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  News from MO - 2001 Table of Contents  


Bryophytes have been a part of the MO herbarium since its inception, and the collection now numbers about 375,000 specimens. The past several years have seen tremendous growth; nearly 34,000 specimens were added in 2000, and 2001 is on schedule for a similar number. The Hegewald Herbarium, acquired in 1993, is now nearly completely integrated, with all specimen data added to TROPICOS. The Clyde F. Reed Herbarium, acquired in 2001, contained about 35,000 specimens of bryophytes, mostly from the Middle Atlantic states, which will also be databased as they are packeted over the next few years.

Bruce Allen continues to work on the Moss Flora oof Central America. This project complements two other regional moss floras, the Moss Flora of Mexico (New York, 1994, 2 vols.) and the Moss Flora of the West Indies (New York, 1998, 1 vol. to date). Part 2 of the Flora, Encalyptaceae through Orthotrichaceae, will be published by MBG Press in 2002. Ingo Holz (GOET) recently visited MO to work on his large collection of Costa Rican mosses. Allen continues to work on the Moss Flora of Maine. In connection with that work, Pat Ledlie (Buckfield), visited MO earlier this year to work on her Maine collections.

Marshall Crosby continues to update TROPICOS with information for the ongoing World Checklist of Mosses. He and John J. Engel (F) are collaboratinng to bring the Index Hepaticarum up-to-date through 2000 and should submit the manuscript to MBG Press by early 2002. Crosby is also working on a revised and expanded version of his Vade Mecum Bryologiae. Si He saw volume 2 of the Moss Flora of China (Fissidentaceae through Ptychomitriaceae) through to press in 2001 and has begun work on volumes 6, the next scheduled for publication, and 3. Yu Jia (PE) visited during the summer as part of his work on Chinese Sematophyllaceae. Si has also begun collaborative fieldwork in South Korea in order to better understand the bryoflora of that country, especially as it relates to that of eastern China. Jong Suk Song, Andong National University, visited during February 2001 to study recently collected Korean specimens. Steve Churchill’s studies of Andean mosses have taken him to the heart of the Andes—he now heads the Garden’s cooperative programs in Bolivia, where he will reside for the next several years. Steve is the middle author of Guide to the Bryophytes of Latin America (New York, 2001) with Rob Gradstein (GOET) and Noris Salazar Allen (PMA). As part of these ongoing studies, Juan David Parra Cuspoca (HUA) and Jasmín Opisso (SMF) spent time in the Bryophyte Herbarium in the past year. In addition to his responsibilities as Director of Research, Robert Magill continued his studies for the fourth (and final) fascicle of his moss flora of southern Africa, completed the treatment of the pottiaceous genus Globulinella for the Flora of North America, and made improvements in the MOST databasing programs.

Christina Casado finished her master’s degree, revising the moss genus Streptopogon and discovering one new species in the process. The thesis in now in press. Michelle Price has accepted the position of curator of bryophhytes at G. She will defend her Ph.D. dissertation, a revision of Holomitrium and related genera, in December. A revision of the wholly unrelated genus Rhynchostegiopsis is in press in the Annals. During the past year, she contributed substantially to the incorporation of the Hegewald Herbarium, databasing collection information in MOST and assisting in label production. She also visited BM, DUKE, G, and NY during the past year. Zacharia Magombo is nearing the completion of his Ph.D., based largely on a study of the moss family Diphysciaceae. During the past year he carried out field studies in Vietnam, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Japan, and Indonesia (Java). Earlier in his investigations he was in Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile, where he recollected Muscoflorschuetzia.

Research Associates: Carl Darigo (St. Louis) continued collecting and identifying North American mosses; Robert R. Ireland, Jr. (Annandale, VA) initiated field studies in Chile and continued his work of Dicranum for Flora of North America; and Willemm Meijer (Lexington) visited to identify his collections from Indonesia.

The bryophyte library contains an extensive collection of reprints, particularly those of William Campbell Steere, purchased in 1978. Volunteer Dolly Darigo recently completed organizing the more recently donated reprints of Bob Ireland and Frank Bowers. Many of these will be formed into bound volumes, with tables of contents, in the future.

Greg Pedano has overall responsibilities for incoming and outgoing shipments (loans, exchangess, etc.), filing specimens, and generally keeping the herbarium in order and the flow of work smooth. Moss packeters Leonardo Mourré and Carol Hebblethwaite, assisted during the summer by Collin Cantwell, continued to provide yeomen’s service as they quickly and neatly labeled and packeted all manner of bryophytes from all corners of the world. In addition to keeping the bryologists and bryophyte program together administratively, Barb Mack added materially to the bryophyte specimen database by entering information from a large number of existing specimens, especially from Latin America.

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News from MO 2001 was created by Kathy Hurlbert, Leslie Miller, Eloise Cannady and Mary Merello (October 2001) and placed on the MOBOT webserver 1/22/02.


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