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Title: Acer dasycarpum on Floral Avenue.
Description: Approach to Garden. Acer Dasycarpum lining Floral Avenue before the Great Cyclone of 1896 destroyed them. Floral Ave. was later named Flora Place after the development of the Shaw neighborhood began in 1897.

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Image of Approach to Garden. Acer Dasycarpum lining Floral Avenue before the Great Cyclone of 1896 destroyed them. Floral Ave. was later named Flora Place after the development of the Shaw neighborhood began in 1897.
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TitleAcer dasycarpum on Floral Avenue.
Subject Acer dasycarpum
Flora Place (Saint Louis, MO)
Floral Avenue (Saint Louis, MO)
Great Cyclone of 1896
Main Gate (1858-1919) (Missouri Botanical Garden)
Missouri Botanical Garden
Shaw Neighborhood (Saint Louis, MO)
Shaw, Henry, 1800-1889
St. Louis (MO)
Tornadoes -- Missouri -- Saint Louis
United States

DescriptionApproach to Garden. Acer Dasycarpum lining Floral Avenue before the Great Cyclone of 1896 destroyed them. Floral Ave. was later named Flora Place after the development of the Shaw neighborhood began in 1897.
PublisherMissouri Botanical Garden
ContributorMissouri Botanical Garden
Date of original1891
Date scanned1891
IdentifierGPN 1982-0442
SourceGlass Plate Negative (black & white)
Width of original7 in.
Height of original5 in.
Condition of originalSilvering, chipped emulsion

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