Barry Hammel 17677 Det. by: B. Hammel, XI 1990 Phenology: FL 3 September 1989 09:38N 83:07W 600-1026 m LIMON, LIMON R.B. Hitoy Cerere Valle de la Estrella. Hierba de 1 m; hojas muy plegadas; flores blancas.
Helen Kennedy 4577 Det. by: H. Kennedy, VIII 1990 Phenology: FR 28 August 1990 10:09N 83:56W 410 m LIMON, POCOCI P.N. Braulio Carrillo Cordillera Central. Herb to 1.2 m. Leaf strongly plicate, sparkling deep green above, dull medium grey-green below. Pulvinus olive-green, petiole green, sheath lighter green. Bracts green tinged purple. Sepals on capsule tinged purple. Common
Michael Grayum 7875 Det. by: H. Kennedy, 1989 Phenology: FL 13 November 1986 10:15N 84:05W 1200 m HEREDIA, SARAPIQUI P.N. Braulio Carrillo Cordillera Central. Scattered in somewhat disturbed spots in primary forest on ridge. Lvs. rather plicate. Bracts and calyx light green. Corolla ochroleucous.
Orlando Vargas 157 Det. by: H. Kennedy, 1991 Phenology: FL 20 September 1989 10:17N 84:02W 400 m HEREDIA, SARAPIQUI Llanura de Santa Clara. Hierba de 0.90 m. Nervio central amarillento. Flores crema, brácteas verdes.
Helen Kennedy 4668 Det. by: H. Kennedy, IX 1990 Phenology: FL 21 September 1990 10:17N 84:02W 100 m HEREDIA, SARAPIQUI Llanura de San Carlos. Herb 1.0-1.5 m. --DATOS LARGOS--