S. Primroses in horticulture. The paper is devoted to primroses, their taxonomy and cultivation. It covers many species native to the FSU and other regions].
  56. Luchnik, Z. I. 1951. Dekorativnye rasteniia gornogo Altaia. Sel’khozgiz, Moskva. [Luchnik, Z. I. Ornamental plants from mountain Altay. The book deals with ornamental plants occuring in the Altay mountains. Plants are described in nature and in cultivation. Very useful and well done book].
  57. Luchnik, A. N. 1997. Entsiklopedia dekorativnykx rastenii umerennoi zony. Inst. Tekxn. Issled. s Izd. Pomatur, Moskva. [Luchnik, A. N. Ornamental plants for Temperate zone. Short descriptions of plants of different origin are given].
  58. Pavlov, N. V. 1959. Rasskazy o dikikx tsvetakh Kazakxstana. Izd-vo Akad. Nauk KSSR, Alma-Ata. [Pavlov, N. V. Tales about the Kazakhstan wild flowers. This small book was written almost half a century ago by famous botanist who knew and loved nature. His enthusiasm shines throughout every page with description of perennials and bulb plants of Kazakstan. Still of value].
  59. Plotnikova, L. S. 1988. Nauchnye osnovy introduktsii i okhrany drevesnykh rastenii flory SSSR. Nauka, Moskva. [Plotnikova, L. S. Scientific principles of introduction and protection of woody plants of the USSR flora. The author gives an analysis of trees and shrubs under cultivation in Moscow. Plants were taken from different regions of the FSU including Crimea, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Siberia, the Far East].
  60. Poletiko, O. M., A. P. Mishenkova. 1967. Dekorativnye travianistye rasteniia otkrytogo grunta. Spravochnik po nomenklature rodov i vidov. Nauka, Leningrad. [Poletiko, O. M., & A. P. Mishenkova. Ornamental herbaceous plants for the open air. Handbook for nomenclature of genera and species. The book presents Latin names of wide cultivated species, Russian common names and geographical origin of plants].
  61. Rabotnov, T. A. 1971. Travianistye rasteniia SSSR. V. v. 1-2. Izd-vo Mysl’, Moskva. [Rabotnov, T. A. Herbaceous plants of the USSR. Illustrated manual of two volumes, including about 1,000 species].
  62. Rodionenko, G. I. 1961. Rod Iris L. AN SSSR, Moskva-Leningrad. [Rodionenko, G. I. The genus Iris L. Taxonomy, morphology of Iris species and method of their cultivation are given].
  63. Riabova, T. I. 1965. Tsvetovodstvo v gorodakh i poselkakx Tadzhikistana. Izd-vo AN TSSR, Dushanbe. [Ryabova, T. I. Horticulture in cities and settlements in Tajikistan. The author describes common cultivated species and also native Central Asian wild plants].
  64. Rusanov, F. N. & A. U. Usmanov. (Red.) 1965-1986. Dendrologia Uzbekistana. T. t. 1-6. Izd-vo AN USSR, Tashkent. Rusanov, F. N. & A. U. Usmanov. (Ed.) Dendrology of Uzbekistan. Native and introduced woody plants are described].
  65. Serdiukov, B. V. 1972. Dekorativnye travianistye rasteniia dikorastushchei flory Kavkaza. Metzniereba, Tbilisi. [Serdyukov, B. V. Ornamental herbaceous plants of the native Caucasian flora. The results of many years experience are presented. The author describes a lot of wild plants, mostly perennials, which can be taken into horticulture].
  66. Shulkina, T. V. 1969. Rasteniia Sibiri i Srednei Azii v al’pinarii BIN AN SSSR. AN SSSR, Leningrad. [Shulkina, T. V. Siberian and Central Asian plants in the alpine garden at Komarov Botanical Institute. The book gives short descriptions of plants from Central Asia and southern Siberia hardy in St. Petersburg].
  67. Shulkina, T. V. 1975. Kamenistye sady. Nauka, Leningrad. [Shulkina, T. V. Rock Gardens. The book describes perennials, which suit to the rock gardens from all over the world including different regions of the FSU].
  68. Shulkina, T. V. 1986. Zhiznennye formy kolokol’chikovykh, ikh geografia, ekologia i sviaz’ s taxonomiei. Vinity, Leningrad, Moskva. [Shulkina, T. V. 1986. Bellflowers, their geography, ecology, taxonomy. Different genera of Campanulaceae family were described. Many species are native to the FSU].
  69. Skripka, M. A. 1960. Dikorastushchie mnogoletnie dekorativnye travianistye rasteniia iuga Dal’nego Vostoka dlia zelenogo stroitel’stva. Primorskaia kniga, Vladivostok. [Skripka, M. A. Wild perennials from the southern Far East for greenery. Mostly unknown in horticulture perennials are described. They are in cultivation in Vladivostok, the city in the southern Russian Far East].
  70. Sobolevskaia, K. A. 1976. Rastitel’nye bogatstva Sibiri i Dal’nego Vostoka. Nauka, Novosibirsk. [Sobolevskaya, K. A. Plant treasure of Siberia and the Far East. Plants native to Asian Russia, which have an economic value, are described.].
  71. Sokolov, S. IA. (Red.). 1949-1962. Derev’ia i kustarniki SSSR. T. t. 1-6. Nauka, Moskva-Leningrad. [Sokolov, S. Y. (Ed.). Trees and shrubs of the USSR. V. v. 1-6. This is a complete report on all woody plants native or grown in the FSU. It provides plenty of information for the botanists and gardeners. In addition special three volumes were published with dotted maps for each and every woody species of the USSR flora].
  72. Sushkov, K. L. 1954. Tsvetovodstvo. AN KSSR, Alma-Ata. [Sushkov, K. L. Horticulture. Book for gardeners and amateurs, who grow plants in Central Asia including native species].
  73. Vereshchagina, I. V. 1968. Kul’tura tsvetochnykh rastenii v Altayskom Krae. Altayskaia kniga. Barnaul. [Vereshchagina, I. V. Cultivation of ornamental plants in the Altay region. The book is devoted to hardy perennials in the Southern Siberia].
  74. Vintergoller, B. A. 1976. Redkie rasteniia Kazakhstana. Nauka, Alma-Ata. [Vintergoller, B. A. Rare plants of Kazakstan. Book describes woody and herbaceous plants, their geographical distributions, biological peculiarities, and possibilities to use them as economic plants].
  75. Vorob’ev, D. P. 1968. Dikorastuschie derev’ia i kustarniki Dal’nego Vostoka. Nauka, Leningrad. [Vorobyev, D. P. Wild trees and shrubs from the Far East. The book includes descriptions of all 144 trees and 224 shrubs of the Russian Far East and also their cultivation perspectives].
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