Every three years, the Missouri Botanical Garden hosts a garden tour of private homes. This summer, members and their guests are invited to tour ten of the loveliest private gardens in St. Louis. Reservations required.
Garden Tour 2008
Sunday, June 8
10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
rain or shine
Take a self-guided tour
If you have already purchased a bus tour, buses will board between 9:15 and 9:45 a.m. at the Ridgway Center.
Gringo Jones
Allen Irrigation and Lawn Care
Bayer’s Garden Shop
Bowood Farms, Inc.
The Bug Store
Gamma Tree Service
Garden Heights Nursery
Garden Savvy
Hummert International
Loyalty Lawn Care
Metropolitan Forestry Services Inc.,
St. Louis Orthopedic Institute
Sugar Creek GardensTrees, Forests and Landscapes
Zick’s Great Outdoors Nursery and Landscape Company

Friends of the Garden Tour
Terry and Roger Beachy
Ann and Steve Bowen
Ann Case
Ellen and Henry Dubinsky
Linda and Steve Finerty
Phyllis and Joe Fresta
Sheila and Jim Hoffmeister
Laure and Jim Hullverson
Paula and Joe Lampen
Janet and David Lange
Isabelle Morris
Sue and Kip Rapp
Mr. and Mrs. Arnie Robbins
Nancy and Dave Sauerhoff
Joan and Chuck Sheppard
Liz and Ken Teasdale
Anne and Eric Weidman
Dr. and Mrs. Joe Williamson