 Flora of Chile Project
En español
Preparation of a modern Flora de Chile is currently underway at
the Department of Botany of the University of Concepción, Chile, under the direction of General Editors
Prof. Clodomiro Marticorena and Dr. Roberto Rodríguez, and in collaboration
with an international group of specialists and institutions. Collaborating
institutions include the Missouri Botanical Garden and the University of Munich,
Germany. Volume 1 of this flora (Marticorena & Rodríguez, 1995),
containing introductory chapters and taxonomic treatments of the
Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms, was published in 1995, and work on
the remaining volumes is actively underway.
The country of Chile extends for 4500 km along the southwest
coast of South America, from the subtropics to Antarctica, and
also includes the Juan Fernández Archipelago, the Desventuradas
Islands, and Easter Island. Continental Chile is isolated
biologically on the north by the Atacama desert, to the east by
the Andes, and to the south and west by oceans. Within this area
are diverse vegetation types, including hyperarid desert,
summer-dry scrublands, the dry cold puna of the high Andes, and
temperate rainforest. The flora includes about 5,000 species of
vascular plants. About 49% of the native species are estimated
to be endemic to Chile; this proportion is expected for oceanic
islands but unusually high for a continental area.
A checklist of the complete Chilean flora was presented by
Marticorena & Quezada (1985), and was analyzed statistically by
region (i.e., separately for continental Chile and each island
group) and by status (endemic, native, introduced) by Marticorena
(1990). Marticorena (1992, 1996) presented an extensive
bibliography of the Chilean flora that is cross-referenced by
family, genus, geographic distribution, and other factos. A
complete treatment of the weeds of the Chilean flora was
presented by Matthei (1995).
The Flora de Chile is expected to comprise six or seven volumes, with
taxonomic treatments contributed by specialists in various plant
groups. Distribution maps are presented for each species, and
some illustrations of diagnostic features are included. Family
order follows Cronquist's system, except the Cactaceae are
projected to be issued as a separate volume. For more
information, contact the General Editors (fax :56-41-246-005).
Marticorena, C. 1990. Contribución a la estadística de la flora
vascular de Chile. Gayana, Bot. 47(3-4): 85-114.
Marticorena, C. 1992. Bibliografía Botánica Taxonómica de
Chile. Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 41.
Marticorena, C. 1996. Bibliografía Botánica Taxonómica de
Chile. Gayana, Bot. 53(1): 1-263.
Marticorena, C. & M. Quezada. 1985. Catálogo de la flora
vascular de Chile. Gayana, Bot. 42: 1-155.
Marticorena, C. & R. Rodríguez, eds. 1995. Flora de Chile.
Vol. 1. Universidad de Concepción.
Matthei, O. 1995. Manual de la Malezas que Crecen en Chile.
Santiago, privately published.