NSF-PEET Project in Systematic Bryology
Staff and Students on the NSF-PEET Project in Systematic Bryology
Dr. Bob E. Magill
Dr. Magill co-developed the Pilotrichelloideae NSF-PEET project with Dr. Allen. He oversees the progress of the grant research and plays a major role in the training of students in computer techniques and database management.
Dr. Steve. P. Churchill
Dr. Churchill is principle investigator on the PEET project. His roles include the training and guidance of the three graduate students during the project and the development of taxonomic component of the project.
Dr. Bruce H. Allen
Dr. Allen works alongside Dr. Churchill on the taxonomic component of the grant.
The graduate students have been responsible for the processing of specimens from Missouri and loaned specimens, in data entry and management, and the collation of the specimens for the molecular sequencing work carried out in collaboration with the Shaw lab at Duke University, North Carolina. They will work collectively on the morphological cladistic analysis of genera in the Pilotrichelloideae and Meteoriaceae and in the monographic work. All the students were responsible for entering the specimen data from the loans that were received from herbaria worldwide.
Christina M. Casado [website]
Christina has a keen interest in the use and application of GIS in ecology and systematics. She completed the mapping work in this project. Chris also developed and managed the database for the taxa used for molecular sequencing and assisted in the preparation of specimens for the sequencing element of the project. Christina graduated in July, 2000.
Zacharia L. Magombo [website]
Zach assisted in obtaining and photocopying the original descriptions of Pilotrichella and other relevant taxa from the literature.
Michelle J. Price [website]
Michelle assisted in obtaining and photocopying the original descriptions of Pilotrichella and other relevant taxa from the literature. She has developed the webpages for the PEET project in collaboration with Dr. R.E. Magill. She also photographed all the images for the speciemens of Pilotrichella for presentation on the website using a PIXERA digital camera system. In addition to that she has scanned all the protologues for the taxa of Pilotrichella from the original literature. These protologues are available through the webpages. Michelle managed the specials 'PEET' database for the names in Pilotrichella that was used in the production of the names list for the website, for the presentation of the images/protologues and for use during the monographic process to update the status of species and nomenclature in Pilotrichella. Michelle has illustrated taxa for the webpages. Michelle has also assisted with the ongoing management of the database for the taxa used for molecular sequencing and in the preparation of these specimens for the sequencing.