Evelio Alfaro 396 Det. by: J. F. Morales, I 1996 Phenology: FL 13 September 1995 09:23N 83:35W 1210 m SAN JOSE, PEREZ ZELEDON Cordillera de Talamanca. Epífito. Creciendo en bosque primario. Flores blancas. Muestra preservada en alcohol.
Stephen Ingram 745 Det. by: Lista: Ingram & Ferrell, 90-91 Phenology: FL 20 November 1990 10:10N 84:07W 1650-2000 m HEREDIA, HEREDIA P.N. Braulio Carrillo Cordillera Central. Epiphytic on pasture relict tree. Stems stiff and woody. Sepals and petals pale green suffused with red; dorsal sepal and petals protruding; lateral sepals spreading; lip pale basally with red lines, pale green distally; column pale green with dark red at base.
William Haber 3685 Det. by: J. Atwood, IX 1990 Phenology: FL 10 December 1985 10:20N 84:50W 1500-1700 m ALAJUELA, SAN RAMON R.B. Monteverde Cordillera de Tilarán. Epiphyte on Sapium in pasture; flower with calyx chocolate, petal white with a central orange stripe.
William Haber 3922 Det. by: J. Atwood, IX 1990 Phenology: 17 December 1985 10:20N 84:50W 1200 m ALAJUELA, SAN RAMON R.B. Monteverde Cordillera de Tilarán. Epiphyte in pasture; petals white, receptacle purple.