Distribución Género Familia División

Manual de Flora de Costa Rica

Miconia carnea - Cogn.

Lista de especimenes

Brad Boyle 770
Det. by: G. Umaña, III 1992
Phenology: BF     	31 March 1992
10:08N 84:06W     2750 m
HEREDIA, BARVA P.N. Braulio Carrillo
Cordillera Central.
Understorey treelet, 3.2 cm dbh. Twigs
smooth, waxy greenish-gray. Plant nearly
glabrous throughout, except on young
terminal leaves and inflorescence, where
sparsely puberulent. Petioles purplish
above. Calyx green, petals and filaments
pale pink, anthers deep pink, style whi

William Haber 9123
Det. by: F. Almeda & G. Umaña, I 1994
Phenology: FL     	13 March 1989
10:17N 84:47W     1500 m
Cordillera de Tilarán.
Tree 3 m, secondary forest. Flower with
receptacle pale green, petals white
tinted with pink, anther pink, style
white tipped with pink.

Derechos de autor, Copyright © Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad y Missouri Botanical Garden, 1995. Ultima modificación 3 agosto 96