Welcome to the home page of
Zacharia L.K. Magombo
I am originally from Malawi (South East Africa) and affiliated with the National Herbarium and Botanic Gardens of Malawi (NHBG) and the University of Malawi but currently based at Missouri Botanical Garden. Academic background University of Missouri St. Louis, USA, currently PhD. candidate in Ecology, Evolution and Systematics program. University of Edinburgh, Scotland, MSc., 1993. University of Malawi, Malawi, BSc., 1989. University of Uppsala, Sweden,Certificate,1990. University of Helsinki, Finland, Certificate, 1993. |
Research interests My research interests are in Systematics, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology with emphasis on tropical mosses. I am also interested in environmental research, sustainable development of developing tropical countries and conservation of tropical ecosystems. |
Current research I am currently involved in three projects funded by National Science Foundation (NSF) - PEET Project at Missouri Botanical Garden (1) monographic research of the tropical moss genus Pilotrichella (Meteoriaceae), (2) PhD. dissertational research of the moss family Diphysciaceae, and (3) revision of the tropical moss genus Floribundaria (Meteoriaceae). Choose W3Most database page for taxonomic data and other details of taxa in Pilotrichella, Diphysciaceae and Floribundaria. |
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ou may contact me at: Missouri Botanical Garden, P.O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO 63166-0299, USA. E-mail: zmagombo@lehmann.mobot.org