Stephen Ingram 622 Det. by: J. Atwood, 1992 Phenology: FL 26 October 1990 10:03N 84:00W 1650 m SAN JOSE, VAZQUEZ DE CORONADO P.N. Braulio Carrillo Cordillera Central. Epiphytic on moss-covered branch in 2' forest. Flowers entirely green; basal half of lip adnate to column, distal half folded down with 2 calli at fold of lip; lateral sepals united to near tips. FLR,PLT-ALC
Erick Bello 1340 Det. by: R. Dressler, 1994 Phenology: FL 4 October 1989 10:15N 84:46W 1800 m PUNTARENAS, PUNTARENAS R.B. Monteverde Cordillera de Tilarán. Epífita, del bosque. Flor verde.