Michael Grayum 10649 Det. by: M. Grayum, XII 1993 Phenology: ST 10 December 1993 08:49N 83:11W 950-1150 m PUNTARENAS, OSA Fila Costeña. Appressed-climbing trunk epiphyte to ca. 2.5 m above ground in primary forest. Leaves moderately bicolored, semiglossy above, weakly glossy below. Sterile collection. Growing on same tree as Philodendron popenoei (MG 10648).
Michael Grayum 10058 Det. by: M. Grayum, II 1993 Phenology: ST 25 January 1992 09:28N 83:42W 1750 m SAN JOSE, PEREZ ZELEDON Cordillera de Talamanca. Appressed-climbing trunk epiphyte to ca. 8 m on trees in cloud forest. Sheath largely erect, becoming splayed distal- ly. Lamina subcoriaceous, virtually con- colorous, weakly glossy above, semiglos- sy below. Sterile collection.
Michael Grayum 10213 Det. by: M. Grayum, II 1993 Phenology: ST 23 March 1992 09:44N 83:47W 1350 m CARTAGO, PARAISO P.N. Tapantí Valle del Reventazón. Appressed-climbing trunk epiphytes on understory trees in primary forest, climbing to at least 4 m above ground. Sterile collection.
Michael Grayum 10835 Det. by: M. Grayum, VIII 1995 Phenology: FL 10 August 1995 09:47N 83:20W 1000 m LIMON, LIMON Cordillera de Talamanca. Appressed-climbing trunk epiphytes in primary forest, flowering ca. 2.5 m above ground. Spathe light green below, becoming cream-yellowish distally.
Michael Grayum 8110 Det. by: M. Grayum, VII 1995 Phenology: FL 3 March 1987 10:15N 84:10W 710 m ALAJUELA, ALAJUELA Cordillera Central. Appressed-climbing epiphytes, --DATOS LARGOS--
Michael Grayum 10195 Det. by: M. Grayum, II 1993 Phenology: FL 28 February 1992 10:18N 84:45W 925-1100 m ALAJUELA, SAN RAMON R.B. Monteverde Cordillera de Tilarán. Appressed-climbing epiphyte, fertile ca. 2.5 m above ground, on small tree along river. Petiole sheath erect to involute in basal half, spreading proximally. Spathe light green externally, nearly white at currently reflexed apex. Spadix (male portion) cream-yellowish (post-
William Haber 7905 Det. by: M. Grayum, II 1993 Phenology: FL 14 December 1987 10:19N 84:43W 800 m ALAJUELA, SAN RAMON R.B. Monteverde Cordillera de Tilarán. Epífita. Espata blanco-verde (femenina verde, masculina blanca), alma espádice rosada. Látex oxida naranja. Alma 1 cm, femenina = 6 cm, masculina = 8 cm. Internudos 6.2 cm.
Erick Bello 762 Det. by: M. Grayum, III 1993 Phenology: FL 10 March 1989 10:19N 84:43W 900 m ALAJUELA, SAN RAMON R.B. Monteverde Cordillera de Tilarán. Planta trepadora sobre árbol de charral. Espádice: parte masculina 11 cm largo, 9 mm diám., parte femenina 4 cm largo, 14 mm diám.