 Rice paddies near Eminyminy, looking toward forested slopes in the Andohahela Strict Nature Reserve. |
 Hill rice cultivation within the Manongarivo Special Reserve. |
 Natural regeneration along forest edge in the Manongarivo Special Reserve |
 In the central and western parts of Madagascar (the High Plateau) vast expanses of secondary grassland now cover nearly the entire landscape. |
Although the native vegetation of Madagascar is of greatest
interest to most scientists by virtue of its diversity and
endemism, and its fundamental role in understanding patterns of
evolution and phytogeography, anthropogenic vegetation is
nevertheless very important, if for no other reason than the fact
that it occupies such a huge part of the country. For the
purposes of classification, areas under intensive cultivation can
be treated together, including rice paddies or agricultural crops
such as cotton or tobacco, and also tree plantations, or cash
crops such as cloves or litchis.
Cultivation in Madagascar also involves slash and burn
agriculture, (tavy), in which native forest -- especially
evergreen forest -- is cleared and burned, and various crops,
mostly dry land rice, are planted for a few years, until the
soils are depleted, and then abandoned. This process is
responsible for the destruction of tens of thousands of hectares
of intact forest each year (see Green and Sussman, 1990).
Colonizing species, including woody plants such as Harongana
madagascariensis, then form a secondary thicket (fourré
secondaire) that is very species poor. If left alone this
vegetation will develop into a low diversity secondary forest.
But usually it is cut and burned again for another round of
cultivation, and after a few such cycles, the vegetation reaches
the end point of a degradation series, an impoverished secondary
They are subjected to regular, annual burning, and are of little
use for agriculture or grazing. At the start of the 20th Century
some thought that these so called "prairies" were a native form
of vegetation, but Perrier de la Bâthie, (1921)
Humbert (1949,
1955, 1965), and most recent workers have regarded them as
These grasslands stand out in being remarkably poor in species,
with perhaps as few as half a dozen taxa present in a given area
-- far fewer than one normally encounters in native vegetation.
Furthermore, they contain very few native fire-adapted plants,
and those that are present also occur as a natural component of
woody vegetation, and were clearly pre-adapted to survive in the
newly formed secondary grasslands. Examples of such species
include the palm Bismarkia nobilis and Uapaca bojeri
(Euphorbiaceae) ("Tapia").
Careful analysis of Bosser's (1969) study of Malagasy grasses shows that of 288 species of indigenous or naturalized Poaceae, 214 occur in grasslands (both native and secondary), of which 90 species (42%) are endemic to Madagascar. Of these 90 taxa, 65 (72%) also occur in various other natural habitats (forests, wetlands, deciduous thickets, etc.). This leaves a total of only 25 species confined to grasslands, eight of which are restricted
to the higher mountains, with just 17 species (representing only
8% of the entire grassland Poaceae flora) occurring principally
in the low and mid-elevation grasslands that cover an estimated
420,000 kmę (ca. 72%) of Madagascar's total land surface
(Koechlin et al., 1974). Of these 17 grassland endemics, many have localized distributions and represent relatively minor components of the flora. If these formations were natural, they would be expected to contain a more diverse native grass flora, and endemism at the species level would at least approach that
for the angiosperm flora as a whole (ca. 70-80%).
Some recent authors have questioned how such huge areas of
vegetation could have been degraded and converted to secondary
grassland so quickly after the arrival of humans on Madagascar
perhaps 2,000 years ago (Burney 1987a, 1987b, 1987c, 1993, in press; Burney et al., 1986; MacPhee et al, 1985; Matsumoto and
Burney, 1994). They contend instead that most of these areas
were covered with a mosaic of dry forest and grassland from ca.
3,500 to 1,200 year ago, and that the vegetation seen today
essentially represents a degraded form of the original climax
vegetation. This interpretation is set in contrast to the
co-called "classical hypothesis" of Perrier de la Bâthie (1921,
1936) and Humbert (1927, 1949, 1955), which is said to hold that
Cenozoic Madagascar was covered with essentially continuous,
dense, climax forest prior to the arrival of humans -- a sort of
paradise of unbroken rain forest. This so-called "classical hypothesis" is, however, nothing more than a straw man.
Perrier de la Bâthie clearly recognized that a mosaic of
vegetation types probably existed prior to human arrival, and
neither he nor Humbert ever suggested that unbroken rain forest
covered the entire island. Rather, the flora and vegetation that
once occupied the areas now covered with secondary grassland was
characterized as follows (Perrier de la Bâthie 1921, p. 61, our
"The original flora was a totally forest flora. But by
these words I do not mean that the whole island was
previously covered with dense forests. No, such forests
were localized in the plains, valleys, on the plateaux, and
in certain regions only. Elsewhere, [the vegetation] was a
tall shrubland, with twisted trees, and in the driest
regions, islands of xerophyllous plants occurred.
Herbaceous or annual plants were numerous, but all were
forest dwellers, and grew in the shade of the trees and
 Itremo Massif |
It is important to note that Perrier de la Bâthie's definition of
a "forest flora" is an assemblage that includes both woody and
herbaceous elements, and thus encompases several types of woody
vegetation -- such as shrubland and bushland -- which are more
open than true forests in the strict sense. He was clearly
describing a mosaic of primarily woody formations intermixed with some
herbaceous elements, which is consistent with the views of Burney (1987b, in press; see also
Dewar 1984).
Considerable debate, however, surrounds the question of how much
grassland was present when human's first started impacting the
Malagasy environment. We believe that true grassland was a minor
component of the vegetation, an interpretation that is in fact
completely consistent with the data that Burney and his
colleagues have published, which show grass pollen counts of
about 5-20% just prior to the first major spikes of charcoal in
their lake cores, about 2,000 years ago, when people first
arrived in Madagascar -- as compared to counts of 40-90% for true
grasslands (Burney, 1987b, 1988, 1993; see also Hamilton, 1982).
Much of the huge area now covered with secondary grassland thus
originally had a woody vegetation cover -- NOT forest in the strict sense for the most part, but rather more open vegetation types (woodland, bushland, shrubland, etc.), which were subjected to occasional fires that no doubt had an important impact on them. Moreover, these areas of woody vegetation were in a state of dynamic
equilibrium, a very fragile equilibrium in many areas, especially
in the center and west, where there is an extended dry season.
This situation was further accentuated on sites with edaphic
conditions that were not particularly favorable for the
maintenance of a forest cover, such as on some compact clay soils
(Morat, 1973).
With the arrival of man, and the advent of more frequent burning,
a threshold was crossed, beyond which the irreversible
degradation of these habitats took place. In areas where the
equilibrium maintaining woody vegetation was particularly fragile
(e.g., the Horombe Plateau; see Morat, 1969), the balance could have been tipped very easily, altering large areas without anyone necessarily having to swing a single axe. In the moister east-central part of the island, however, the woody vegetation was almost surely more stable, and its transformation to
secondary grassland required more active human intervention
(clearing), and would thus have been possible only after
population densities had surpassed a threshold level some time
later, a process that was no doubt accelerated by the presence of huge
herds of grazing zebu cattle, whose numbers may be greater than
Madagascar's entire human population.
 Horombe Plateau |