Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana
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16. UNONOPSIS R.E. Fr., Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl.
n.s. 34(5): 26, t. 4, figs. 3--8. 1900.
by Paul E. Berry
Shrubs or small to medium-sized trees with simple hairs. Inflorescences
often branched, ramiflorous or cauliflorous, axillary; pedicels articulate
above the basal bract and provided with a second bract above the articulation.
Flowers small, bisexual; flower buds globose, ovoid, or conical; receptacle
truncate at the apex. Sepals mostly small, valvate; petals 6, 2-seriate,
rigid, valvate, ovate or suborbicular, concave, the interior ones thickened.
Stamens 10--200; anther locules not locellate; connective dilated above
the anther into a truncate disk. Carpels 10--ca. 60; ovule solitary and
almost basal or up to 6--8 and lateral. Monocarps free, stipitate or nearly
sessile, 1--6-seeded. Seeds pitted, without an aril.
Central America, Lesser Antilles, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname,
French Guiana, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia; ca. 40 species, 5 in Venezuela,
all of these in the flora area.
Unonopsis angustifolia (Benth.) R.E. Fr. is known from neighboring
Brazil along the Rio Uaupes and may be expected in the flora area. It has
leaves 4--5 times longer than broad and an acumen 3--4 cm long.
Key to the Species of Unonopsis
1. Rachis of the inflorescence 7--15 cm long, subpaniculately branched
with 6 or more branches, many-flowered...U. glaucopetala
1. Rachis of the inflorescence < 7 cm long, with 3 or fewer branches,
or else unbranched, few- to several-flowered...2
2(1). Young stems, inflorescence rachis, and young fruits densely velutinous;
sepals 6--7 mm long and wide; monocarps large, globose, 20--25 mm diameter,
subsessile, the stipes 1--3 mm long...U. velutina
2. Young stems, inflorescence rachis, and young fruits glabrous to pubescent;
sepals 1.5--3 mm long and wide; monocarps oblong- or clavate-ellipsoid
to globose, if globose then smaller than above, the stipes 5--24 mm long...3
3(2). Stipes of the monocarps 17--35 mm long; monocarps often numerous
(15--60 per receptacle or else numerous scars visible), ellipsoid; seed
solitary and basal; leaves narrowly obovate and shortly acuminate...U.
3. Stipes of the monocarps shorter, 5--12 mm long; monocarps generally
fewer (mostly < 15 per receptacle), oblong-ellipsoid or globose, not
acutely contracted at the base; seeds several per monocarp and lateral
or else solitary and pendulous...4
4(3). Monocarps 20--26 mm long; seeds 10--15 mm diameter; bracts borne
at the base of the pedicel...U. grandis
4. Monocarps generally < 20 mm long; seeds 8--10 mm diameter; bracts
borne on the lower 1/3 of the pedicel...U. guatterioides
Unonopsis glaucopetala R.E. Fr., Bull. Herb.
Boissier sér. 2, 7: 1004. 1907. ---Yarayara, Yarayara negra.
Tree 10--20 m; leaves insculpted or minutely verruculose on glabrous
lower surface, midvein and veins sparsely pubescent; flowers pale green;
monocarps globose, glabrous; fruits turning dull red. Semideciduous, riparian,
and evergreen lowland forests, ca. 50--300 m; Delta Amacuro (Río
Amacuro, Río Cuyubini, Serranía de Imataca), Bolívar
(Altiplanicie de Nuria), Amazonas (Río Cuao, Río Orinoco).
Guyana, Suriname. Fig. 388.
The bark boiled in water is used locally as a remedy for snake bites
and for the bite of Paraponera clavata ants.
Unonopsis grandis (Benth.) R.E. Fr., Kongl.
Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. n.s. 34(5): 28. 1900. ---Trigynaea grandis
Benth., J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 5: 70. 1860.
Shrub or small tree to 6 m; seeds several per monocarp. Riparian forests,
100--200 m; Amazonas (Río Casiquiare, Río Cuao, Río
Negro, Salto Huá on Canal Maturacá). Peru, Brazil (Amazonas).
Unonopsis guatterioides (A. DC.) R.E. Fr.,
Acta Horti Berg. 12: 241. 1937. ---Uvaria guatterioides A. DC.,
Mém. Soc. Phys. Genève 5: 202. 1832.
Shrub or tree to 10 m. Lower montane evergreen forests, ca. 500 m; Bolívar
(Cerro Ich&;n). Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Amazonian Peru and Brazil.
Fig. 387.
Unonopsis stipitata Diels, Verh. Bot. Vereins
Prov. Brandenburg 47: 130. 1905. ---Majagua, Majagua candelero, Majagua
Slender tree 4--12 m; leaves mainly glabrous throughout or sometimes
with the midrib pubescent; flowers creamy to yellowish white; fruits orange.
Evergreen lowland forests and semideciduous forests near savanna openings,
often on lateritic soils, borders of igneous outcrops, ca. 100--300 m;
Amazonas (Coromoto, Río Mawarinuma, Río Siapa, near San Carlos
de Río Negro). Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Amazonian Peru and
Unonopsis velutina Maas, Proc. Kon. Ned.
Akad. Wetensch. C 89: 275, figs. 11e & 19. 1986. ---Tanoajua (Piaroa).
Tree 6--10 m; young twigs and lower surface of leaves densely velutinous;
leaves 16--27 × 5.5--10 cm; flowers cream-colored; monocarps densely yellow-brown
pubescent at first, eventually glabrescent, stipes very short. Semideciduous
and evergreen lowland forests bordering igneous outcrops, moist forests
on diabase, 100--400 m; Bolívar (upper Río Caura), Amazonas
(Coromoto, Río Cataniapo). Endemic.
Scientific Comments:
Paul Berry (peberry@facstaff.wisc.edu) or Kay Yatskievych (kay.yatskievych@mobot.org).