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Title: Group of graduate students and teaching staff.
Description: Group of graduate students and teaching staff, picture taken in 1917. Front row, left to right: Freiburg Severy; Dr. George T. Moore, Dr. Benjamin Dugger, and Jesse M. Greenman. Back row, left to right: Alex Laurie, seven unidentified students.

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Image of Group of graduate students and teaching staff, picture taken in 1917.   Front row, left to right:  Freiburg Severy; Dr. George T. Moore, Dr. Benjamin Dugger, and Jesse M. Greenman.  Back row, left to right:  Alex Laurie, seven unidentified students.
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TitleGroup of graduate students and teaching staff.
Subject Duggar, Benjamin Minge, 1872-1956
Greenman, Jesse More, 1867-1951
Kohl, Paul A., 1895-1985
Laurie, Alexander, 1892-
Missouri Botanical Garden -- Employees
Moore, George Thomas, 1871-1956
School For Gardening (Missouri Botanical Garden)

DescriptionGroup of graduate students and teaching staff, picture taken in 1917. Front row, left to right: Freiburg Severy; Dr. George T. Moore, Dr. Benjamin Dugger, and Jesse M. Greenman. Back row, left to right: Alex Laurie, seven unidentified students.
PublisherMissouri Botanical Garden
ContributorMissouri Botanical Garden
Date of original1917
Date scanned1917
IdentifierGPN 1982-0637
SourceGlass Plate Negative (black & white)
Width of original7 in.
Height of original5 in.
Condition of originalSilvering

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