Stephen Ingram 752 Det. by: Lista: Ingram & Ferrell, 90-91 Phenology: FL 30 November 1990 10:19N 84:05W 550 m HEREDIA, SARAPIQUI R.F. Cord. V. Central Cordillera Central. Epiphytic on fallen branch. Sepals white, spreading; petals white; throat white with yellow groove down center; lip with raised, wavy calluses marked with yellow, margins fimbriate. PLT,FLR-ALC
William Haber 10152 Det. by: R. Dressler, 1993 Phenology: FL 10 November 1990 10:22N 84:51W 1000 m GUANACASTE, TILARAN Cordillera de Tilarán. Epiphyte on tree trunk in pasture. Flower pale yellow, lip shaded with maroon.
Gerardo Herrera 1109 Det. by: J. Atwood, IX 1990 Phenology: FL 3 November 1987 10:55N 85:20W 500 m ALAJUELA, UPALA Cordillera de Guanacaste. Epífita en área de repasto. Flor blanco-verdoso, de labelo blanco con corrugaciones anaranjadas.