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681.  Panama Canal Zone Orchid Station of the Missouri Botanical Garden

Panama Canal Zone Orchid Station of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Orchids in pots under shelter, c.1928. 5 x 7 negative. Print available at PHO 2007-0355, PHO 2007-0357, PHO 2007-0358, PHO 2007-0368, and PHO 2007-0369. Negative available at PHO 2007-0367. 


682.  Panama Canal Zone Orchid Station of the Missouri Botanical Garden

Panama Canal Zone Orchid Station of the Missouri Botanical Garden, view of house and shelters. 


683.  Administration Building interior. Herbarium -- Library -- Study Room.

Administration Building interior. Showing the Herbarium/Library Study Room. Graduate students from the Henry Shaw School Of Botany. 2nd from right; Jacob R. Schuamm. NEGATIVE AVAILABLE -- SEE PML 1980-0660, and PRINT AVAILABLE -- SEE PHO 1980-0660 and PHO 2007-0276. 


684.  Colombian Expedition

Scene of Expedition. Copy negative available. Arrival at Gradiot, showing the double bamboo raft in background. George Pring upon raft. MBG Bull. 11: pl. 21 opp. P. 88. 1923. 


685.  Colombian Expedition

Scene from the Colombian Expedition, c.1923. Copy negative available. Cattle grazing before serras near Loge de Alto, Bahia. 


686.  Colombian Expedition

Scene from the Colombian Expedition, c.1923. Copy negative available. Unpacking boxes upon arrival at Garden from Colombia. MBG 11, 1923, pg. 90 


687.  Colombian Expedition

Scene from the Colombian Expedition, c.1923. Copy negative available. Burros packed with their boxed orchids ready to set out from a native Colombian village for a river port, from which the flowers were shipped to St. Louis. 


688.  Colombian Expedition

Scene of Colombian Expedition. Copy negative available. Collecting orchids on Andes of Bogota. George Pring, left, voluntary guide, Cyril Allen, right (later died of jungle fever.) 


689.  George Engelmann's Home

View of front of building where George Engelmann's home. From the Swekosky Photo Collection, School Sisters Of Notre Dame. PRINT AVAILABLE -- SEE PHO 1982-0211 and PHO 2006-0029. 


690.  George Engelmann's Gravestone

Dr. Engelmann's tombstone in Bellefontaine Cemetery. Mounted on board. (His name is spelled incorrectly). PRINT AVAILABLE -- SEE PHO 1982-0212. 

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