Distribución Género Familia División

Manual de Flora de Costa Rica

Alocasia macrorrhizos - (L.) G. Don

Lista de especimenes

Michael Grayum 10417
Det. by: M. Grayum, IV 1993
Phenology: ST     	2 April 1993
09:46N 84:32W     130-150 m
Valle del Tárcoles.
Solitary juvenile plant naturalized
along river. No others seen here.
Sterile collection.

Michael Grayum 10692
Det. by: M. Grayum, VIII 1994
Phenology: LR     	8 August 1994
10:26N 84:01W     40 m
HEREDIA, SARAPIQUI Estación Biológica La Selva
Llanura de San Carlos.
Robust, acaulescent herbs in large
colony near dining facility N of river.
Cut foliage with strong cyanide odor,
the sap not milky. Petiole beyond sheath
subterete, weakly channeled above, the
margins rounded. Leaves uniformly bright
green; lamina coriaceous, weakly

Derechos de autor, Copyright © Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad y Missouri Botanical Garden, 1995. Ultima modificación 3 agosto 96