Stephen Ingram 615 Det. by: S. Ingram & K. Ferrell, 1990 Phenology: FL 19 October 1990 10:24N 84:02W 150 m HEREDIA, SARAPIQUI P.N. Braulio Carrillo Llanura de San Carlos. Epiphytic on fallen tree trunk in 2' forest. Sepals yellowish-green with 3 faint maroon lines; dorsal sepal with heavier lines; petals maroon. FLR,PLT-ALC
John Atwood 21 Det. by: J. Atwood 1985 Phenology: FL 29 September 1985 10:26N 84:01W 50-150 m HEREDIA, SARAPIQUI Z.P. La Selva Llanura de San Carlos. Flowers greenish yellow, lip reddish, petals reddish &/or with red stripes.