Distribución Género Familia División

Manual de Flora de Costa Rica

Lycianthes grandifrons - Bitter

Lista de especimenes

J.F. Morales 3957
Det. by: J. F. Morales, VI 1995
Phenology: FL     	22 April 1995
09:46N 84:10W     700 m
Valle del Candelaria.
Hierba. Corola verde-crema. Común.

Ellen Dean 361
Det. by: E. Dean, IX 1993
Phenology: FR     	29 September 1993
09:56N 84:14W     800 m
Valle del Tárcoles.
Herb 15-45 cm tall, main stem falling
sideways and rooting at the nodes. Imma-
ture fruit green.  Tuberous roots orange
and brown.  Plants grow mostly 10-12 m
up from stream, but also present near
stream; fairly common in forest and
along road cut bordering nearby field.

Ellen Dean 362
Det. by: E. Dean, IX 1993
Phenology: FL     	29 September 1993
09:59N 84:16W     800 m
Valle del Tárcoles.
Large herb, branching near the base and
ca. 1 m in diam., rooting at nodes. Long
underground stem leads vertically down-
ward over 30 cm.  Flowers white; anthers
yellow, unequal; flowers closed at 10:30
AM, open the next morning, in plastic
bag at sunrise.  In disturbed vegetation

Derechos de autor, Copyright © Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad y Missouri Botanical Garden, 1995. Ultima modificación 3 agosto 96