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981.  Alfred Saxdal working in the old rose garden.

Alfred Saxdal working in the old rose garden. Mounted with PHO 2006-2557 and PHO 2006-2558. 

982.  Two staff spraying plants.

Two staff spraying plants. Historical. Mounted with PHO 2006-2563. 

983.  Floral Display House. Replacing fiberglass roof.

Floral Display House. Replacing fiberglass roof. Mounted with PHO 2006-2565. 

984.  Maze and Administration Building.

Maze being laid out and planted. Administration Building in background. Gift of Dr. Raven. 

985.  Mediterranean House before renovation.

Mediterranean House before renovation. 

986.  National Headquarters of Federated Garden Clubs.

National Headquarters of Federated Garden Clubs. 

987.  Lake in North American Tract.

Lake in North American Tract. Same as PHO 2006-2789. Mounted with PHO 2006-2787. 

988.  North American Tract Lake

North American Tract Lake. George Pring collection #10. Original plantin gof North American Tract and Lake. 

989.  North American Tract.

North American Tract. Fence and stone wall. 

990.  North American Tract Lake

North American Tract Lake 

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