Bryophyte Internet Resources |
Links to other Bryological web resources
NSF-PEET projects on Bryophytes |
American Bryological and Lichenological Society (ABLS) |
British Bryological Society (BBS) |
New York Botanical Garden - Bryophyte Catalogue |
Tropical Bryology Group (TBG) |
Internet Directory for lower plants |
International Association of Bryologists (IAB) |
Swedish Museum of Natural History - Bryophyte Database |
The Bryologist |
Bryophyte Flora of North America |
IUCN Redlist for Bryophytes |
Catalogue Uni. Alberta - Uni. British Colombia |
Back to
topNSF-PEET Projects on Bryophytes
Calymperaceae (Musci) at UC-Berkeley |
Pilotrichella (Meteoriaceae: Musci) at Missouri Botanical Garden |
Fossombroniinae (Hepaticae) at SIU-Carbondale |
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topEmail: michelle.price@mobot.org
or magill@mobot.org