J.F. Morales 826 Det. by: R. Dressler, IV 1993 Phenology: FL 19 October 1992 09:41N 84:23W 550 m SAN JOSE, PURISCAL Z.P. La Cangreja Cerros de Puriscal. Terrestre. Flores blancas con puntos negros.
Stephen Ingram 853 Det. by: Lista: Ingram & Ferrell, 90-91 Phenology: FL 12 January 1991 10:07N 84:06W 2580 m HEREDIA, BARVA P.N. Braulio Carrillo Cordillera Central. Terrestrial in forest leaf litter and in moss on logs; plants in sun with smaller lvs. Lvs. green, margins crenu- late. Peduncle pubescent above, pinkish below. Sepals spreading, transluscent greenish-white; petals white, spreading; FLR-ALC lip concave, white w/ green dots