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1111.  Medals awarded Garden at National Shows 1928.

National Flower Show, The Horticultural Society of New York, three American Orchid Society. Bulletin Vol 17, pl. 3, Fig. 2, 1929. 

1112.  National Orchid Society, Mrs. Whitelaw Reid Cup.

Awarded to the Missouri Botanical Garden, May 1928 for orchid exhibit. Same as PHO 2007-2009 and PHO 2007-2019. MBG Bul, Vol. 17, pl. 3, 1929. 

1113.  American Orchid Society. First prize cup.

Mrs. F.E. Dixon silver cup awarded to the Missouri Botanical Garden for exhibit illustrating the development of orchids from seeed to the mature plant. October 16-18, 1930. Bull 18(8):137 (Oct. 1930) 

1114.  Audubon Award 1959.

Kenneth O. Peck, Director Frits Went, Earl Hath (Audubon), Hugh Cutler. 

1115.  Garden horticulture staff members planting water lilies in the main lily pools using string lines.

Garden horticulture staff members planting water lilies in the main lily pools using string lines. 


1116.  Garden horticulture staff members tilling the original dirt bottom of the main lily pools.

Garden horticulture staff members tilling the original dirt bottom of the main lily pools. 


1117.  Garden horticulture staff member tending to water lilies in the main lily pools.

Garden horticulture staff member tending to water lilies in the main lily pools. 


1118.  Garden horticulture staff members tending to water lilies in the main lily pools.

Garden horticulture staff members tending to water lilies in the main lily pools. 


1119.  Garden horticulture staff members tending to water lilies in the main lily pools.

Garden horticulture staff members tending to water lilies in the main lily pools. 


1120.  Water lily "James Gurney" in main lily pools at the Garden.

Water lily "James Gurney" in main lily pools at the Garden. 


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