Distribución Género Familia División

Manual de Flora de Costa Rica

Blakea grandiflora - Hemsl.

Lista de especimenes

Billen Gamboa 7
Det. by: J. F. Morales, XI 1995
Phenology: FL     	28 January 1995
09:01N 82:57W     1700 m
Cordillera de Talamanca.
Macolla epífita. Botones florales rojo
terciopelo. Cáliz rojizo.

J.F. Morales 4290
Det. by: J. F. Morales, VII 1995
Phenology:      	3 June 1995
09:42N 84:11W     1300-1500 m
Fila Bustamante.
Arbol de 7 m. Cáliz rojo-verde.

Brad Boyle 786
Det. by: B. Boyle, IV 1992
Phenology:      	31 March 1992
10:08N 84:06W     2750 m
HEREDIA, BARVA P.N. Braulio Carrillo
Cordillera Central.
Hemiepiphyte with very strong, stiff
branches. Young stems, blade and
petioles of new leaves (esp. on veins)
covered with fine brown hairs. Roots
freely at branch nodes.

Brad Boyle 787
Det. by: B. Boyle, IV 1992
Phenology: FR     	31 March 1992
10:08N 84:06W     2750 m
HEREDIA, BARVA P.N. Braulio Carrillo
Cordillera Central.
Large hemiepiphyte on trunk of tall
Shefflera pittieri tree. Very hard,
stiff branches. Fruits red.

Brad Boyle 1008
Det. by: G. Umaña, IX 1994
Phenology: FL     	15 August 1992
10:10N 84:06W     2000 m
HEREDIA, BARVA P.N. Braulio Carrillo
Cordillera Central.
Hemiepiphyte, on fallen tree. Petals
white basally, pink distally.

Brad Boyle 1163
Det. by: G. Umaña, XI 1992
Phenology: FL     	9 October 1992
10:12N 84:06W     1740 m
Cordillera Central.
Hemiepiphyte. Petals white, suffused
with pink distally. Anthers yellow.
                        Transect 1750-1

Brad Boyle 1173
Det. by: G. Umaña, IX 1994
Phenology: FL     	9 October 1992
10:12N 84:06W     1740 m
Cordillera Central.
Hemiepiphyte. Petals white, suffused
with pink distally. Anthers yellow.

Brad Boyle 2759
Det. by: G. Umaña, IX 1994
Phenology: FR     	1 February 1994
10:12N 84:06W     1750 m
HEREDIA, SARAPIQUI P.N. Braulio Carrillo
Cordillera Central.
Hemiepiphyte. In fruit only.
                         Transect 1750-3

William Haber 10856
Det. by: F. Almeda & G. Umaña, I 1994
Phenology: FL     	29 August 1991
10:18N 84:48W     1550-1600 m
Cordillera de Tilarán.
Hemi-epiphytic shrub, forest edge,
secondary forest. Calyx and flower
bracts green, petals pink to red in bud,
6 petals white at anthesis, 12 anthers
yellow with white filaments.

Jens Bittner 1988
Det. by: J. Bittner, IV 1993
Phenology: FL     	22 April 1993
10:21N 84:01W     400 m
Llanura de Santa Clara.
Tree to 15 m. Corolla pinkish.

Gerardo Herrera 756
Det. by: G. Umaña, V 1988
Phenology: FL     	2 October 1987
10:48N 85:19W     800 m
GUANACASTE, LIBERIA P.N. Rincón de la Vieja
Cordillera de Guanacaste.
Macolla arbustiva vigorosa, epífita. Con
botones florales verdes de ápice rojo,
flores de cáliz verde, corola rojo púr-
pura. Anteras amarillas, estigma rosado
de ápice blanco.

Derechos de autor, Copyright © Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad y Missouri Botanical Garden, 1995. Ultima modificación 3 agosto 96