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Title: Early plan for the Missouri Botanical Garden in 1857.
Description: Early plan for the Missouri Botanical Garden in 1857. Possibly drawn by Henry Shaw. Written near bottom reads "Lands and Buildings intended to be left for the support of the Missouri Botanical Garden by the founder H.S."

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Image of Early plan for the Missouri Botanical Garden in 1857.  Possibly drawn by Henry Shaw.  Written near bottom reads
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TitleEarly plan for the Missouri Botanical Garden in 1857.
Subject Arboretum (1860-1925) (Missouri Botanical Garden)
Arsenal Street (Saint Louis, MO)
Farm buildings (Missouri Botanical Garden)
Fruticetum (Missouri Botanical Garden)
Grand Avenue (Saint Louis, MO)
Kingshighway Boulevard (Saint Louis, MO)
Maps (Missouri Botanical Garden)
Missouri Botanical Garden
Prairie des Noyers
Shaw, Henry, 1800-1889
Tower Grove
Tower Grove Avenue (Saint Louis, MO)
Tower Grove House (Missouri Botanical Garden)
Vandeventer Avenue (Saint Louis, MO)

DescriptionEarly plan for the Missouri Botanical Garden in 1857. Possibly drawn by Henry Shaw. Written near bottom reads "Lands and Buildings intended to be left for the support of the Missouri Botanical Garden by the founder H.S."
PublisherMissouri Botanical Garden
ContributorMissouri Botanical Garden
Date of original1857
Date scanned1857
IdentifierBLU 1977-0495
Width of original
Height of original
Condition of originalfair

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