Distribución Género Familia División

Manual de Flora de Costa Rica

Neomirandea arthodes - (B. L. Rob.) R. M. King & H. Rob.

Lista de especimenes

Brad Boyle 975
Det. by: B. L. Turner 1996
Phenology: FL     	29 July 1992
10:10N 84:06W     2000 m
HEREDIA, BARVA P.N. Braulio Carrillo
Cordillera Central.
Scrambling shrub at edge of treefall.
Leaves smooth, soft-textured and
slightly rubbery. Flowers and
inflorescence branches pink.

William Haber 10015
Det. by: B. L. Turner, II 1993
Phenology: FL     	16 July 1990
10:18N 84:47W     1500-1600 m
Cordillera de Tilarán.
Large epiphytic shrub in open forest.
Flower buds lavender, nearly mature.

Derechos de autor, Copyright © Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad y Missouri Botanical Garden, 1995. Ultima modificación 3 agosto 96