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Title: Cannabis sativa. Against a wall of an unidentified house.
Description: Cannabis sativa growing against a wall of an unidentified house. Picture taken in 1904 by George Moore. 1- 5x7 in. black and white print.

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Image of Cannabis sativa growing against a wall of an unidentified house.  Picture taken in 1904 by George Moore. 1- 5x7 in. black and white print.
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TitleCannabis sativa. Against a wall of an unidentified house.
Subject Cannabidaceae
Cannabis sativa

DescriptionCannabis sativa growing against a wall of an unidentified house. Picture taken in 1904 by George Moore. 1- 5x7 in. black and white print.
PublisherMissouri Botanical Garden
ContributorMissouri Botanical Garden
Date of originalJuly 31, 1904
Date scannedJuly 31, 1
IdentifierGPN 1982-0525
SourceGlass Plate Negative (black & white)
Width of original7 in.
Height of original5 in.
Condition of originalSilvering, fingerprints

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