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81.  Pitzman nature boy awaits an unwary "dragon" or damsel fly to add to his collection.

Pitzman nature boy awaits an unwary "dragon" or damsel fly to add to his collection. MBG Bull. 50(1):13 (Jan 1962). Negative available at PHO 2005-0886. 

82.  Pitzman nature boy[s] await[s] an unwary dragon or damsel fly to add to his collection.

Pitzman nature boy[s] await[s] an unwary dragon or damsel fly to add to his collection. Photo by Art Fillmore. Similar to MBG Bull 50(1):13 (Jan 1962). 

83.  Children learning about plants under the widespreading branches of a hundred year old gingko. Carol Kohler, teenage apprentice, is teaching.

Children learning about plants under the widespreading branches of a hundred year old gingko. Carol Kohler, teenage apprentice, is teaching. MBG Bull 54 (7): 21( Sept. 1966). Negative available at PHO 2005-0883. 

84.  Japanese Garden. Bridges.

Japanese Garden. Bridges. 

85.  Japanese Garden. Chemtech Bridge.

Japanese Garden. Chemtech Bridge. Dobashi Bridge. 

86.  Japanese Garden. Dobashi Bridge under construction and Rangui posts.

Japanese Garden. Dobashi Bridge under construction and Rangui posts. 

87.  Japanese Garden. Bridge.

Japanese Garden. Bridge. "A lovely bridge welcomes the visitor to the Japanese Garden." 

88.  Lehmann Building. Skylight.

John S. Lehmann Building. Skylight. 

89.  Lehmann Building. Exterior.

John S. Lehmann Building. Exterior. Shoenberg fountain in foreground. 

90.  Lehmann Building. Herbarium stacks.

John S. Lehmann Building. Herbarium stacks. 

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