C. Kernan 402 Det. by: M. Grayum, VII 1988 Phenology: FL 2 May 1988 08:28N 83:35W 10 m PUNTARENAS, GOLFITO P.N. Corcovado Península de Osa. Scrambling epiphyte vine, spike and spathe white. Growing in lower « of the canopy; very common in the Monkey Woods.
Reinaldo Aguilar 1804 Det. by: M. Grayum 1994 Phenology: FL 4 May 1993 08:32N 83:26W 300-400 m PUNTARENAS, GOLFITO R.F. Golfo Dulce Península de Osa. Epífita. Inflorescencia verde claro.
Michael Grayum 10063 Det. by: M. Grayum, I 1992 Phenology: ST 27 January 1992 08:40N 83:12W 160-260 m PUNTARENAS, GOLFITO R.N.V.S. Golfito Valle de Coto Colorado. Rigidly scandent trunk epiphyte to ca. 4 m above ground in primary forest on ridge. Sterile collection.
Michael Grayum 10139 Det. by: M. Grayum, II 1992 Phenology: ST 23 February 1992 08:52N 83:17W 400-500 m PUNTARENAS, OSA Fila Costeña. Loosely climbing epiphytic vine ca. 2 m above ground on trunk of understory tree in primary forest on slope. Sterile collection.
Michael Grayum 10836 Det. by: M. Grayum, VIII 1995 Phenology: FR 10 August 1995 09:47N 83:20W 1000 m LIMON, LIMON Cordillera de Talamanca. Rangy, scandent plant in primary forest, hanging down to ca. 2 m above ground. Ripe fruits orange.
Michael Grayum 9464 Det. by: M. Grayum, V 1989 Phenology: FL 16 May 1989 09:53N 83:39W 510-600 m CARTAGO, TURRIALBA Valle del Reventazón. Rangy, divergently scandent epiphytes. --DATOS LARGOS--
Michael Grayum 9444 Det. by: M. Grayum, V 1989 Phenology: FL 8 May 1989 10:26N 84:01W 50 m HEREDIA, SARAPIQUI Estación Biológica La Selva Llanura de San Carlos. Rigidly scandent plants. --DATOS LARGOS--
Michael Grayum 8290 Det. by: M. Grayum, V 1987 Phenology: FL 2 May 1987 10:26N 84:01W 50 m HEREDIA, SARAPIQUI Estación Biológica La Selva Llanura de San Carlos. Scandent plant on tree. --DATOS LARGOS--
Michael Grayum 8593 Det. by: M. Grayum, VI 1988 Phenology: FR 28 June 1988 10:26N 84:01W 50 m HEREDIA, SARAPIQUI Estación Biológica La Selva Llanura de San Carlos. Vine climbing trunk of medium-sized tree --DATOS LARGOS--
Michael Grayum 9802 Det. by: M. Grayum, IV 1990 Phenology: FL 21 April 1990 10:38N 83:45W 12 m LIMON, POCOCI R.N.F.S. Barra del Colorado Llanura de Tortuguero. Scandent plant in much-disturbed forest, swooping to within 2 m of ground. Lamina chartaceous, weakly bicolored, semiglossy both sides. Tertiary veins prominulous below. Spathe tube green with whitish stipples; blade cream- colored.